Download official Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread Firmware for Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 now. Yes, SGS2 I9100 users can have a taste of Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread finally. I9100G model in Malaysia had Android 2.3.6 earlier but reported it is buggy. Users face force close issue on certain applications. And system just hangs sometime. Hopefully, these types of issues won’t happen on I9100 model. The latest official Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread XWKK2 Firmware for Samsung Galaxy S2 was released for Netherlands. But you can install on other region’s SGS2 as long as your model is GT-I9100. I just tested it on my Malaysia version of SGS2…

New features official Android 2.3.6 XWKK2 Firmware? 2 new applications ~ DigiLezen and Samsung MMM (at least to me). But they are not in English. Still need time to discover other new features. Performance is great based on quadrant score. Can I root Android 2.3.6 XWKK2 firmware? Yes, I managed to root it with CF-Root XW_XEN_KJ3 (while waiting for the exact match version). How to install official Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread Firmware for Samsung Galaxy S2? Simple, just like previous version firmware. Install it with Odin software. Just follow below guide to install.
Installation guide ~ How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2 with Odin?
Download official XWKK2 Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread ROM here.
Hello Jayce
-now you used 2.3.6,so what’s difference with 2.3.5
-battery life?
No idea yet. Still collecting data…
Hello jayce does this installation guide wroks on HTC HD2? and if not which best Android rom should i install on my HD2 that has high camera resolution and fast scroll speed …?
No. I seldom use HD2 camera. No idea. Sorry… I wrote all the differences I found..:) Hope this is helpful.
Hello Jayce,
The downloaded 2.3.6 got password protected !
What is the password ?
No password for the firmware. However, kernel is password protected. Did you download the correct one?
Is there any difference with 2.3.5? If not then I will stick to Checkrom haha.
Still looking…
For me the most important thing will be battery life (until ICS that is). Please keep us informed Jayce.
Hello Jayce.
Can you tell us if 2.3.6 fixes pink spot issue? Did you notice an improvement or it is the same?
Camera pink spot issue? Performance wise almost the same as few previous firmwares are quite good already.
Yep. The pink spot issue is fixed, as far as i see it. 🙂
Hey Jayce, i want to install this on my phone but i also want to do a full reformat so i get a clean install, so like delete all the old files i had and get a fresh new system.
Follow the installation guide to install this firmware. Then factory reset it.
Thx a lot man! Love your blog 🙂
can’t extract.. 🙁
Need to download 7-Zip.
ooppsss…my mistake..sorry
Hey Jayce i just did everything to install the new software but then my phone is just looping in the Samsung Galaxy splash screen and it’s stook there, wont load just stay on the intro screen ! Help me!!!
Performing a factory data reset using phone buttons.
Yo bro Jayce, will installing this over Check Rom 3.1.1 will wipe all my files inside? Thanks in advance!
It is non wipe version. I was coming from CheckROM v1.
Wonderful! Btw the CF-root XEN_KK2 is already available at Chainfire thread here: Fyi. 😀
Bro, if my one is stock kernel not yet rooted. can it be use?
Yes, no root access is needed.
Thanks 4 the reply. What are the improvements from this??
Still collecting data…
Hi Jayce,
What do you think of this piece of article from redmondpie –
I don’t care much about this. Will you stop using your Android phone if it really does log?
hi , help me plizz i can not to install Official Android 2.3.6 XWKK2 for Samsung Galaxy S2
What is the error?
hi thanks for answering the question, the problem is that when I download the update does not come in (ziped folder) and I can not do (extract) and I can not do the step where it says I have to put (firmware) that no comes in (ziped) and when I connect (Odin v) Do not Read It finds it and I can move forward, help me plizz!
Use 7-Zip to extract it.
How to get 7-zip
finally achieved, and I thank you very much Jayce for update my phone thanks …!!
Hi, my phone is rooted. Do I need to remove root access before installing this new firmware?
No need, dear.
Jayce my question
-want to ask u when we need used Recovery Mode & Wipe Cache Data
-my s2 still used 2.3.3 (original) & i want to install 2.3.6 for my s2
-i need Recovery Mode & Wipe Cache Data first or not? or direct install new firmware?
No need to wipe data and cache when install new official firmware. Unless you are downgrading.
-ok.your 2.3.6 firmware 7z file need to extract right? to *.tar *md5
-after that can install to new firmware right?
thank you for your knowledge n sharing.
I really appreciate..Thanks again 🙂
7z = 407 MB (before extract)
Md5 = 673 MB (after extract)
-It is right Jayce.
just want to confirm..?
Yea dear. As long as you don’t have issue to extract, the file is not corrupted.
Tq again.i’ll try it 🙂
Lost root access after installation of 2.3.6 any suggestions how to root without installing insecure firmware? quick root guide from XDA patched and no longer works.
will i get the yellow triangle with CF-ROOT?
Yes. Remove it then.
How can i get removed Digilezen and samsungMMM pelase? or is there any English only Europe version of 2.3.6 with Kies update support?
XWKK2 is the only official firmware on Android 2.3.6 now.
Hi there,
I just upgraded my SGS2 from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6, mainly as I was bored, not the best of reasons granted, anyway all appeared to go well, but now I’m am seeing “the process android phone has stopped working” message every few seconds, have I missed something here? I thought I’d followed the guide line by line.
Please help
Dave W
Look like you need to factory reset your phone. New firmware might not compatible with your old one.
Thanks Jayce,
Factory reset at least has got it functioning again, I’ve lost 3G internet connectivety but that might be a setting or the poor cell coverage I have here, the lesson for today is….if it isn’t broke don’t fix it…………
Dave W
Check your APN settings.
Hello Jayce..
-want to ask you,
how to make back up for unroot/original stock phone without lost data..etc game
No idea. All the backup apps that I know require root access.
ohh..ok Jayce
ohh..ok Jayce
when install new firmware need to remove sim card & memory card or not?
No need.
ok.tq jayce for information
-Done to install new firmware 2.3.6
after this guide me how to root..but i must study & learn your video first
Thank for answering my noob question.hehe. Thank You Very Much Jayce 🙂
By the way, do use the search function in the blog. You can find most of the stuffs you want. 😉
Ok thanks again bro..
i’ll ask u if i not understand 😉
so now you still used this root (XW_XEN_KJ3) right..
Use the exact match – XW_XEN_KK2
-Jayce what’s difference XW_XEN_KJ3 & XW_XEN_KK2
so now you already change to XW_XEN_KK2
They have the same features. but for different firmware.
-Jayce so now which one you suggest me to used root XW_XEN_KJ3 or XW_XEN_KK2 ? just want your opinion for new user like me
-and when we need to used usb jig n Recovery Mode & Wipe Cache Data
Please read the guides…
so XW_XEN_KJ3 & XW_XEN_KK2 which more latest?
i get information tq for help
hi how are you can you help me how to root tha sofware ,..the problem is that when I download the update does not come in (ziped folder) and I can not do (extract) and I can not do the step where it says I have to put (firmware) that no comes in (ziped) and when I connect (Odin v) Do not Read It finds it and I can move forward, .. Please!
