How to restore stock firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2? (Video)

How to restore stock firmware on Samsung Galaxy S II? That’s the question that you going to ask before install custom firmware. Or after installed custom firmware and need to send your Samsung Galaxy S2 for warranty service. You need to make sure that your Samsung Galaxy S2 can restore back to stock firmware just like it arrive at your hand in the very first time. Else Samsung Support might not accept your Samsung Galaxy S2 for warranty claim. But some said that Samsung Support do service Samsung Galaxy S2 with custom firmware. Anyway, there is a way to reinstall back stock firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2. Just follow below step by step video guide. No harm to return everything to stock, right? No question will be asked by Samsung Support then.


  • Odin3
  • Stock Firmware
  • USB Jig

Step by Step Guide

  1. Press and hold down Volume Up + Home + Power buttons at the same time.
  2. Release all buttons when you see SGS2 Logo.
  3. ClockworkMod Recovery or stock Recovery Mode will be loaded then.
  4. Select wipe data/factory reset.
  5. Then select Yes — delete all user data.
  6. Turn off your phone after that.
  7. Press and hold down Volume Down + Home + Power buttons at the same time.
  8. Press Volume Up button when warning prompt.
  9. Odin download mode will be loaded.
  10. Connect USB cable to your phone.
  11. At PC, extract the stock firmware .tar file that you downloaded to Firmware folder.
  12. Then bring up Odin3.
  13. Click on PDA.
  14. Select the .tar at Firmware folder.
  15. Click Start then.
  16. Remove USB cable from your phone when you see green PASS! at Odin3.
  17. Android OS will be loaded.
  18. Then follow phone onscreen instructions to setup.
  19. Turn off your phone.
  20. Plug in Micro USB Jig to Samsung Galaxy S II.
  21. Odin download mode will be loaded.
  22. And Custom binary download counter will be reset.
  23. Remove USB Jig and reboot your phone.
  24. That’s all.

Yeah… Your Samsung Galaxy S2 should be back to stock firmware after you done everything as above. No need to worry about warranty claim now.

Note – USB Jig is not a must have to restore back to stock firmware. Just custom binary download counter won’t be reset without it.

Download Odin3 v1.85 here.
Download official Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware here.


  1. Hi Jayce,

    Need to ask, where do you get the micro usb jig? Can provide me the seller or a place where can i get it or can I make it my self? Another thing is what’s the function of the usb jig? Is it necessary to reset the download counter for warranty purposes? Ouh and if I root the phone what happens to the apps that I already purchased or installed in my phone?

  2. Hey

    Thanks for some great guides regarding the samsung galaxy S2.

    However, I have a question.

    I have rooted my phone using odin, and I am thinking about install lite’ning rom v6.1. But how do I restore to the stock rom? As far as I can tell this only show how to restore the firmware, so the phone is not rooted anymore. I have titanium backup pro on my phone and I have made a backup of the phone, so can I use those files to restore back to stock rom with root?

    Hobe you understand and are willing to answer 🙂

    Best regards


  3. Wow man, thanks!
    Currently on rooted custom rom, so if anything happen in later flashes I’ll have this guide 🙂
    Just ordered a USB jig from eBay.

    All the best from Norway!

  4. If I want to restore to the official firmware after root, will my contact and message still remain? Do I need any backup before restore? If yes, what software can I use to backup and how to restore back the contact and message.


  5. hi jayce. i had lite’ning v.6 and thought of going to v.5. it was ok after i had the v.5 but then i thought i had to do a “recovery” so i did. when my phone rebooted, it usually starts with the S logo, right? the thing is my phone is kind of in a loop–rebooting over and over, & showing the S logo over and over again. i’ve tried to root my phone again to v.5 a couple of times, and then back to v.6 but it still shows the same thing.
    what can i do?

  6. So what actually does the usb jig part do? is it necesary to revert to stock firmware, does it void warranty if you dont use it (cause i dont have it btw :p)?
    i recently upgraded to the DXKH1 southeastern asia firmware, to get to the point the languages on that version are too limited and i’d like the previous ones back, like most of the european ones could you help me? i also asked this similiar question on the DXKH1 thread so forgive me for being frequent, but i am in a time of great need of assistance!
    Greetings michael

    • USB Jig will reset custom binary download counter. It has nothing to do with firmware. Basically, you already void your warranty when you install custom firmware through Odin. Use Europe firmware like XXKG5 in your case…

      • Ok thank you, so basically what i have to do now, is use youre video guide from above, delete my current firmware etc… like you do in the first few steps, download XXKG5 from xda probably, follow the next steps(odin and such), and my problem is solved? i am really inexperienced with flashing and do not want to do anything wrong. anyways you are awesome and so is youre blog!

  7. Hi,
    I got a galaxy s2, because the in-call volume too low, I followed some blog and entered into the service mode menu and tried to set some hidden setting to increase the volume. I think I stuffed up the setting, I tried to preform a factory reset, it doesn’t seen to reset everything. Will I follow your restore/flash guide above, it will fix my problem?.. Please help

  8. Jayce,

    Just to ask u about differences for the below

    What is Baseband Version?
    What is Kernel Version?
    What is Build Number?

    Currently my phone i using XXKH3 on the baseband, on the kernel and GINGERBREAD.XXKG5 on the Build number.

  9. hello….i have a question….i have a galaxy s2 i9100 and there’s the thing….. i have for like 1 week and i installed the kies ….then its ask me to update the firmware to the new one….(this was like 3 days after i have the phone) then i did the update…. the problem is now after that my 4g network doens’t work only the slow one…. i tried to wipe all phone on the ”bios” and it doens’t come to the old firmware…. i’m in U.S. using t-mobile ….. can be the update is from europe when i did on kies!? u have to do this on this video to fix it!? please some help…. i’m going crazy without 4g network ( cuz the phone i had before was galaxy s t959v 4G so i miss fast internet lol )

  10. may i know why after i do as you said my baseband and build no. is not the same?


    • thank you
      so only samsung kies is able to let you know about new firmware updates?
      they wont be able to update/ upgrade your android version?
      no other methods to know about upcoming updates and stuff other than samsung kies?

