Yeah… Here is another HTC Sense 3.5 ROM for HTC HD2 ~ HTC Runnymede. It is based on Android 2.3.5 (Runnymede 0.82.401.1) and using HierOS r1.7.2 Kernel. As usual, the graphics glitches issue was fixed thanks to haldric. Does its performance better than HTC Bliss Sense 3.5? Let’s find out…

As usual, camcorder is not working smoothly. But 720p video is almost playable. Err… I can’t wait for HTC phone with 720p HD display screen like LG LU6200.
Note – You need to have 150 MB CWM partition layout and 1 GB of EXT3 partition to install this Runnymede HTC Sense 3.5 v1.0 ROM.
Installation guide ~ How to Install CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2? (Video)
Download Runnymede HTC Sense 3.5 v1.0 [Kernel: HierOS r1.7.2] NAND A2SD+ Zip ROM here.
Download haldric’s glitches fix here.
I know how to install the ZIP ROM, but how about haldric’s glitches fix zip? Is compulsory to install? Need to install it after ROM installation? Thanks.
Install it like Android ROM. No a must to install. Yes, install after ROM installation.
Facing issue with this ROM regarding market software installation. No installation takes place after I pressed download from market place. Appreciate comments here. Thanks.
I just tested and able to download apps from Android Market.
where do i get this software to update my phone model HTC HD 2 t8585
What software?
Hi Jayce ,
For Runnymede rom which clockworkmod recovery 1.3 is required, 150 mb will do or higher.
150 MB CWM partition will do.
Thanks very much started the process
Hi one more thing, can i delete zip file (rom which i stored in sd card) after flashing is over
Also if again i flash other android rom will i have to do partition of sd card again or start flashing as you have shown How to Install CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2? (Video).
Yes, you can delete Android zip file after installed. No need to repartition SD card.
Hi one more thing how to install haldric’s glitches fix
Install it like Android ROM zip.
Hi could u tell me which nand android is best for htc hd2?? many thanks
Hi Jayce,
Need your help on the capability to change the HTC HD2 windows version to android version? if it can..ow i need to do it?
Just follow the installation guide in the post.
But can find the post? can u link it to me?
This post.
Hello Jayce, I have HTC HD2, I deleted wipe cache partition and wipe data/factory reset in recovery mode. Then I install it from SD Card and reboot. But it’s showing HTC quietly brilliant and one person’s face screen still now. it does not entered away, What can I do ?
It will take around 30 minutes to install.
WOW, all right! thanks,
Hi Jayce,
I istall Runnymede but it’s not booting after installation, it’s stack on the screen saying HTC (Quietly Brilliant) with a picture of a person covering the head.
Help pliz!
How long did you wait?
I have so far waited for an hour.
Hmm… It should not be that long. How much CWM partition layout and EXT3 partition did you use?
I didn’t use any partition, just using the entire sd card with a free space of 1.7gb, I was having a NexusHD2.
You need to have EXT3 partition on your SD card. 1GB better.
Hi Jayce
my phone freeze at the htc quietly brilliant image, when I was installing “HTC Runnymede Sense 3.5 NAND Android A2SD+ Zip ROM for HTC HD2″..
1-)what can i do?? it has been more than 45 mins. how can I restart the process? per your feedback I have done 150 MB CWM partition.
2-) since it is frozen in the middle, can I install another ROM like Typhoon? if so how?
3-) when I remove and put the battery back on, htc quietly brilliant image comes right back.
Please let me know.
1 and 2 questions, refer to my previous reply.
3. Load into MAGLDR, then CWM. Install other Android ROM.
unable to shut down due to no reaction for long press power button…
short press power button no problem – screen off…
This is a known issue. Use the Quick Boot app to do so.
got it … this is my first time flash rom with sense…
many thanks… 🙂
Hi, I wanted to know which android rom is most closely to the rom for the sprint HTC EVO. I have an HTC HD@ and I wanted to know if I can install it on my sd card.
