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Tag: Leo_RADIO

How to Install Custom Radio v2.15 ROM on HTC HD2? (Video)

Both T-Mobile HD2 and HTC HD2 hava 576 MB physical RAM but HTC HD2 was reduced by software to 512 MB only. Radio v2.07 and above can unlock it to use 576 MB. Why do you need to install custom radio ROM that supports 576 MB? NAND Android and Windows Phone 7 need it. You need to have correct radio ROM in order to use NAND Android and Windows Phone 7. Just follow step by step video guide to install it.


  • SPL-2.08.HSPL

In order to install custom radio ROM, you need to have HSPL installed on your HTC HD2. Follow this guide ~ How to Install HSPL4 on HTC HD2? to install. I used the latest radio ROM in the video guide. You can use it or any other HTC HD2 Radio ROM version that support 576 MB.

How to Install Custom Radio ROM on HTC HD2? (Video)

HTC HD2 has 576 MB physical RAM but was reduced by software to 512 MB only. And custom Windows Mobile ROM + radio 2.07 or above can unlock it to be 576 MB again. Certain custom Windows Mobile ROM need higher radio version than your phone. And NAND Android requires it too. So you need to install custom radio ROM (if you don’t have the correct radio version).


  • HSPL3 ~ SPL-2.08.HSPL

How to solve failed to boot into Android HTC HD2 issue?

“Help, I have green HTC logo while booting into Android for hours. I cannot boot into Android. Waited for more than 1 hour and it just hang there…” I notice that some people failed to load Android on their HTC HD2 even thought they have done all the prerequisites like Flash HardSPL3 on HTC HD2 and Flash any HTC HD2 Radio ROM Leo_RADIO 2.08 onward. So how to solve failed to boot into Android HTC HD2 issue?


How to fix robotic voice in Android HTC HD2?

Hmm… Some of the readers faced robotic voice issue on their Android HTC HD2. You will have robotic voice issue if you did not execute CLRCAD.exe. Besides that, they are 2 factors that will cause it too.

Robotic voice

How to install Android 2.2 Froyo on HTC HD2?

[pull_quote_center]Updated ~ Please see the latest video guide – How to install Android 2.2 Froyo on HTC HD2? (Video) Step by step guide included too.[/pull_quote_center]

Get Android 2.2 Froyo running on HTC HD2 is not a dream anymore. Thanks to all the xda developers that make it happen. We HTC HD2 users can have our very own Android 2.2 Froyo now. There are several HTC HD2 Android builds out there like FROYO BUILD BY dan1j3l, Froyo 2.2 Android Build by Parad0XUA, Android 2.1 Eclair (Senseless)… Choose the one that suite you. I selected mattc Leo + Froyo w/Sense 1.7 build as my first Android 2.2 Froyo on HTC HD2.

Android 2.2 Froyo on HTC HD2


Armaggeddon GMK-100 Review – You Need This Mechanical Keyboard With Bluetooth...

Introduction One mechanical keyboard to rule them all. Yes, thanks to three modes of connection - Bluetooth 5.0, wired and 2.4G wireless. In addition, it...


Kingston XS1000 External SSD Wins 2024 Red Dot Award

Kingston Technology, a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, today announced the Kingston XS1000 External SSD was named a winner of the...