      • Yes, the official way through Samsung Kies only.
        Samsung Kies can upgrade Android to 2.3.4 or later. But the issue is there is no 2.3.4 firmware in our region yet.
        The unofficial way, you can know upcoming upgrade from XDA and SamFirmware.

        • oh, i see.
          so by doing the official way we will have to wait a long time before we get those upates while as i were to do the unofficial way we can updates to the latest anytime when the developer has upload it up on the net?

          ok, i know now.. thanks for all the information.

  11. Hai Jay,

    My sgs2 won’t come into the clockworkmode recovery. only it shows volume up for update and volume down to cancel.
    thank you

  12. Hi I need help because the problem is i got an samsung galaxy overseas from the UK and got it shipped here into the USA and it an galaxy s2 factory unlocked and unbranded but i dont know what firmware kernel is the official one for it Below is what shows up in about phone but i dont know if i flashed the right kernel or rom for it
    Model number: GT-I9100
    Android Version: 2.3.3
    Baseband Version: I9100XXKE4
    Kernel Version: root@avad-server #2
    Build Number: GINGERBREAD.XWKE7


    PHONE: I9100XXKE4
    CSC: I9100XEUKD1
    Build Info: Wed May 18 16:08:22 KST 2011

    letting me know what is the right official stock kernel and rom for the phone
    again i dont believe xwke7 or xxke4 where the ones first on here but i could be wrong




  14. I WILL TRY KF1 seems common among unlocked version if not

    what is the best all around rom
    which is best
    or any others you know of which is the best all around

    also how can you change boot animation im not that advanced with linux script coding
    any easier way to do it

  15. MIUI for Looks
    Batisa70 for Performance (1.6ghz) its also unvolted
    Madmack for Tweaks But Closer To Stock
    Lighting Rom for Battery but with little tweaks
    VillianRom for Insane Battery Life
    LeoMar75 for Full Tweaks
    CM7 for Classic android which battery as well as little performace tweaks

    The top two are Batisa70 and Lighting Rom
    CM7 needs stable version
    most roms use it framework like miui

  16. Hi Jayce,
    I like to say thank you for your support.
    My problem is: I have SG2 from China now I’m living in Europe. The original firmware was ZCKG4 after update fail with Europe firmware now I use ZNKG5 also Chinese firmware. Any chance to bring my android to international firmware in order to have access to android market and other app???

  17. Hi Jaycee,

    Badly need your help because I’ve happened to bricked my Galaxy S2 phone after using the cyanogenmod 7.1 custom rom for quite a while and trying to install back the GS2 stock ROM. Is there any way I can do to resolve this? Before this event happen though, I’ve been experiencing some problems with the SD card not being mounted and says that it should be reformatted. Does this not cover the Samsung warranty? Does it already void my warranty?

    Thanks in advance!

      • I can see only the the first screen when you turn on GS2 and it will stay only on that screen. Won’t be able to see the screen loader (animation). I’ve already tried to restore to factory settings as well as wipe cache. I can also use Odin to flash firmware and it passes but after it restarts, it still won’t go through the boot loader. Is there stil a way on fixing this one myself? 😐

        • Hmm… You should be able to load stock firmware if the installation was completed correctly.

          Which firmware did you install? And what is the message during firmware installation on Odin?

          • Hi Jaycee,

            I’ve flashed again using Odin and a firmware i downloaded from here are the results:

            Odin v.3 engine (ID:38)..
            File analysis..
            Get PIT for mapping..
            Firmware update start..
            NAND Write Start!!
            RQT_CLOSE !!
            RES OK !!
            All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)

            Now I can get past samsung galaxy logo only and I can see now the Samsung animation/loader screen but it still doesn’t finish loading and will just loop. Hope you can help me. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks!

  18. hi, i try to update my s2 to 2.3.4 version but no have chinese languege… can i reset back to 2.3.3 before i update?? i am malaysian

  19. Hi Jayce,

    I rooted my SGS2 using Odin following the normal steps. However, I tried installing customized theme.
    “using recovery mode via installation through SD card “.
    I am having this two problem:
    TW launcher cant launch at all.
    message issue.cant used at all.

    I try to boot back to original firmware with the aid of your video. but problem still persist.
    Any idea or solution?
    Thanks in advance

  20. Do u suggest I try rooting it again and try ur steps. The stock firmware which I downloaded is unbranded. Is there any issue with that?

  21. Hey, man! I’m having a problem here when trying to go back to stock rom. In fact, there are two problems.
    First one is: I have no idea what stock rom I should use. There are lots of them in here ( and I wonder how could I know witch one to install.

    Anyway, I went ahead and tryed the XXKI3 version. Followed all your instructions (just without the jig), but when the phone rebooted, Cyanogenmod was still there! =T

    Any ideas?

  22. Hi Jayce,

    Need your advice on samsung galaxy s2. Any way thta i could retrieve my contacts which i saved in the phone after resetting the phone to factory settings? Thanks.

    By the way nice blog you got running here.


  23. hello,

    umm ever since i’ve flashed lite’ning rom v6.1 xxkh3 into my sgs2 the camera’s sound was not working and also the quality of the image is not like the usual it has very low quality 🙁 .. do you think that if i could restore the stock firmware could get the camera’s sound and quality back?


  24. Good day Jayce, I tried to reset the binary counter using a home made usb jig but it doesn’t work. I managed to have 308k ohm through an electronic board and also tried simple series resistors through pins 4 & 5 with no success. What are the common mistakes in your opinion when making usb jig?

  25. Thank you Jayce for your quick response, my firmware is XWKE7 (Build date: 18/05/2011) downloaded last week. Is it possible firmwares were updated with usb jig banned?

  26. hi jayce! i have a question again sir.. is it ok if i factory reset(in the settings) my firmware is XXKI4 CF-Root now. is it ok? and what does it do? tnx!