Did you try the XWKK5? If yes, how do you find it?
Have anyone try Chainfire’s Mobile Odin which can root on the fly?
Hello Mr. jayce.. I am really appreciate your efforts and great posts.. but i want to ask you about Arabic Lang. is this 2.3.6 supported Arabic …Pls help before going to install it. thanks alot
I don’t think so because this is an Europe firmware.
Hi, i am using Androidmeda Hyperdroid Amazing Aquila v1.0.0 GINGERBREAD 2.3.5 and i like the deluxe strings. This new version has that features? And portuguese-Brazil? Thanks
Deluxe settings, sorry.
You mean JKay Deluxe Theme?
All that features: “Includes goodies like SIP over 3G, Jkay Deluxe Theme, EDT, BLN support, NTFS support, overclock, undervolt…”
And the language portuguese brazil? Thanks
Official firmware does not have these stuffs…
I used the OTA to upgrade and now my Windows 7 Pc cannot detect the phone via USB. I can connect with Kies Air, but not via USB.
I also cannot use Kies. Checked the Device Manager, I get “Unknown Device”. The phone also does not show in explorer.
Any idea how to resolve the driver issue. I have tried uninstall and reinstall driver but still does not work
You are using which firmware now?
Now its is showing as follows:
Android Version 2.3.6
Baseband Version I9100GDZKJ2
Kernel Version
Build Number Gingerbread.DZKJ2
As I expected, Android 2.3.6 on I9100G got issues. Several users reported hang issue as well. Please consult Samsung Support on your issue.
Thanks Jayce. I think they have not really tested it. I have tried everything, and using every available tools.
I should have just waited for all the issues to be ironed out before updating.
Following steps solved the problem for me:
1. When the phone is upgraded to Android 2.3.4 and above (mine is 2.3.6) Kies stops recognizing the phones and USB connection / Serial port connections etc get reset on the phone
2. Even if proper drivers are there on the laptop (mine is Windows 7 64bit) they are not recognized
3. Device Manager shows “unknown device”
4. Updating the driver also does not result in any help
5. solution lies in the phone
a. key in the dialer *#7284#
b. it has 4 option there..
c. For USB. select the PDA.if it already selected to PDA. reselect it by select MODEM and then PDA again.. Only change the USB setting.. andthen press back. try reconnect (thanks to napi1 @
6. The Laptop will start recognizing the required drivers and install them
Phone is not recognized by laptop when it is in USB debug mode, MyPhoneExplorer does not recognize when it is not in Debug mode
Hope this helps
The *#7284# works well with me
Is it safe??????
Safe from what?
Hi, Jayce, do you have any nice fix solution to lock the satelite on ur GPS?
will 2.3.6 fix tat?
Huh? Your GPS on SGS2 got issue? Mine is working fine. Lock faster with AGPS when using 3G data.
You can try FasterFix –
erm, bro, is it any other way w/out rooted phone?
No, as far as I know.
ok, thx for the info.
ahh bro, do u hv instructions on how to root on this version?
Follow this –
hey bro, when i reboot the phone, it has a yellow triangle ther after i root, is it means i hv the rite CF?
No, yellow triangle will come whenever you installed custom firmware or kernel. Even with wrong CF-Root.
bro, can u tel me step by step hw to change the permissions using root explorer, i found the wpa_supplicant for s2 to us ad-hoc network, bt when i wan to replace the file, it said the file is read-only, can teach me wat can i do to replace it?
My currently using KK5 and my 3g is very slow, im comparing to other s2 with the same network but they are all geting H+ and im just getting 3
Could it be the modem software?
Im want to switch to kk2
No idea. I don’t have H+ data package to test mine. Always H or 3G for me…
Hi Jayce
So does updating to new firmware affect the modem?
Yes, it will install the modem that come along with the firmware.
Hello Jayce! I am running Android 2.3.5 on my SGS2 and the L2TP VPN restart issue has not been resolved in this version. Do you know if it is resolved on 2.3.6? (in case you’re not familiar with it SGS2 hangs and restrats whenever L2TP VPN is active on 3G)
Sorry, I do not use L2TP VPN. No idea. You need to test it for yourself.
so whats the different this 2.3.6 then 2.3.5?
No idea. Samsung did not provide change logs.
What kernal would be compatible with this firmware so I can overclock my s2
Not sure. You can try SiyahKernel if you want.
i upgraded s2 to 2.3.6 from revision 2.3.4. Since then i have been struggling not able to connect to my company wifi profile – 802.1x. It worked perfect in revision 2.3.4.
Can you tell me how to downgrade the S2 firmware to 2.3.4?
Using I9100G model?
yes, GT-9100 model
You can downgrade using Odin. But I don’t know where to get the I9100G model firmware.
mine is GT-9100 model.
My firmware i was XWKK5 2.3.6 and I just flashed to XWKK2 2.3.6. Let me try if it works ok on the Wifi.
Hey Jayce,
A small query – I am an Indian SGS2 user and recently i upgraded to XXKI3 and my CSC changed from India {DD} to i think KOR, Now i upgraded successfully to 2.3.6 and there was only 1 md5 file attached it in PDU.
My CSC shows KOR right now, can i change the CSC to XEU or the Indian Version {DD}, Will it require to flash again with same GT-I9100_XEN_I9100XWKK2_I9100XENKJ1_I9100XXKI4 PDU & a separate CSC file attached or there is any other way.
Also will it wipe my data if i change the CSC now.
Install individual CSC package from XDA. But it does wipe your data when you change CSC.
wht’s new in 2.3.6 gingerbread ?
No idea. No change log from Samsung. Try it out to find out… 😉
installed. dint find much of a difference as of now
Hi Jayce,
just thought of sharing .. i have a colleague in Malaysia who just bought the S2. It is surprising that his firmware version is already 2.3.6! In Singapore, we are still stuck with 2.3.3 /2.3.4 depending on what color S2 you get.
Not sure if this local firmware will make it to the default list in xda-developers.
I9100G is using Android 2.3.6 now. I9100 is still stuck at Android 2.3.3. Not the colour but the model G or non G.
Hi Jayce,
I recently upgraded my GS2 frimware to 2.3.6. However, i have noticed that my 2G & 3G connectivity is crashing. Also, there are issues with the overall performance of my S2. Please help me in resolving this issue.
I never faced this kind of issue with Galaxy S2 in the past.
Try factory reset first. If still cannot, downgrade your firmware.
Hi Jayce,
I did try the factory reset procedure and i am still facing the same issue. And regarding downgrading the firmware, i am not really sure how to do that.
