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Tag: Thunder English

Thunder English, XunLei English 5 language pack installation guide

Thunder English, XunLei English 5 language pack installation guide. Yup, I have Thunder English Language Pack (XunLei English) already. But I don’t have a guide to install it. No worry, here come the Thunder English, XunLei English 5 language pack installation guide.

How to install Thunder English, Xunlei English 5 language pack:
1. Download 迅雷 (XunLei) Thunder 5 English Language Pack first.
2. Copy it to Thunder language folder. (Eg. C:\Program Files\Thunder Network\Thunder\Languages).
3. Start Thunder (XunLei).
4. Click the third option, ??(V).
5. Then Language and select English(US).
6. That’s it, no more steps.

Enjoy downloading…

Download XunLei Thunder 5 no ads (ad free) version

Download XunLei Thunder 5 no ads (ad free) version? There are some XunLei Thunder 5 ad free versions out there that mod by Ayu and HeHeHunter. Are you using one of them? My friend, CW remind me that I need to be careful when using this mod XunLei Thunder 5 no ads version. They might include spy ware or something harmful that not suppose in there. Anyway, I am not using anyone of them. But I still want to have ads free XunLei Thunder 5 version. What should I do? Create one for yourself…

My very own XunLei Thunder 5 no ads (ad free) version

XunLei English / Thunder English 5 is sharing all your files?

XunLei English / Thunder English 5 is sharing all your files? Is this true? I read one website mentions that. He is using Process Monitor software to track XunLei activities. He mentioned that XunLei was sharing his files in C:\Downloads folder. I am curious too. Therefore, I did my finding with Process Monitor too. Hmm… Is XunLei really sharing all my files?

Thunder / XunLei on Process Monitor

XunLei English / Thunder English 5 alternative == Gigaget?

XunLei English / Thunder English 5 alternative == Gigaget? Gigaget is a download manager which utilizes cutting-edge Net Grid technology that improves your download speed by 7-10 times. This quote is taken from Gigaget website. Does Gigaget really will improve your download speed? Anyway, Gigaget does look alike XunLei / Thunder 5. And the best part is that it is in English. Therefore, you do not need English language pack like the way you use XunLei.

Gigaget in action


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