  27. hi mate,,

    pleaese help me if you can,

    i had the miui rom to my phone.. and after trying to put the original kernel of android i couldnt
    upgrade it from kies…it writes that i cannot upgrade the firmware via kies,,
    is this because i didnt use any usb jig ? and just install the xwki4 without usb jig/?

    baseband versio (I9100XXKG2)
    kEernel version ( XWKI4 )

  28. Once i reload the stock firmware, is the device able to download updates over the air? Or is it locked to the firmware that u put on it? is there any way to totally reboot your device in every way, like manufactural rest the device just as it comes in the box?

  29. Hi, i have a white S2 and im from singapore, i root the custom lite ning rom and now i wan to flash back. I cannot remember my stock 2.3.3 version kernel so i dun dare to do the reflash to stock.

    now im on kh3. Which stock firmware must i download?

  30. My phone info:
    Android version: 2.3.3
    Baseband: I9100DXKI1
    Kernel: …DXKI2..

    What I found in the, under DXKI2, there’s 2 download links

    1. OLC MultiCSC
    2. DXKI2 Stock Kernel

    Just want to double confirm, if I already rooted using CF-Root (without flashing any ROMs), and want to revert back to the stock kernel, I only need to download “DXKI2 Stock Kernel” and follow the instructions above? Thanks in advance 🙂

  31. I downloaded the stock FW as described
    my phone now shows:
    android 2.3.5
    baseband: I9100NEKI2

    KIES Now doesnt show any firmware version and the space is blank. what is all this and how i can fix it to get future updates through kies


  32. Excues me, noob question here…
    If i rooted my sgs2 with cf root
    and i follow the steps above , my sgs2 will be totally back to stock rom and unrooted?

    Green light to service center?

  33. hey thise firmware is bugs i donload many firmware from sam but still bug some time 3g prob some time lockscreen waiking up slowely i give to servise center they will help i hope 🙂

  34. Before i rooted my phone, i created backup via kies so i could restore last settings made before root should anything go wrong. After root (CF root) and flash custom rom, none of my user apps were seen (I guess this is the case). Now I want to restore to previous settings. I found this tutorial but can’t seem to understand where to get stock firmware?

    baseband ver: I9100XXKI1
    kernel ver:

    Above is as per phone info before root.

    • ok, i somehow managed to answer previous inquiry. Another question: Could i just flash (using odin) XWKI4 firmware directly? It’s not my stock FW though. Would there be problems if i do this? And assuming all is well after flashing XWKI4, can i now use kies to restore previous settings so I can have back my apps?

      Thanks Jayce.

        • Have done as per above. Difference is that when I flash the FW, it took lesser time compared to the vid, much lesser. When it said “PASS!” phone rebooted without “yellow-triangle-warning-sign” symbol on screen and I removed usb cable. Screen didn’t move on from there. Is this what you called “boot loop”? What can I do from here on?

          Pls advice. Thanks.

          P.S. I can’t use as per your advice (Titanium) as I have my backup done already beforehand at KIES.

            • Yeah. I guess I flashed kernel since it only took less time to do it in Odin. I found out later that yours took longer because file size is bigger, say more than 200MB. The one that I downloaded and flashed was only like 5mb or so. I might have downloaded the wrong file. Now, I’m downloading a bigger size of the same “numbers and letters” (XWKI4) with longer file name as well :-). Will try flashing this one (>200MB) once download is finished. This should get my phone back to stock, should it not? Otherwise I will ask you for additional advice.

              Let’s say this would bring my phone back to stock, can I restore my apps using restore function @ KIES? Hope so 🙂

              One more thing. Is Titanium a free app?

  35. Hey jayce, thanks for the video.

    My current kernel version is jpkj2 and my question is that I want to flash another stock firmware on it lets say xwke1. could that process brick my phone or it doesn’t matter ?

  36. Hi Jaycee
    . Thanks very much for the painstakin efforts u took to bring out such fab. video
    I’ve rooted my SGS 2 with an insecure kernel first, then rooted it with s2root application and then flashed the secure kernel to remove the yellow triangle. Since i didn’t had the clockworkmod, i then followed ur method of rooting with cfroot kernel. After that I installed MIUI rom but i want to revert back to the stock rom. Will i have to follow any special procedure to do so, or the one you mentioned in the video is enough?
    Have I done the wrong thing by following the 2 different methods of rooting? I did the root by cfroot kernel the next day after doing it by the first method.
    My firmware version was XWKE8

      • Well, I had to follow the cfroot kernel flashing technique after my first method because when I opened ROM Manager after rooting with the first technique, it said that I need to flash CWM. I downloaded a zip file of cwm and flashed it with rom manager with the apply update frm sd card technique. After the flashing took place, my galaxy s2 started booted into cwm eveytime i rebooted my phone (during which both my phone and me froze coz GS2 costs a bomb dude and if anything would have happened to it, my parents would have killed me). After that I started praying to God (the only thing which I found feasible at that time) and did all sort of wierd promises 😉 Thankfully, my phone booted in the custom rom and I took a breath of relief. You wouldn’t believe me, when this thing happened, next day was my Maths exam. I forgot my exam & started researching to get my phone back to working at any cost. Thankfully, i managed to pass in the exam 🙂

        • well sorry dude, i meant to say stock rom, not custom rom (in the 8th line) and happy to see that u spared some time to comment on my query 🙂

          • Is any custom ROM based on the ICS available now? I’ve tried googling it out but no satisfactory result till now. Should I wait sometime b4 trying a custom ROM based on it?

              • Hey dude now i’m facing a new problem. In my MIUI ROM, my phone is not showing any reception signal in the top right corner although i’ve tried inserting the sim card properly umpteen times. I’ve also tried restarting it many times but no development either. The most weird thing was that it received the gprs settings message from my service provider although i couldn’t make any calls. Definitely there is no problem wid the sim card coz now i’m using it on my moto L7. Whenever i make a call frm other no. to my no. the ring can be heard on the diallers side but no call shows on my phone. Whenever i make a call, a dialog box shows that turn off the airplane mode. Whenever i turn it off frm the settings panel, it turns on again on itself. What to do???????