Sorry, no idea as I don’t have HTC Evo.
hey i have installed this nand but it hang during instalation
1– HSPL4
then i have install Radio-Leo-
and then MAGLDR113_DAF
and after that what i have to install Recovery_v1.3_250M or Recovery_v1.3_400M ( i have 4 gb sd card)
after that i went to ad recovery —- advance—— Partition SD Card——- 1024mb—— 0m–
and after that i have move HTC Runnymede Sense 3.5 NAND Android A2SD+ Zip ROM to sd card
and then ad recovery—– wipe data/factory reset——-wipe cache partition—–install zip from sdcard—— nand zip file—— when half yellow line is done so it will stuck i think not move even after 1 hour. please help me
any mistake by me please also tell me
Are you still in CWM after installation completed?
even zip file starts instalation but hang when almost 50% is done or can you give best rom for hd2 link please
Here you are –
anyone facing issue with this ROM regarding market software installation? No installation takes place after I pressed download from market place. Appreciate comments here. Thanks.
Gentlemen, good day.
My English is not good so I use the translator.
I installed the HTC ROM NAND Android Runnymede A2SD Sense 3.5 ROM for HTC Zip + HD2, which is the only configuration that has allowed me my corporate email.
The issue is that the team has made me very slow, further each time I get the blank screen with the HTC when I want to change applications.
It shows me that the HTC SENSE should RESTATEMENT, time, and others, and there is slow the system.
Before installing this ROM format task29 my team and I have done several times in order to run either the ROM but nothing.
Someone show me to do.
install this rom one of the best rom i have find it
The purpose is to continue with Android Sense 2.3.5 or 6 and 3.5, because the appearance is very thin and pretty.
I install the ROM but WIFI is showing error , no wifi at all
Please consult ROM chef on this issue.
Hallo, Jayce after complete installation its hang on HTC brilliant screen. what to do now???
What had you installed on your phone? Please list down all the components and versions.
Hello Jayce, I have a brief question I have a HD2 and I installed the Runnymede today. Everything went smooth until my phone wont read my sd card when i insert it but read it when i removed it. I thought that was very weird. Can you help me?
Sorry, I have no idea too. Please consult ROM chef on your issue. 😉
I wanted to upgrade my phone to the new gingerbread 2.3.7 and run HTC Runnymede Sense 3.5, is that possible and if so, how??
Forgot to mention I have an HTC HD2
HTC Runnymede Sense 3.5 is still based on Android 2.3.5. You can only install either CM7 Android 2.3.7 or HTC Runnymede Sense 3.5.
Follow installation guide to install…
hi jayce,
i installed HTC Runnymede Sense 3.5 in htc hd2 its working well but camera not working and even video recording not working properly.
Download haldric’s glitches fix here.
the link doesn’t work. do you have other link, jayce?
Not sure it can work on Runnymede HTC Sense 3.5 v1.0 or not…
when i want to install the kernel file ?
after install the rom ? or when
and how to install it ?
if dont want to install it , it will become problem ?
What kernel file?
Marc1706 0.1.2 (RC) kernel
I don’t have this kernel file here.
i install OS step by step but it getting working slowly 🙁
Hi Jayce. Please i need ur help… i was using one of the NAND android ROM from here. But i just put my htc hd2 back in windows mobile 6.5
How can i get back the 2gb on my sd card? because its showing only 6gb.
Delete EXT3 partition on SD card.
bluetooth is not working plzzz help
Hi arun, please consult ROM chef on this issue. Or try out other Android ROM.
any idea why not working
No idea. Sorry…
i m using magdlr partion
my AD Recovery option in bootloader
is not working it show message no boot source plzz help
Did you install CWM?
can i install it through rom manager or i have to install from pc
From PC.
ok thanksssssssssss
i had install cwm 250m and install android android now i want to change cwm will erase the older android
Yes, reinstall CWM will delete existing Android ROM.
i have install 400m cwm and when i install android it stuck on htc logo screen is it due to 400m cwm partion
Which Android ROM did you install?
android stuck on htc logo
i have one htc leo phone but that have setup problem. when i finished setup after that it’s took raster and it show htc sing untell 2hours and can’t move it…. please help me what i need to do…..
Hi ksuzan, did you install 150 MB CWM partition layout and create 1 GB of EXT3 partition?
Hi. How i can install haldric’s glitches fix
or Arabic font broken problems like: س ن ګ ه
Install haldric’s glitches fix with CWM just like Android ROM.
Sorry, no idea about Arabic font.
I love this rom… I installed it 3 days ago but the only thing is that it takes up too much internal memory and some of Tue apps that I need I cannot install them cause it tells me insufficient memory
Please reupload haldric’s glitches fix link not work
Tmous maean t-mobile
Sorry, I don’t have it too. Please try to find it at XDA Forum.