Could you please help me with the procedure?
Follow this guide –
Hi Jayce, i’m new to android , i have some questions want to ask you.
My Device is GT-I9100T, my current firmware version is I9100TDCKF1 , Kernel version is I9100TDCKH2, i want to root my S2, but i can’t find insecure kernel match my firmware, my question is : Is it possible to root without flashing insecure kernel?
I use CF-Root to root my SGS2. But I don’t have I9100T. Not sure it can work or not. Maybe you can try ask others at XDA see.
I use UnlockRoot ( to root my device without flashing insecure kernel and I’v noticed that only superuser is installed, no CWM installed. when i try to get into recovery mod by pressing volume up+home+power, it brings me to Android System Recovery 3e.
Can i install new rom via Android System Recover?
No, CWM is needed.
if we use Android System Recovery, will the device brick?
Not sure. Never try it before. But I doubt we can install custom ROM with it.
If we can’t get into Download Mode by pressing volume+home+power, what should we do?
Use USB Jig.
ok thanks 🙂
I recently bought a S2
Base Version – I9100XXKE7
I would like to upgrade to the new firmware, could you please tell me if i can install the above ROM and also if i should also update my Kernel.
Will I be later be able to connect to KIES and restore my last backup or will this not be possible to do so. Please advice ….. I am new to the Android Environment.
Yes, it will replace your existing kernel.
Not sure. I do not use Samsung Kies. Lot of people complaint that it is buggy.
Hi Jayce,
Thnaks for your reply, could you please tell me if my phone work fine with the above ROM and would this mean i have to do the flashing of the Kernal via CF-Root as well or is the Kernal updated automatically….
Any I9100 SGS2 can use above firmware. You need to root it again with CF-Root.
How’s the bettery improvement ?
Look same to me on XXKI4 firmware.
Hi chief, thanks for the good work. it’s so helpful to people like me! I am downloading 2.3.6 gingerbread for my new galaxy s2 which came with 2.3.3. My main reason is that I hope to get beyond
Better Battery Life. My fon. sucks at battery. I wouldnt be so concerned about performance because it’s already very good.
so after I update my fon to 2.3.6 like your video shows , will I get better battery Life?
Please reply .
Should be. Battery life is good from Android 2.3.5 firmware onward.
Hi. i installed this rom on my sgs2. I noticed my phone restart automatically 2-3 times a day. do u know abt this issue? any fix? Thanks
Nope, did you wipe data and cache before install? I usually do that.
Yes i wipe data and cache and delete delvik cache too.
hi , i try to extract this rom through 7-zip, itz asking for password. when i dont enter anything it does not extract it.. plz help
Firmware does not have password. Don’t confuse with kernel that is password protected.
brother i got you what are u saying. but bleave me when i download ur 2.3.6 link from megaupload and it is rar file ,. i need to extraxt it. while extracting it . itz asking for password. if i dont entre anything thn it does not extract it.. now i m tryng to download from multiupload. letz see wht it says… but bleave me. it ask for passpord. u can try too..
It is 7z format. And it did not have password when I downloaded it last time. Anyway, the password is at XDA site.
and it is of 407mb.
i try to download from megeupload link. and it is asking for password dear,,
what is difference between kk2 and kk5?
No idea as Samsung did not provide change logs.
hello jayce.
may i know its having chinese language..?
thank you.
Nope, this is Europe firmware.
ok thanks.
hi jayce.
may i know are you experience feel heat near at back camera in this 2.3.6 version?
mine using 2.3.3 easily get heat while in using or charging. any solutions?
thank you.
I don’t feel it on normal usage as I have a case on my SGS2 back. But I do feel warmness there when playing complex 3D games.
may i know is there any official solution to soft the sgs2 heat problems?
thank you.
Wait for official firmware for Malaysia. Or try to consult Samsung Support. 😉
alright and thanks.
hi jayce
i m indian user of sgs2
having baseband version DDKE4 and Gingerbread version XWKF3 my device is rooted can i update it to 2.3.6 is it safe to do i also have backup of current version plz help me and also i want to know about its performance and battery life
thnks in advance
As long as your SGS2 model is GT-I9100, you are fine. Did not use XWKF3 before, no idea will it improve when upgrade to XWKK2.
and one thing more is that what is new in XWKK5 should i flash this one or XWKK2 plz suggest me b’coz u know about the best
Samsung did not provide change log. No idea…
can u plz tell the process of downgrading to 2.3.3 and is usbjig is necessary
USB Jig is not a must to downgrade firmware. But it is needed to clear custom binary counter.
is there any other option to reset custom binary download count other than USBJIG
thnks for ur help
respected sir …. JAYCE
am very much new here… MY SAMSUNG GALAXY S2 WAS BOUGHT FROM SINGAPORE . it came with the tag of singtel … so i have some off these unwanted software like singtel live , singtel. etc… now my firwere is 2.3.3…. can u please tell me , what i have to do to update my firmwere …. my mail id is
Use Samsung Kies to update it officially. Or follow the installation guide here for unofficial way.
Hi in Singapore Singtel , M1 and Starhub all still on 2.3.3 ! I upgrade to 2.3.5 but just downgrade back to 2.3.3 wait for the 4.0 in Kies at march 2012 .
hi jayce..
I’m have a problem when I want to upgrade the firmware using kies and when I check thru phone for software upgrade it will says fail to upgrade…my baseband version I9100dxkf1 and Gingerbread version XWKF1 and current version 2.3.3….what is ur recommendation for version and firmware right now for model I9100…thanks..
Latest firmware for I9100 Malaysia is DXKI2. Still using Android 2.3.3.
There was any update for 2.3.4 for Galaxy S2 I9100 1 or 2 months back but during update it crashed.
@Richard: Mount R/W first. Then hold on the file. An Options menu will pop up. Finally, select Permissions. You can change the file permission then.
Hi Jayce,
This 2.3.6 is it stable so far after u did the update?
No issue during my testing…
Hi jayce,
I am from india using SGS2
having baseband version DDKE2 and Gingerbread version XWKE8 my device is NOT rooted can i update it to 2.3.6 official release is it safe to do.
i tried to update by software update in about in settings by connecting wifi but it always connecting and then says connection failed, please help me to update to 2.3.6 official update
thnks in advance
Yes, it is safe for GT-I9100 SGS2. Follow the installation guide to install.
sir why is it not happening directly from update in settings
Not sure about that. Please consult Samsung Support. 😉
hi jayce..
first off i apologize..
ive read all that u posted here..but im still new to android cos i just made the jump from Iphone and i dont understand any of it..
so currently i just got my Galaxy S2 from Singapore..
Model No: GT-I9100
Version: 2.3.3
Baseband Version: I9100DXKI1
Kernel Version:
got some questions for ya..
1. can i safely update to gingerbread 2.3.6?