                  • Well thank God i got my phone back to working again. In the settings menu, i searched for “airpl” and something popped up and i pressed it. Then the process crashed and i forced closed it, and lo! my phone detected the sim card and got the signal. Accident has made my phone working again.
                    A new mobile odin app has come from chainfire. Can you also work upon that and upload a video on its tutorial?
                    Thanks very much for you spare time to reply on everyone’s comment. I’ve seen many bloggers who dont seem to bother about peoples comments on their blog. But you’re the only blogger whom i’ve found to reply to everyone’s comments and solve their problems. Keep up the good work dude!!!!

                    • Hey bro can you tell me how can I install a custom bootanimation in my gs2? i’d be glad if u can give me a link to any video related to it. Is installing a custom kernel a good option? I have miui 1.11.25 as i’ve already told ya. One last query, if i update my miui, will the 90 mb installation file save in my sd card and eat up my valuable storage space and should i delete it if it is so?

  37. Hi, so if i’ve recently flashed to a euro stock firmware XKK2? (2.3.6) and i would like to send it to my local service centre i have to flash back to stock firmware?

  38. Hey Jayce… SGS2 is using MIUI Rom but now i want to go back to original…..what do i need to download? firmware and stock kernel? or just firmware?

  39. i found the XXKH3 firmware….but it won’t be able to update to new firmware using KIES…i cant find XXKH3 firmware that can be update to new firmware using KIES…

  40. PDA:I9100XWKF3
    This was my actual version of 2.3.3 when i got my sgs 2 but i found the stock rom in the firmware section. The file was in exe and i have extracted and the pda file was in .tar, fine i have flashed my mobile to 2.3.5 of this version
    when i tried to download the stock rom of 2.3.3 under odin mode all the files got downloaded to the phone and when the phone takes the files to copy it shows error with red lines and shows to reebot after rebooting the sgs 2 logo appears and thats it over stuck over there. The 2.3.5 version file is .tar.md5 checksum file mine downloaded firmware from ur site is just .tar any suggestion pls give reply to me i want to revert to the back indian model.

  41. Hello Jayce!
    Great website!

    I just want make sure one thing… Maybe it’s a stupid question: My phone is rooted I bought already like that. Will I lose the root access?

  42. Hi Jayce.

    My phone details are:

    Android 2.3.5
    PDA: I9100BGKJ3
    PHONE: I9100XXKI4
    CSC: I9100XECKJ2
    Kernel: root@DELL128#2

    After rooting my S2 with CF-Root-SGS2_XW_XEN_KJ3-v5.0-CWM5, wifi is not working properly, it can’t get a dynamic ip address with dhcp. I’m confused for that reason and I’m thinking to restore stock firmware because I tried to reset defaults and it didn’t solve the problem. Maybe rooting felt bad to my S2 or CF-Root file used was not the correct one?

    So, I would like to restore stock firmware.
    I downloaded the following from searching my spanish firmware of Movistar:

    Firmware info: PDA:BGKJ3| PHONE:XXKI4| CSC:XECKJ2

    BGKJ3 Stock Kernel:
    Password: intratech@XDA

    Those give me two files:


    Could you tell me if I should use the first file
    (GT-I9100_XEC_I9100BGKJ3_I9100XECKJ2_I9100XXKI4.TAR.md5) in PDA and without enabling “Re-partition” then I would restore stock firmware?

    After that, would I see the yellow exclamation?

    Thanks in advance!

  43. hey,i did everything exactly as you did but after i close odin and my phone reboot it shows the s2 logo and then againn reboot!!!!!!!what should i do?????

  44. Hello,
    I downloaded my stock ROM XWKF3 for i9100 through xda.There I saw link for stock kernel KF3 also.When I downloaded stock kernel from xda,I see that it’s an EXE program.
    Now I want to know-
    1.when and why is this stock kernel required(the restore-firmware guide says only .tar from downloaded firmware is required)
    2.whenever it’s needed,how can exe be used on my android?
    3.At the time of root,I downloaded original and “insecure” kernels for my series XWKF3 from xda.So I wan under impression that this “original” i9100 kernel is SAME as stock kernel.But now I see Stock Kernel on the link you mentioned is roughly 5MB while the original kernel that I downloaded while rooting is 8MB.SO are these two different?If yes,which one is REAL stock (original)kernel?
    Thanks .

    • 1. Stock kernel is needed when remove yellow triangle after installed CF-Root.
      2. Click on exe, it will extract the tar file.
      3. I don’t use insecure rooting method. No comment. Use CF-Root which is much easier.

      • Thanks Jayce for quick reply.
        Few doubts-
        1.My stock kernel version is XWKF3.I flashed it with CF root.Then just for the sake of upgrading I flashed it again with CF root KI4 (as I think KI4 will be advanced than KF3).
        Now suppose I want to install Cyanogenmod,so I downloaded CM7 from your link.Can I install it on my “new” flashed kernel CF-KI4 or I will have to revert first to my “original” CF-WX-KF3 kernel?
        2.I should install all new ROMs from sdcard and only for official firmware update/restoration,I should use “Odin”.Am I correct?
        Thanks again

  45. Hi Jayce,

    When you flash the stock ROM again after wiping factory settings in ClockworkMod Recovery, does this remove ClockworkMod Recovery? I looked around and it seems to be awkward to remove it completely. If I wanted to go completely stock, will this method replace the ClockworkMod Recovery with the official Android system recovery ?


      • Thanks Jayce for your quick reply.

        I downloaded a stock firmware off xda’s website and it matches the PDA and PHONE versions but not the CSC version. I can’t seem to find a stock ROM that matches my exact one!

        I am on Gingerbread 2.3.4.
        PDA: I9100XWKI4
        PHONE: I9100XXKI1
        CSC: I9100CPWKH1

        I live in the UK and my phone is unlocked [I assume by dialing *#7465625# and all appeared as (OFF)].

        Could you tell me if the CSC doesn’t match your stock firmware, will this matter later on if I wish to return my phone to stock?


  46. Can I dual boot into 2 roms such as miui and cm7 on my galaxy s2 i9100? plz. tell me about any elaborative procedure to do so and whether it’s safe or not. Any idea when will be the CM9 available for Galaxy S2?

