Samsung Galaxy S III does not have much Samsung own applications (bloatware) this time. Just loaded with ChatON, Game Hub, Samsung Apps, S Memo, S Planner, S Suggest and S Voice. Where is the Flipboard that exclusive to Samsung Galaxy S3? Well, there are several applications are not installed by default but you can download them yourself manually. They are Photo editor, Flipboard, MiniDiary, S Baro, Application monitor, My Story, KiesCast, Readers Hub and Family Story. Hmm… I can’t find Polaris Office and Social Hub anywhere. Missing in action?

How to download these applications? Just go to More Services in App Drawer. All of them are available for free.
Hi Jayce, I noticed that S3 doesn’t have Polaris Office install, where can I get Polaris for my new S3 ?
Hi Jack, I am also not sure where to find it. Please consult Samsung Support. And let’s us know the result then. Thanks.
just bought new samsung galaxy S3 16/6/2012 and polaris office already installed by default.
Interesting… Which firmware (Build number) are you using?
Thanks for this post. I am trying to get My Story app installed and I have no success of locating it. Can you help to point me… How and where can I get to more services in app drawer? I have tried to search for this both in play store and Samsung apps and found no match. Thanks!
More Services is one of the applications in App Drawer.
I have the S3 AT&T us version. There is no More services under Samsung apps. Can you help further? I would like to install My Story app. Thanks.
Sorry Michelle, I don’t have AT&T SGS3. You might want to consult Samsung Support in this case.
how i can get skype etc… on my galaxy 3s
Please get it from Google Play Store.
hi,,i just baught S3..i totally dunno how to find my download application (whatsapp, FB & etc.) on my device… plzz.. help me…..i already install all the apps.. but i dunno where it is… plzz help me
Hi fiera, please take your time to study SGS3 user manual. You will know SGS3 better then.
already read tru the manual.. but still cant find the solution… 🙁
hi,just bought galaxy is not downloading files in the background. i generally start a download and do some other tasks like browsing and playing games. the download is not completing if i do some other tasks while downloading. the download completes only when i dont do anything on the phone. the same problem occurs when i download multiple files. the problem persists whether i use wifi or 3g network. it is also not able to download app data fully and terminates in the middle and i have to start it off again. please help. i download a lot of stuff on the internet.
Hi pranav, which program do you use to download files?
the default program that comes with the phone
Then you might want to factory reset your phone see. I don’t have download issue with it. If still cannot, please consult Samsung Support.
i’ve already tried it. thanks anyway. i’ll contact samsung support
same with what ram is saying please reply us back thank you
Samsung removed Social Hub from S3. I bought my first S2 instead of a Blackberry in part because Samsung provided push mail througt Social Hub. Now, after investing lots of money on a phone better (S3) I noticed Samsung let their users down, reducing the servicices they get without wide information about that. I feel fooled by the brand into buying some more expensive but cuted down.
recently i’ve noticed that the “Samsung Apps” application on my s3 has gone missing..then i installed it and it said “replacing system application” which would meant that the app was supposed to be there on my s3 right..but even after installed it again and again, there’s still no “Samsung Apps” on my s3…can u help me please..
Hi az, maybe you have frozen / hidden it?
frozen??but i’ve never hide any apps on my phone..
Sorry az, I have no idea then. Please consult Samsung Support.
I bought a new S3 recently. It has Flipboard, Polaris, Dropbox, already installed in it. Is there something wrong with the phone that i have been provided.
No worry, it is perfectly normal because latest firmware has them pre-installed.