2. how do i go about doing it?..
3. if i flash it..will all my data be removed??..
so sorry if all these has been answered before..but i just dont quite understand it..
1. Yes, I did that. No body reported issue yet.
2. Follow the guide in the post.
3. It is non wipe version. But better make a backup first.
bro i tryed to install XWKK5 2.3.6 but when it reset say confirm password? do not enter in the recovery mode.. just download mode.. a don know what more can i do..
What firmware are you using now?
good work bro…
working 2.3.6 sexy in ma S2 (India)
bro how did u load 2.3.6 in india let me know i am facing problem
Dude its easy…
seriously just follow the all stapes blindly and than u will get wat u want…
if u r facing any specific problem than post it, may b jayce and other users can help you…
Hi Jayce,
My phone went for a repair and it now has KK2 installed on it.
However, how to root it?
I need to root it to be able to use titanium back up.
Also, you have provided link to the official firmware. Is there a custom ROM which is better than this?
Just follow XDA link in the post for official firmware. I did not try custom ROM based on XWKK2 yet. No idea.
You say that “you can install on other region’s SGS2 as long as your model is GT-I9100” and if my sgs2 GT-19100G?? can use this firmware o not? before my firmware DZL something
No, you can’t use it on your I9100G.
is there any firmware suitable for my sgs2 version? 2.3.6 firmware..if the direct lnk here
Use Samsung Kies to upgrade. There is Android 2.3.6 firmware for SGS2 G version already.
use samsung kies or odin more better and easier?
To me, Odin.
erk..okay..then can u giv link for pda file (2.3.6) ..l8ter i want flass it with my i19100G
I don’t have firmware for G version. Sorry…
I saw at got the I9100G firmware
Hey bro, i loaded step by step and it loaded sucessfully, now i have to use it
thanks a ton, and u r gr8
Hi Jayce,
Rooted successfully.
Now a new problem – I setup 3 different mail accounts through “Mail”.
However, now every single account has 2 two folders (2 of Inbox, Outbox, Trash, Sent…) and the emails also showup in duplicates.
If I try to delete one of them, both get deleted.
I even factory resetted the device, flushed the cache and then re setup the mail accounts – same problem again!
Is therea way to fix it?
I think samsung account is the culprit.
However, I can’t delete it or at least I don’t know if one can.
Any way, I will appreciate your help.
Sorry, no idea because I don’t use it. Use Gmail only. Try to consult Samsung Support.
No probs Jayce, I will try their support.
Hi Jayce, just want to make sure before i do anything with my s2,
Version: 2.3.3
Baseband version: I9100XXKE4
Kernel Version:
jdk6@jtj-desktop #6
can i upgrade to this XWKK2 firmware?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, as long as yours is I9100 model.
thanks Jayce for the guide and replies, I’ve successfully upgrade my firmware 😉 so far so good.
Hey Jayce,
Noticed that today there is a new version posted at xda-developers, just wondering will this be the same as the above firmware with more firmware fixes??
Firmware info
Date: 11/11/2011
Android 2.3.6
XWKK2? Or new firmware?
opps sorry yes XWKK2. was thinking of installing the XSA instead XEN
Did not try XSA version. No idea same as XEN or not.
Well i took the purge and tried the Australia version, it had included navicon maps for both Australia and New Zealand. Other than that i saw no other real differences.
Also somehow it felt laggy when scrolling through pages or sms in XSA. Not sure was it due to myself going from XEN to XSA. So i reverted back to XEN
Hi Jayce,
I hv same prob too, lost root.
I lost my Jkay deluxe Theme and kitchen pro. How can I get it back? Tx
Install CF-Root back.
KitchenPro work on CheckROM only (if not mistaken).
Hi Jayce,
i’m from Israel and looking for official samsung galaxy s2 for my area.
or any other official rom that includes the hebrew support language i don’t want the MUI to be in hebrew, just support (reading and write hebrew at gogole keyboard)
any suggestions?
Sorry, not so sure about that. From SamFirmware, JPKH1 firmware is for United Arab Emirat.
ho can i see all galaxy official roms of 2.3.6? (i think that Europe or UK will fit me)
also how can i understand what the meaning of each letter code at the rom name (e.g. XWKK2 )
you’re fast.
great knowledge base for the codes.
is there any site that all available roms are been published and i can pick that one that i need?
XDA – link in the article.
Hi Yaniv, I have the same question…were you able to find what you needed to do this? If so, could you advise me?
can i update my Galaxy s with 2.3.6?
This ROM is for Galaxy S2 only.
hey, is this 2.3.6 official in malaysia……
If i root my s2 , will void the warranty?
No, I9100 does not have Android 2.3.6 firmware for Malaysia yet.
Yes, rooting voids warranty.
Hi Jayce,
Are you done testing the battery life…any improvements comparing 2.3.5??
They are the same to me.
ok..what about phone heating issue when playing 3d games?
Same also…
Hi Jayce do you know if siyah kernel is working with update?
Did not try it on this firmware. No idea.
Trying now i will keep you informed
no dice back to 2.3.5 with siyah 2.3 just for the oc.
Hi, Is there 2.3.6 official firmware s2 in UK.
Yes go to sammobile and download xxkl1
I tried but could not findout ,could you help me plz ?thanks
Are there any difference between xxkl1 and your firmware other than xxkl1 is for UK
No idea as I did not try the UK version.
Thanks for the quick reply.
The reason why I asked this question is I read in xda forums
that with correct rom you will get more battery time if I have
samsung extended battery.
Could you whether this is true?
Typo error, Could you confirm whether this is true?
I do not have extended battery. No idea. But I don’t think the correct country ROM will give you better battery life. The well optimized custom ROM will improve battery life.
Thanks again Joyce.
Could you be kind enough to share how much battery life you get from your S2 and which ROM do you use?
1 day normal usage with 3G data turn on ~ CheckROM RevolutionHD.
Just plug in your phone to Samsung Kies. It will prompt you if got new official firmware.
Ok so go to
fourth one from the bottom I9100XXKL1 ## 2.3.6 2011 December I9100OXAKL1 Open Europe hope that helps
Hello jayce
-what’s the best custom room for 2.3.6
No idea. I did not try any one of them yet.
if i want to install 2.3.5 with revolution hd v1
need to factory reset or not because now i’m using 2.3.6
Yes, wipe data and cache in CWM.
ok tq jayce..
Hi Jayce,
A bit off topic but can u pls tell me how long ur SGS2 takes to fully charge from 0-100%?
Around 3 hours.
Hello Jayce.. I have not rooted my S2.. I updated from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 using odin.. at that time as well I downloaded one file which runs in PDA.. not the kernel… this time as well Do i need to download main firmware… or kernel as well… also what does kernel really means… many thanks…
Sorry, I don’t know what are you trying to do here.