  47. im having problem reflashing my galaxy s2 to stock firmware
    GT-I9100_SIN_I9100DXKI2_I9100OLCKH1_I9100DXKI1 while performing it using odin.

    Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
    File analysis..
    Get PIT for mapping..
    Firmware update start..
    _______________________then it stops here. nothing follows…
    what should i do. i tried booting it many times to download mode but still getting this.
    i even cleared the cache and did a full factory reset

  48. @ally: You need to change CSC to the correct one if still can’t upgrade firmware with Samsung Kies.
    Yes, you can install DXKL3 firmware directly with Odin.

  49. i wan original i9100 not i9100G malaysia firmware, all code i dunno how to see.i wan flash back original firmware and take back to warranty. thx alot

  50. Hey
    i rooted my Samsung GSII, flashed Galnet MIUI ICS stable, the install was successful but am stuck stuck at the mi galnet boot screen.
    The download mode and recovery mode are working, odin detects when connected to pc.
    i wanna go back to stock rom. i have a back up files taken by cwm on my external sd, is there any way i can restore my phone from it?

    Please suggest me, what to do next?

  51. Hello, your website rocks dude!!! I was wondering if you can help me with a video cuz I change some stuff from my sg2 but it was the issue of boot loop using this rom, I reinstall the rom without the rooting process and no more booting, but it was a issue with some apps, now I used the rom that you posted the gingerbread 2.3.6 and everything is working fine, but I would like to clean all the configuration in order to make sure that mobile will be working properly, thank you

  52. Hai, jay… i wanted to ask you for opinion…

    previously my s2 was flashed bastisa 70 2.8 rom and i faced FC and so i reflash it again with recovery

    and after i finish flashing, i straight go for CWM restore because i dont want bastisa anymore…

    But now my restored stock (KL3) firmware having 20* android os (quite battery drain)

    and i forgoten about the original firmware details

    Android version – 2.3.6
    Basedband version – I9100XXKI3 (i can’t really recall it, but i think not KI3)
    Kernel version –

    Should i restore my phone to stock firmware again? and re cf root to get restore my logs and sms with titanium backup? Or there are other way?

  53. Hello buddy,

    Thank you so much for this help mate. I wanted to revert the official ROM so desperately after upgrading to ICS 4. It was horrible with uncountable bugs and crashes. Shacks! Official is always better 😀

      • Hey Vijay

        Just follow the above steps. Most important to get rid of boot loop is to go into recovery mode and factory reset the phone. Then continue with the above instructions carefully. It will be no problem.

  54. hi jayce,
    whenever i install stock rom on my galaxy s2 indian version it goes into boot loop…
    i hav tried 3 stock roms from xda forum and nothin has keeps going to boot loop…
    i currently hav sensation rom 3…please help me install stock rom…

  55. I tried to go back from 2.3.6 to my customer firmware 2.3.3 but it keeps going into boot cycle.
    the 2.3.3 is a single file that i upload to PDA using ODIN : I9100JPKH1_I9100XXKG5_I9100OJPKH1_HOME.tar

    and the one i upgraded to (2.3.6) : alot of files that end with .tar.md5

    now i havce the 2.3.6 running (sadly no arabic support).
    how can i go back to the original 2.3.3 without going into the Boot cycle?

  56. i guess i’ll wait for a stable ICS release to come out, since i tried the 4.0.1 and 4.0.3 and they had some issues still.

    thanks mate

  57. hey.. i just flashed my SGS2 to 4.0.3 XXLP22..
    but it is just too much bug..
    how can i flash it back to normal OFFICIAL 2.3.5/2.3.6 at here egypt??do i have to download new kernel too?
    does it involve PHONE or CSC?
    sorry too much question..hope u can help me

  58. Hi,

    can i copy a ROM from another SGS2 to my SGS2?
    my friend has 2.3.5 with support to arabic and i have a 2.3.6 custom ROM.

    i know i can downgrade to a stock 2.3.4 then upgrade to 2.3.5.

    but just wanted to know if it can be done 🙂
    would be nice to see a mobile with a ROM that you liked, then copy it from the Mobile.

  59. Very useful guide. I restore my rooted samsung galaxy note of 2.3.5 to samsung official 2.3.6 firmware. Very clear and useful guide. Thanks Jayce

  60. hi jayce i have installed xxkl4 but at about my phone it shows BASEBAND VERSION UNKNOWN also the flight mode sign is on although it is off and my phone doesnt recognise my sim card any ideas????

  61. I have accidently flashed Samsung notes custom rom on my S2 and now my S2 doest nt boot just white screen apears. i tried to flash stock firmware through Odin but it says failed while the flash process..PLz help..:(((

  62. Soo for my galaxy juz tha samsung logo comes up, nd tryd tha reset likyou sed nd didnt wrk, my brothr erased tha firmware so iz ther nethng i can do

  63. no, as far as i know i tried all types of resets and it stays on the startup samsung logo, and when i connect it with my laptop it says thephone is fuctioning fine….i just know my brother some how deleted the ROM and stock software or firmware…… is there anyway to recover it or download it to my computer and then to the phone. please helpp!!

  64. Hi michael
    do you have Samsung galaxy i8150 firmware
    My phone seem crazy after i install cpu master.but for sure i not running bcoz root required.Need u help buddy.thanks

  65. Hello,
    i am in a bit of confusing situation,i purchased sgs2 from India on October with manufacturing date sept-2011 (manufactured in china exported to India)and earlier this week i updated my phone from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 gingerbread XXKG3 after update the phone is draining up the battery very early as compared to the previous official stock firmware which was 2.3.3. i wanted to restore my stock official firmware but i don’t know my official firmware baseband or build or kernel version. i want exactly the same version of my official firmware as it worked perfectly with my phone. HELP

  66. Is there any way to find my official firmware by product serial number or something like that..?
    after updating to 2.3.4 through odin can i claim for warranty or restore back to official firmware from Samsung service centre in India.

    and 1 more thing my phone display blips up after every 15 to 20 minutes and loops on for 3 to 5 times without touching the device is this normal or it can be fixed through settings menu.