I updated 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 using odin.. but I did not download any kernel…
earlier with 2.3.4 it was
but now with 2.3.5 it is (auto)
suppose i am downloading 2.3.6 from XDA forum
do I need to download just the main firmware or I should download kernel as well and install that.
Hope now you are geting my point…
Firmware will do. Kernel is not needed.
Hello Jayce… I downloaded 2.3.6 using the link given by you and installed… now there is some msg coming up…”Sorry.. the process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again [Force close]” AND when i am doing force close… it loses network and detects again and again the same msg appears… what should i do….
Its not detecting my vodafone UK sim….
Look like you need to wipe data and cache.
how to do that… 🙂
– can i install siyahkernel for 2.3.6 xxki4
I think so. But I did not try it. Make a CWM backup before try it. now still using 2.3.5 with revolution hd v1?
Jayce want to ask you
-2.3.6 XXKI4 XWKK2 (XW_XEN_KK2) can i change to (XW_OXA_KK5) XWKK5?
-no need to install new firmware right,just install cf root only right?
You want to change CF-Root kernel only?
yup just CF-Root kernel only..
Yes, but make sure that CF-Root version matches with your firmware version.
oh..ok..i understand
Yes, no time to try other firmware yet.
-your android knowledge better and higher then me..
i still newbie n still study 🙂
Hi Jayce,
I just have one little question please. I updated my sgs2 gt-i9100 from 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 viamy phone settings-about phone-check for update option. It worked but I am now facing some problems. Even though I’ve pretty much organize all my application screens anb icons, my phone re-shuffles all my screens and icons when I restart it. Do you have any idea how may I fix this? Second question.. I would like to update my firmware to 2.3.6. Is there a wa I can do it officially through application-about phone-check for update option? When I try to do it, it says ‘noupdate available’ 🙁 . Am from Canada. Will I be forced to do it though ‘Odin’? Is it safe? Thank you in advance for your answers.
1. No idea.
2. I thought you already updated to Android 2.3.6? It is okay to update as long as your SGS2 model is GT-I9100.
I am from Canada as well. I have updated the SGS2 from 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 using the firmware above and odin. I am having the same problem of the screens and icons re-shuffling every time I restart the phone.
Any ideas on how to fix?
Sorry, nope as I did not face this issue. Try to factory reset see.
Thx for your answer Jayce. My mistake, I am on Gingerbread 2.3.4. I did not do the factory reset yet. Lala, did you do it? Did it work? Thx for your replies guys. Anyone else is facing or have faced same problem?
Thx for your answer. My mistake, I’m on 2.3.4 firmware right now.
hey bro i want 2 update my s2i9100 in official firmware packages 2.3.6 …now my version iz 2.3.5 which iz unofficial. i download 4rm toorent . after that i notice KIES will not recognise the firmware..
now my ques iz i got offcial version which iz 2.3.6 in bt now i m confused which version iz compitable for my device galaxy sII i9100..
Firmware info
Date: 04/11/2011
Android 2.3.6
JDI (Jamaica):
WBKK1 Stock Kernel:
Password: intratech@XDA
Firmware info
Date: 11/11/2011
Android 2.3.6
XEN (Netherlands):
XSA (Australia):
LUX (Luxembourg):
XWKK2 Stock Kernel:
Password: intratech@XDA
now iz ur side i found( netherland) bt i m 4rm india .. if i use netherland firmware than the language turn in nethrland ryt???? i wnat english lang 4r my device …so plz tell me which 1 iz comptaible …
thnnxx,….sry 4r bad english
now my UNofficalFIRMWARE VERSION 2.3.5 info iz –PDA 19100XXK13,,,PHONE-19100XXK13,,,CSC-191000XAK13
BUILD INFO—THU SEP15 13;53;07 KST 2011
It has English on it. Else I also don’t know how to use (from Malaysia).
As long as your SGS2 model is I9100, you can use it.
bro bt i m 4rm india /// any version 4r indian ?? hey wat iz the latest version of gingerbread in india??….
Use Samsung Kies to update officially… Should be still Android 2.3.3. 😛
wtf …… hey in uk version 608 somthing mb ..and in netherland ver 408 which 1 iz btr ????
No idea. Didn’t try the UK version yet.
omg …..
hey suupose i udate in netherlan version and i rooted my phone … than i lose my warrnty ??? by d way how can i no than i lose my root in device .. nd wat iz the benfit of rooting in device .. which thype of benfit i will get in my device after rooting ??? bro i m totaly new idnt knw thats y i m asking to many ques.. thnxxxx sry 4r bad english …
Hai, jayce, I updated to 2.3.6 XWKK5 from 2.3.5 and having issues with pink spot in camera. I want to revert back to 2.3.5 XXKI3. what can I do? Could I reinstall 2.3.5 over this update? Wipeout is not a problem for me.
Downgrade with Odin. Remember to wipe data and cache in recovery mode.
Wipe data and cache in recovery mode after downgrade or before?
Before. If still face boot loop, wipe them again.
Is Factory reset another option?
Yes, if you can load Android OS.
Sorry one more question: Is factory reset wipe current data & cache?
Yes, they are the same.
Which version of 2.3.5 is better & battery saver? I suggest your opinion.
No idea as I did not try them all.
@pritam: Yes, rooting voids warranty.
omg ..hey firmware update in netherlan version voids warranty??
Yes, it might. You need to revert back to your original firmware when send for warranty service.
hey bro how cn i knw dat which contyry version iz instald my phn?????
Check the firmware version.
how can i ckd ???? plz give me the details ..
Settings – About phone – Build number.
ok my build number iz –gingerbread .xxkI3 .. so itz iz which country version ?????? nethrland or india or uk or austrial ??????
XXKI3 is firmware for Poland, Europe.
thnxxxxx bro …..
bro i complet my downloading now and the name of file iz –GT-I9100_XEN_I9100XWKK2_I9100XENKJ1_I9100XXKI4.tar.md5
my ques iz dat after xtracting in rar i found this file –GT-I9100_XEN_I9100XWKK2_I9100XENKJ1_I9100XXKI4.tar.md5
so how can i open md5 file extension ??? i download 4r xda fourm ..file size iz 407 mb ..
No need to extract .tar.md5 file. Just install it like .tar file. They are the same basically.
help bro help i m w8ing ….
Not in Odin. But during initial Android OS setup.
when i plug in in s2 ..dn showin mtp intilization to disable ….
what firmware is compatible for my phone.,
mine is..
tnx in advance…..
You can use any I9100 firmware if your SGS2 model is GT-I9100.
hello mate. how do i restore to my previous firmware(the original one when i first bought my phone) after i have flash my phone. cuz i heard that we cant update via kies if we manually install firmware for example the European firmware . well is it true?
No, you can still get update from Samsung Kies. But for official Europe firmware that you have installed.