  67. Hey, the above mentioned links are not working (ex.multiupload)can you give me alternate link for this will be really very helpful and appreciative..


    Firmware info

    Build date: 09/06/2011
    XWKF3 Stock Kernel:

  68. Hey i have find out my original official firmware…

    Baseband I9100DDKE4

    Kernel root@DELL101#2
    but cant find any download source can you help me…please its a request..

  69. Hi,

    I have flashed my firmware to ICS in my SG2 without backing up my factory firmware. Is there a way to get my factory ROM back? I am from middle east region.

  70. Hi,
    I have a problem and I am desperate to get help.
    I have tried to root my phone and used Odin to put a tar file (6mb large) on my Galaxy S2. Now the phone gets stuck at the yellow sign part. I did a factory wipe and now I dont know what to do.How do I get my old firmware back? I dont know what is my firmware but I got my phone from Hong Kong. My girlfriend got the same phone from the same seller and hers says I9100xxkg1 and zskg2. What are the chances that this is the one I need ?
    Where do I get it from

  71. hey jayce i got a samsung galaxy ace s5030 and locked himself after attempt i don have a google acount what should i do

  72. I need help here. I have a samsung galaxy s2 i777, i rooted it and then installed android 4.0.3 (ICS). Now after hating the os and having issues i want to reinstall the stock firmware but cannot get my device into download mode. It was working before but now nothing works. what do i do?!?

  73. I have my rooted my galaxy s2 ..initially I flashed a custom Rom and later restored to stock Rom using cwm suppose I receive an update from kies and I do so will the root affect the update ???

  74. Dear While upgrading my galaxy s 2 it failed and now my mobile screen shows mobile an error symbol and PC. I restart it by taking out the battery but no difference. plz help

  75. Interrupted firmware update – phone frozen with warning sign
    Was trying to update firmware for my Galaxy S 2 and this was interrupted. Phone now shows a pic of a phone, 2 dots, a warning triangle, 2 more dots and a PC – and this will NOT go away, no matter what I do – viz try & switch off, take battery out, hold down every key, etc. etc.

    Please help…!??

  76. Hi, I followed your steps up to no. 20, which I understand is not necessary to go through.

    I still can’t get Kies to upgrade my phone to the latest firmware, as my phone doesn’t allow it (I don’t get the pop up to press Yes on). I suspect it may still be rooted, as my kernel is named root@DELL103 #2. Is this the case?

    (Needless to say, I’m a noob who just managed to root my phone following your recipes. 😉


  77. Hey Jayce,

    Is it possible to restore a SGII rooted on lightening rom 6.1, firmware 2.3.4 to get the original firmware (factory). My phone was unlocked when i bought it and still is unlocked.
    My baseband is I9100XXKH3, Kernal version is #20 and lastly build number is Lite’ning Rom v6.1 XXKH3.

    I’m a noob at all of this, could you please help me as i am wanting to update to 4.0.1 firmware soon in Australia unlocked.

  78. hi jayce, i updated my s2 to the official ICS firmware using mobile odin but i really hate it and want to return to gingerbread, so can i just use mobile odin without going to this recovery mode thing?

  79. hi jayce
    was thinking about installing the ics remix rom by westcrip watched the video and it looks pretty fast and cool just wanted to know your opinion before i flash as you have always beeen lot of help.

  80. Hi Jayce,

    I really liked your video and it was easy to follow…

    However I need some help to find the firmware you are using as that is what was one my phone before I had it rooted now I need to go back…

    I followed your link to XDA-Developers site, found the firmware I need however it is hosted on which I believe is no longer available and taken down…

    Can you help me find or provide me a link to the XWKF1 firmware??

    Much Appreciated…

  81. hi there,
    I have a problem with my stock music player it doesn’t read my songs, but when i use another music player(PowerAMP) it reads all my songs. any solution


  82. i also have another problem i had rooted my phone before, then i unrooted back flashed it back to normal with 1binary count… when i install the CSC manually *#272*IMEI# I cant find anything its just black.

  83. The kernel version changes upon upgrading? cause i cannot find a firmware 2.3.6 for my PDA XXLPQ. Its already upgraded to 4.0.3. and onlhy that firmware i can find.

  84. Hi Jayce… After flashing stock rom should i flash stock kernel related separately or it installed automatically while rom was flashing… Thanks

  85. Hi, when I bought my phone it had this info:

    1. Android version: 2.3.3
    2. Baseband: I9100BUKG1
    3. Kernel:
    4. Build number: Gingerbread.BUKG2

    What stock firmware should I use from xda-forum thread?
    Is XXKG2 good enough ? Also this means I will loose ROOT and CWM ? Now I have Cyanogen 7.1, and I wiped cache,factory reset in CWM. What else should I do ?

  86. Jayce please tell me, is there any problem if I install a different region kernel on my SGS2 ?

    Also what’s the difference between a Carrier firmware and an unbranded one? Which one do you recommend ? A Carrier firmware is blocked on using a SIM card of that carrier ?

  87. Hi Jaycee,

    I just want to ask if it is ok to “unroot” your SGS2 using the stock ICS firmware? Do you think you can still claim your warranty from Samsung service centers?


  88. Hi jayce!

    My friend was running on ICS and wanted to revert back to gingerbread so I helped him flash

    the stock firmware. But I messed up because I forgot to do a factory reset. I was stuck on the

    android image wherein you have to choose what language to use and gives me an error

    message so I can’t go anyfurther. After reboot I was unable to turn on the device again. I tried

    using a jig but still won’t go to download mode. I also tried to replace the battery but still

    nothing positive happened. I hope I did not destroyed the device. What can you suggest I

    should do?

      • Hi jayce,

        In download mode I still can’t do it. In recovery I forgot to do it. Now my friend brought it the

        the sammy service center. 🙂 I hope I did not brick it. Is it possible that I brick it jayce?

        Eventhough the Odin passed the installation of stock gingerbread because I was able to boot

        but can’t go any further because I was stuck with the Android image.

      • By the way jayce, I forgot to ask, it’s okay to downgrade from ICS and flash the stock

        gingerbread right? Just to be sure because I felt bad on what happened.

  89. Do we need to root first to flash stock firmware or we could easily downgrade from stock ics to stock gingerbread without rooting?

  90. Ok,so i want to do this because i think it will get rid of my battery drain i have one question…Do i need to download just firmware? Or kernel too? Thanks in advance 🙂 BTW,i will give you my about phone information:

    Android version: 4.0.3
    Baseband version: I9100XXLPS
    Kernel version: 3.0.15-I9100XWLP7-CL340913
    dpi@DELL134 #3
    Build number: IML74K.XWLP7

  91. I got my phone GT-I9100 (non-G version) on last year July.
    If I need to restore the stock firmware back the phone, which one should I download as refer below?

    PDA: I9100DXLP9
    CSC: I9100OLBLP9
    OS: 4.0.3
    Date: 2012 April

    PDA: I9100DXKL3
    CSC: I9100OLCKL2
    OS: 2.3.6
    Date: 2011 December

    PDA: I9100DXKI2
    CSC: I9100OLCKH1
    OS: 2.3.3
    Date: 2011 September

    PDA: I9100DXKF1
    CSC: OLB
    OS: 2.3.3
    Date: 2011 June

    Thank you…

  92. why is that i cant do step number 11-15. i had open the odin yet there is no yellow color appeared like yours. .and its not working at all. what should i do? 😐

  93. hi
    can u help please
    will this work with galaxy s2 gt-i9000g?
    i dont know which stock firmware i had which one should i use?
    more specificly i have an issue with my camerait says the warning camerafailed each time i try
    to open camera can you help please

  94. Hi i followed all the steps but after i have run the firmware with Odin it passed but my screen didn’t load up. i waited for 20 minutes and nothing its stuck on the start up screen i can’t do anything now please i need your help asap

  95. I tried that already 3 time and same thing happened. I think that there is something wrong with the firmware zip. Can you please send me another link where i can download the firmware file again, one that you know it will work, I will really appreciate that.

  96. Hi Jayce! I went to the xda site for the stock roms. Mine is XWKF3. But I’m not really sure about the country (CPW,XEU,INU,etc) because i have no idea where my friend bought it from. I live in India. Which one should i choose? Would choosing a wrong one brick my phone?

    • I am also not sure because you need to consult your friend for that. Install other region I9100 firmware is okay, as long as your SGS2 is I9100 model.

  97. Hi I have installed I9100XWKJ1 firmware 2.3.5 on samsung galaxy s2 GT-I9100but it won’t work to reset the custom binary download counter with the USB jog. any suggestions? However the yellow triangle is not there but the the custom counter binary is 2, will i be able to use the manufacture warranty?.

  98. Dear jayse.

    after updating android 4.0i can not see my USB storage in my Samsung galaxy note under My Files option

    Kindly give me solution what to do.

  99. Dear Jayce
    please help me
    2 days ago i turned the flight mode on and got to bed when i wake up i found the battery dead knowing that it was nearly 70% charged, then i found the flight mode hanged on the ONmode ,however i down graded the firmware from 2.3.6 to 2.3.5 using ur way ( thanks BTW),
    now the SIM cant be seen by the phone, wat can i do?!!!

  100. My samsung galaxy s2 don’t get the “download mode” screen…it works but its screen is totally black. when I push the 3buttons’combination I don’t see any sgs2 logo…

    any suggestion?

    ps: except for the screen, the phone seems to work and can be connected to pc

  101. hello jayce, tried to do this tutorial as my phone (Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100) is under a yellow triangle screen and wont boot. When i get my phone connected in download mode my computer says the device is not recognised. then when i go into odin it cant find it. I got kies and the drivers but nothing. i really need help. (Before all this happened i tried rooting but failed as i used the wrong firmware)

  102. HELLO JAYCE, my current sansung galaxy s2 firmware is 4.0.3 XWLPD updated using kies and now its rooted………..the Q which i want to ask from you is that ill need a stock firmware XWLPD 4.0.3 to restore it or any other firmware and after restoring it will downgrade to GB or remain same ie ICS

  103. my current firmware is 4.0.3 XWLPD pda=lpd, phone=lpb ,csc=lpb…………now im going to restore my firmware back to ics so for RESTORING i need XWLPD 4.0.3 or i can use any other like XXLPQ etc there are many other firmware versions for 4.0.3………..which one i have to use

  104. Help!!!…noob here tried to flash my sprint sgs2 to boost…and bricked it…a buddy tried to fix and erased the kernal memory…so now I have a true brick…cant enter recovery…says low battery cant download…and now battery wont charge…any ideas??????…thx in advance…

      • no…going to try another battery tomorrow…won’t do anything, think battery is bad or won’t charge with kernal being wiped…only lights up when pluged in via usb…but when I try to enter download mode it says “low battery!! can’t download!!”

  105. Not working! Can,t seem to get any further than wipe data/factory reset. After pressing this to activate the only next option i get is reboot. Which then goes back to the updated firmware.Please Help

      • Got as far as step 4 the next option was there was no yes only reboot. in which i did and it took me back to the same updated firmware.

          • Hi again No ROM installed.
            Details of Phone if it helps.
            Model: GT-I9100
            Android Version: 4.0.4
            Baseband Version:I9100XXLQ6
            Kernel version:3.0.15-I9100XWLPTCL941023 dpi@DELL169#3
            Firmware update( Downloaded usuing Kies)
            Please note this is the only Download to this phone apart from software from the Google Playstore.
            Hope this helps to resolve problem

              • My apologies for saying no custom Rom installed(not technically expert minded). All I know is i have updated firmware from Kies. And it’s completely different on starting up. I’m just worried that my warrinty will be affected.Maybe this is normal?