Jayce, Im not able to connect my SGS2 to kies via usb.:( can you please advise. Im eager to update my os version officially. Many thanks in advance.
Hi Subra, what firmware are you using now?
is there any link for official DZKJ2 2.3.6 firmware to download??
Nope, they are I9100 firmware.
Jayce, this firmware is from which country? Thank you.
Didn’t you read the post?
my bad, didnt read it properly, it from Netherlands.
Btw, uust wanna share with u 2.3.6 firmware from asia:
No worry.
Yup, I knew that already. Going to post the good news to others later. Thanks again for the info. 🙂
i have a problem ,
after i updated my sg2 to 2.3.6 it restarts 10 times a day verry enoing
what can i do
Factory reset it.
i have done that but no use. i took the phone to the service and they said it is made but it is still the same .10 times a day reboot .
Restore back to your original firmware in this case.
I updated to 2.3.6 from the link below
download by chosing ur region… and update again using odin.. mine is working fine…
hI Jayce,
Can u please help me I just bought my S2 in Saudi Arabia and it is using 2.3.3 version I want to upgrade it to 2.3.6, will the arabic language installed in it will be removed????
please answer…
Did not try that. Not sure it will remove Arabic language or not.
Hii Jayce is it normal for Samsung galaxy S2 ram version:null ? Or i need to install anything?
What is ram version? How to check that?
Press *#*#3264#*#*
Same here ~ NULL.
Here is all the code
Cell Battery, WiFi Usage etc Info *#*#4636#*#*
Restore Factory Settings *#*#7780#*#*
Format Phone *2767*3855#
Launch service mode *#*#197328640#*#*
Test WiFi *#*#232339#*#* or *#*#526#*#* or *#*#528#*#*
Display WiFi MAC address *#*#232338#*#*
GPS test *#*#1472365#*#*
Other GPS test *#*#1575#*#*
Bluetooth test *#*#232331#*#*
Display Bluetooth physic address *#*#232337#*#
Start Gtalk monitoring *#*#8255#*#*
PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate *#*#4986*2650468#*#*
PDA and Phone *#*#1234#*#*
FTA SW version *#*#1111#*#*
FTA HW version *#*#2222#*#*
PDA, Phone, csc, *#*#44336#*#*
Packet Loopback *#*#0283#*#*
LCD test *#*#0*#*#*
Melody test *#*#0673#*#* or *#*#0289#*#*
Device test such as vibration and lightness *#*#0842#*#*
Display touchscreen version *#*#2663#*#*
Touchscreen test *#*#2664#*#*
Distance sensor test *#*#0588#*#*
Display memory version *#*#3264#*#*
packet loopback *#*#0283#*#*
to test LCD *#*#0*#*#*
melody test *#*#0673#*#*
vibration test and backlight test *#*#0842#*#*
Check touch screen version*#*#2663#*#*
Test your touch screen *#*#2664#*#*
proximity sensor test *#*#0588#*#*
ram version *#*#3264#*#*
phone information *#*#4636#*#*
hard reset *2767*3855#
factory reset*#*#7780#*#*
change end call/power option*#*#7594#*#*
service mode*#*#197328640#*#*
file copy screen (backup media files) *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*
wlan test *#*#526#*#*
shows wifi mac address *#*#232338#*#*
gps test *#*#1472365#*#*
another gps test *#*#1575#*#*
bluetooth test *#*#232331#*#*
shows bluetooth device address *#*#232337#*#
gtalk service monitor *#*#8255#*#*
Touch configurations *#78#
Full EEPROM Reset *2767*3855#
bat info *#0228#
soft ver *#1234#
admin settings *#6984125*#
A week ago or so the firmware update XWKK2 (2.3.6) was made available for me to download on my Galaxy S2. So I downloaded and updated my phone’s firmware and did the same to my mother’s S2. Since then … we have both noticed a huge decline in the battery life. Last night for example before I went to bed … the battery was about 60%. When I woke up 6 hours later … the battery had run out completely and turned off my phone. The same has happened to my mother’s phone recently.
my buddies now widgets also reset from time to time and my screen had a green tint to it at one stage.
I want to revert back to the previous firmware. I tried resetting factory settings … twice: manually and via the settings but it still has 2.3.6 on it.
How do I go back?
You can downgrade with Odin. But you need to factory reset before downgrade.
Hi Jayce
Last night I updated my SGS II to 2.3.6 using KIES.I don’t see any of the two new applications you mentioned in your first post.I did not face any difficulty in updating my phone using KIES.Then how am I missing these apps?
Also,as I had rooted my phone previously,I lost super-user and all root based apps not working now.How do I root again?Do i need to re-install all root based apps..pls reply.
Those apps are for Netherlands firmware. Are you using Netherlands firmware?
Yes, you need to re-root after upgrade official firmware.
Version: 2.3.3
Baseband version: I9100BOKF1
Kernel Version:
can i upgrade to this XWKK2 firmware?
tnx in advance…..
when upgraded my phone second time unlocking my sgs2….?
No idea about unlocking.
firmware for Netherlands……….but i am current user India so any problem after upgrading……..?
tnx in advance…..again..
No problem for on my Malaysia unit.
since i am techie guy and i tried to update the latest firmware 2.3.6 for sg2 thru kies. initally i was not able to update has it used to say firmware stopped but today i was able to update it.
best thing is that my data was as it is. there is some difference i saw that is.
the homescreen has 7 panes and after 7 panes you swipe further it will automatically to pane 1.
in the lock screen, when you charging the phone you will see the charge status just below the date and time.
at the end of the list for example in contacts at the end of the last contact if you try to scroll down you will see a blue colour at the end a big one, the same goes at the top of the page. i found it cool actually
camera has little bit change
little faster in swyping
the swype is changed a bit, a thicker line and the word prompt is also changed.
these are the few things i have found out now and will update you more once i found them…
ya but i am using t mobile sgs2……… wich farmwere batter for me………..?
thanks for replying……..
You need to try it out yourself to find out..
My sgs2 has 2.3.4 firmware and a XWKI4 kernel can i update it with your instructions ? please let me know and will my phone still be unlocked after the update because i`m in Kosovo and i don`t know in which region my phone is based :S or whatever…
You can update but no sure about the unlock.
SORRY but i am new user android environment ……… i cant fined out better farm-were so ple… help me……….
I flashed my sg2 with 2.3.6 but I cant find insecure kernel for this model: XWKK2.
Please help.
Please refer to this
Thx, I made it 🙂
Jayce ple say me which T-mobile gs2 farm-were ple…..ple say me friend ……….
Try to find it at
Hey Jayce, I recently went through your guide with my Samsung Galaxy SII. Everything is working properly, except that my phone’s back button and search button are not working? Any fixes?
Sorry, no idea. Got search button on SGS2 I9100?