                    • Hi Jayce small problem you might be able to resolve for me which has started to happen.After rebooting thinking that I might need to reinstall original Firmware which I found out I don’t need (if that makes sense) I have now found that if i play a music file on my phone and try to use other apps or settings while music is playing in bacckground, I am know getting noise gliches everytime i touch an app or settings button. This did not happen before.Have I damaged the firmware when I reset Factory settings and rebooted. Tried reinstalling app . still the same. Any help or advice on this would be appreciated

  106. Hello Jayce.

    Recently I have upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G (bought in Malaysia) from android version 2.3.6 to 4.0.3 through Kies on my computer. However I find that I liked the 2.3.6 version more than 4.0.3. So I’m deciding to downgrade it myself using Odin3v1.87.
    Here are some of my questions.

    1. I have downloaded the 2.3.6 version firmware (I9100GDZKL3_I9100GOLCKL3_XME) and the flashprograms (GT-I9100G Flasher + Pit) from Is that an official firmware as it came with the box when I bought it?

    2. So far I only had downloaded the 2.3.6 version firmware (I9100GDZKL3_I9100GOLCKL3_XME) and the flashprograms (GT-I9100G Flasher + Pit).

    After unzipping (I9100GDZKL3_I9100GOLCKL3_XME), I get 2 files. I9100GDZKL3_I9100GDZKL3_I9100GOLCKL3_HOME.tar.md5 & SS_DL.dll.

    After unzipping (GT-I9100G Flasher + Pit), I get the Odin3v1.87 folder & I9100G_omap4_all_20110627_CHN_OPEN_emmc.pit file.

    Is it enough for me to start the downgrade process via Odin? Or do I need some other files to complete the downgrade?

    3. Does downgrading via Odin from stock 4.0.3 to stock 2.3.6 will void the warranty? So far I have not rooted or installed any custom roms/firmwares on the phone yet.

    4. Does downgrading via Odin from stock 4.0.3 to stock 2.3.6 increases the binary count?

    • 1. No idea as I don’t have I9100G.
      2. I9100GDZKL3_I9100GDZKL3_I9100GOLCKL3_HOME.tar.md5 with Odin will do.
      3. No.
      4. No.

      By the way, you can go to Samsung Service Center and ask them to do downgrade.

  107. Thanks Jayce for the prompt reply. I would consider sending my phone to Samsung Service Centre then.

    By the way if I would like to do downgrade with Odin, do I need to select the PIT file? Or I just need to check PDA and select the (I9100GDZKL3_I9100GDZKL3_I9100GOLCKL3_HOME.tar.md5) as well as Auto Reboot & F.Reset Time and leaving the rest uncheck by default?

      • Thank you Jayce for the easy to follow and understand step by step guide, video and of course your efficiency in reply to my questions has helped me very much.

        A few days back I successfully downgraded back to stock firmware on my phone and I’m happy with that. Once again I’m a happy owner of the phone 🙂

  108. Hi again Jayce I have gone into Kies to see what firmware I am using to see if I can install Ice cream Sandwich 4.0 to sort out my problem. The Firmware version i am using is PDA:LPT/PHONE:LQ6/CSC:LPA (CPW). After going on Google and finding out the version is telling me it’s a Rom version from CPW (Car Phone Warehouse.) This is where I purchased the phone from. Does that mean I can’t install or upgrade my Firmware?

  109. Thanks Jayce I have tried to change or upgrade Firmware copying instructions from Video but to no avail. I think maybe because this phone is a contract phone the firmware might be locked. Is that possible

  110. Hi Jayce,

    I followed instructions, and after a Passed sign in Odin I unplugged the cable. However, the phone has been blinking ever since, and setup has not started. Any advice please?

  111. just to share experience…my sg2 GT 19100G..i hv upgrade ICS OTA,,,then root it…then use CM9…so kinda hate it..i want to revert back to ICS kernel..during restoration its hang… so unpatiencely i FORCE CLOSE it …DO NOT DO THAT..if it hang always remove the battery….1st…. its still can be restart..but CANT BOOT …so i got panic…on the raya EVE already…the SGS2G got brick…so i send it to samsung support in Seberang Jaya Penang…good thing is by Hari Raya ..i managed to get it back after service..and its firmware and rom a as good as gingerbread new 2.3.6…i really appriciate those tech support help and they even open during hari raya..Thanks u guys..

  112. Jayce:

    i am from india and i have upgraded my galaxy s2 to ICS through odin. now when i connect my phone to pc via kies it says “your phone doesnot support firmware upgradation via kies. please let me know how would i restore to stock official firmware and how would kies accept my phone for upgradation. please provide the stock firmware for india as well.
    I shall be highly thankful.

  113. Having a hard time with this. I got the phone with cyanogen10 and want to restore to stock. Finally got Odin to recognize my phone but now it won’t move past setup connection… Sorry I’m new to all this and have spent all day trying to figure it out. Any chance u can help?

  114. Does this mean it is possible, contrary to what we are told, to downgrade from Gingerbread 4.0.3 to Gingerbread 2.3.3? I regret like a dog I did the upgrade this summer.

  115. hi, do you know which is the latest version of 2.3.6? and how can I download it? I can’t understand the process because it’s my first time to do so.. thank you! 🙂

  116. hi, I used the method that you did but after my phone reboot, the setup always force close… what do i do about it?? please reply asap.. :((

      • yes I did that before I changed the firmware.. but I already found a solution, when the setup still force closes I tried to factory reset it again and it sort of fixed the problem.. :)) and my phone’s fixed and I’m so glad!! thanks for all the help! :> keep up the good work! 🙂

  117. Hi Jayce,

    Please let me know where to find the ICS firmware for the Samsung Galaxy S II I9000GXXKL4.
    This is a unlocked phone from UK.
    Couldn’t find one anywhere.

    Thanks in advance.


  118. Hi Jayce! Will a factory reset change my Siyah kernel back to the stock kernel? I couldn’t find a download of my model to do it over Odin so this is me grasping at straws.

  119. hey .. i rooted my phone to 4.1.2 jelly bean on samsung galaxy s2 and i want to install back stock firmware of 4.1.2 without rooting [i want it to be unrooted again] ..i can do it via odin by flashing the stock firmware?