I flashed my SGII with 2.3.6, realy like the new touches in it, better battery life and overall performance.
unfortunatly it doesnt support arabic fonts, so i have to go back to older versions.
but when i try to go back to the original release it had (2.3.3) the mobile hangs in a boot cycle !!!
which forces me to stay on the 2.3.6
any idea how i can solve this issue, or better yet . . . how can i make it support arabic fonts?
You need to wipe data and cache in recovery to solve boot loop issue.
When I connect to Samsung KIES to update to 2.3.6, got message “Your device does not support software upgrading via KIES”.
What to do next?
Using custom firmware? Install official firmware back.
Not sure what kind of firmware. How to check custom or official firmware. Just bought it 2 weeks ago.
Firmware that Samsung Kies does not support == custom firmware. Can support one == official firmware.
XWKL1 frankestien firmwares need rooted? Do you recommend it?
I believe no root access is needed to flash Odin type of firmware. No idea. Did not try XWKL1 frankestien firmware.
How to update samsung galaxy tab p1000 to gingerbread 2.3.6?
Samsung Kies say firmware is up to date. kindly give instructions…
Wait for official release for your region.
hey jayce, do you have the wpa supplicant for 2.3.6 galaxy s2?
Sorry, I don’t.
I upgrade my S2 to 2.3.6 but it got lots of bugs.. my phone battery life messed up..without any third party battery defender application it lives for 15 hours. my biggest problem is the phone is getting restarted many times in a day.. the new version sucks..
Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread Firmware is applicable for Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100JPKJ2 ? Pls can any reply…
Not sure. Please connect to Samsung Kies to find out.
Hi why problem this music player so played the music its reading but hey jumping to next track
jayce…is this work? no bug? no lagging? because i just update my s2 form 2.3.3 to i heard there a latest android 2.3.6?
Working fine for me…
You have me lost, in this blog you said to use CF CF-Root XW_XEN_KJ3 but in you say to use CF that matches your kernal best. which in that case would be xw xen kk2?
By the time I tested and wrote this article, only CF-Root XW_XEN_KJ3 was available. XW_XEN_KK2 is available now. Use that…
I’ve heard people update their SGS2 to Android 4.0 ….. has anyone done this and how good/bad is it?
I have updated to 4.0.3 XXLP2 firmware… Its working fine… Screen is bit laggy but over all working great… Battery life was 10-12 hours initially but then I installed Battery Left app… now its close to 18 hrs… can download from sammobile web page
I di and thats why i came here. had a hard time flashing it back. i like but right now its too laggy, ill wait until either the official release comes out or a more stable one. too maony bugs right now for my liking though when it was working it was very smooth.
same thing here,
you’ll notice right away the slugishness, i think it still needs some work.
and i had a problem of recieving calls while screen is on sleep.
Hrmm ok. I think I might wait for a stable one then and just settle with 2.3.6
Thanks 🙂
I need Arabic support for android 2.3.6 so please advice me
Sorry, no Arabic support Android 2.3.6 yet.
Try this one
it’s 2.3.6 custome, that supports arabic and hebrew.
it’s made for Orange Israel
i tested it and it works great, but you get the yellow triangle at boot cause it’s custom.
here’s the link if you want to try it:
do i need to back up all my applications?
i’ve download your 2.3.6 ..but it seems in different do i want to change into english
Change it at language settings.
Hi jayce,
i have flashed dxkl3 fw using odin. but the kernel only has been change. how will i change the baseband version and and build version and also the android version
Look like you flashed kernel only not firmware. Flash the firmware.
i cant extract the .md5 file, there is an error. re downloaded and still same.
Try to use 7-Zip to extract it.
Hi jayce,
Pl confirm, it is official updated firmware of Galaxy S2..I mean KIES will able to upgrade my S2 to next update or not?
And Thanks much for giving me this steps & firmware to update my S2….
This is official firmware for Netherlands. Yes, you will be able to upgrade when new firmware for Netherlands comes out.
I am from India…from where I can download the latest official firmaware for India
Hi Mandee, get it here –
How come your Quadrant score is so high!?
Mine is around 3000
Using same firmware and clean installation?
Since upgrading from Official KIES firmware 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 via the above method then 2.3.6 OTA I have found that when I fully charge the battery with the phone OFF or ON via USB or POWER OUTLET, when disconnected it returns a battery life of 97%.
I’m pretty sure 2.3.5 for the first couple of days did not do this.
Would you be able to advise why this might be and if this has been an issue with 2.3.6?
Hard to tell. I have this issue sometime too even on Android 2.3.5.
Thanks for the reply.
Can i upgrade my galaxy fit with sandwich icecream. i upgarded from 2.2. froyo to 2.3.4 gingerbread but it is showing usb tethering problem. waht should i do
Sorry, no idea. I don’t have Samsung Galaxy Fit.
iam using samsung gt s5233s i would like to upgraded by android os, would this possible to my phone, would this supports the android os?
No idea as I don’t have this model.
I can install this to my S2 with DXKI2 firmware?
Noob Question based on above: I can install any firmware even it is not DXKI#? For example there is an official firmware released in UK then I decided to install that to my device without harming it?
Yes, you can install any I9100 firmware on SGS2 I9100 model.
Thanks, though I forgot to ask this, the link above is stable?
Hi Jayce,
I recently purchased Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100g. However , I am facing the below two issues :
1) Sometimes , after taking some pics the Camera hangs. When I start the camera it shows the message “Camera failed” and I need to restart the phone again.
2) After charging the phone either through USB cable or electric supply , when I connect the headphone and listen songs , the phone freezes. The phone is completely blank and I am not able to do anything. I need to resatr my phone to make it operational.
I went to Samsung Service Center and they replaced my phone with a new one,but still
in the new handset I am facing the above issues. Could you let me know if the above are known issues and is it related to any hardware/software issues. Now what next shoould I do ?
These are the known issues for I9100G model. Try to upgrade to latest firmware. If still cannot, ask Samsung to give you I9100 model as replacement.
Could you please let me know the latest firmare. I am having Gingerbread 2.3.6 and Baseband version as I9100GDDKI1.
Kindly help.
Should be I9100GDZKL3 firmware.
thanx lot for the info,since i m newbie in this cud u pls how can i update to this latest firmware
Can i do the same from my own or i need to take it to the
service center
Thanx in advance for ur help nd info
Use Samsung Kies to upgrade.
Hi Jayce,
Thanx for the info.
i hv some few questions
I m frm India(Mumbai),so will the firmware which u suggested work for me ?
Also when I am connecting through KIES it is saying tht I have the latest
firmware…so shall I download the I9100GDZKL3 and flash it through Odin ?
Kindly help thanx in advance
Oh, I though you are from Malaysia as I9100G is popular in Malaysia. India just got it recently.
No, don’t flash it with Odin. I9100GDZKL3 firmware is based on Malaysia. I9100GXWKJ2 firmware should be the latest one for India.
thanx for the update , however my firmware is I910GDDand when i connect to kies it says that i hv the latest firmware
Pls let me know how shud i solve my problem of camera and music player ?
thnx in advance
Since it is the latest firmware already, try to factory reset it. If still cannot, ask Samsung to give you I9100 model as replacement.
Hello Jayce,
I am Samsung Galaxy 2 user from India. I have tried several times to update the firmware, but could not do so as it msg pop up ‘operation time’. Can you give me link of the official firmware of india so I can install it via Odin.
Hi Kalyan, use the XDA website link in the post.
hey there,
i have Samsung galaxy S2 Virgin Canada 2.3.3 gingerbread but when i connect it to Kies it says that the current firmware is the latest firmware….so i cant update it to 2.3.5 any solution.
Hi Anish, you can install other region firmware using Odin manually if you want.
i tried to flash but there s this icon of vibration shows up on notification bar even if vibration is on it shows up.
This is part of 2.3.6 firmware feature.
Hi Jayce!
Brother I’m in problem..!!
I bought a new Galaxy S2 and want to update it from 2.3.4 GINGERBREAD to ICE CREAM SANDWICH 4.0, I am new to android i don’t know how to update or what ever please brother help me i was searching on google and i found you as an expert regarding android! My GALAXY S2’s BASEBAND: I9100 XXKI1 AND KERNEL VERSION: ROOT@DELL143#2 AND BUILD NUMBER GINGERBREAD.XWKI4. I will wait for you earlier response!!
Brother what to do with this link? Please guide me a bit in details!!!!!!
Install ICS ROM with Odin software. Note – don’t install ICS ROM if you don’t know how to because it is a beta ROM (not 100% stable).
What is DIfferent Between this both Version: GINGERBREAD and ICS.
Which One is More Advanced and Better?
It is advisable to upgrade my Android 2.3.4 GINGERBREAD to ICS 4.0 ?
and please let me know the difference and which one is more better….
ICS is better than Gingerbread but not stable yet. So stay on Gingerbread until official ICS releases.
So My Dear Jayce Brother please give me a link of stable version of ICS 4.0 from which i can easily download n update my Galaxy S2 from Gingerbread to ICS and i’m new to android… 🙁 so please its a humble request to you my Dear Brother.. I will be very thankful to you and to your forum…
If possible please give me the link of official ICS version…
No official ICS firmware yet. All are leaked beta firmware at the moment…
I gave you the link previously. Refer to that…
i m Having Galaxy S2, i m from india,
My Current Installed Version is as Below:
Android Version: 2.3.4
Baseband Version: I9100XXKG3
Kernal Version: se.infra@sep-35 #2
i want to know.. this is latest version i m using or i should upgrade to latest version..
if there is any latest version, please let me know the latest version which i should upgrade and from when i can download that…
Just plug in to PC on Samsung Kies to find out the latest firmware for yours.
Hey Jayce
i just wanna ask few questions
1. what is the difference between kernel and firmware?
2. Will this version change my phone’s kernel and will i be able to update it through kies in future?
Pls. reply
1. Firmware is the ROM. Kernel is the heart of the ROM.
2. Yes if new firmware is available for Netherlands.
Thanks Jayce 🙂
Hey jayce i successfully updated my s2. thanks alot man. i really missed original gingerbread
hi Jayce,
i followed the instructions and got the GINGERBREAD.XWKK2 on my phone.
but i bricked it when i flashed a wrong version of kernel.
however i restored the XWKK2 again and phone is back to normal again.
could you just guide on where to find the kernel for XWKK2
Hi RJ, you can get XWKK2 kernel from XDA website (link in the post).
Hi Jayce,
I just got a Galaxy SII on contract from M1.
Model Number: GT-I9100
Android Version: 2.3.3
Baseband Version: I9100DXKI1
Kernel Version: root@DELL129#2
I was utterly disappointed by the 4-5 seconds it takes me to unlock my screen. Having done some reading, it seems that all I need is an update to 2.3.6 or later. (Do advise which is most stabil)
However, some reading seems to indicate that locked phones cannot be updated. I believe my phone is locked to m1. Please help! Also, I use a Mac.
Hi Lee, please try to use Samsung Kies to upgrade firmware first.
Hi Lee , I from Singapore too but my is Singtel.
Model Number: GT-I9100
Android Version: 2.3.6
Baseband Version: I9100DXKI1
Kernel Version: root@DELL137#2
but no locked ! Locked = others sim card cannot use on that phone.
Or u mean the phone go in to screen lock mode ?
If is it just go in to the Display Screen time-out there and set it 10 min after update then set back to 15 sec or 30 sec .
my original android 2.3.6, then I upgrade to android 4.0.3 and it worked not fine with my phone so i would like to downgrade to 2.3.6… my question is can i downgrade my current android 4.0.3 to 2.3.6. by your guide in this website?
Hi VNK, install it with Odin.
Hey Jayce, I would also like to downgrade from 4.0.3 to 2.3.6 on my S2. I just visited the above link but I dont have a USB jig & I’m fine with custom ROM. Can i downgrade following your above tutorial? or is there a different procedure? btw, I’m from India.
USB Jig is not a must.
thnx for the prompt reply…one more thing…
while installing ICS i had like 4 files to put into n stuff like that.but here theres is only 1 file to install. will it clash with the rest of the earlier files?
All required files are put into 1 file for Gingerbread firmware. No worry.
And another thing bro… I would like to root my device too. I havent done it before. what kernel should i be using? Do i install the above mentioned kernel & then flash it with a root one above it or just the root kernel will do? & where can i find such kernel…can u plz post the link?
Refer to this –
And since this is the Europe version as u mentioned above, will it cause any problem while doing automatic software update in future, as I’m in a different country?
Fyi, my phone is unlocked..
No, as long as you are using official firmware.
hi jayce,
I bought sumsung s2 in china. in which the android language is in chinese and i didnt get android market too… ryt nw iam in india. i would like to change the android OS to english language and market in my mobile.. can please help me out for doing this…
Sorry to inform you that ~ you can’t use international I9100 firmware on China SGS2. You need to search on those China website for help.
Hi Jayce! Is the link still active? I cant download it.
multiupload server might be down at the moment. I can’t access it now too.
Hi! is there any way I can downlaod it?
Hey Jayce, Thank you very much for all your help. I have successfully downgraded my OS to 2.3.6.
I will recommend your blog to my friends.
Take care!
For those of you that have had the 97% battery issue after disconnecting from a mains / USB charger once the bleep has been heard or you see 100% on screen, hopefully the following link titled Real battery % (optimize battery stats) may help as it did for me.
The code you will require for the Battery info: *#0228# or *#8999*228#
Kudos to Headhood on the XDA Developers forum for providing this information.
I clicked the link ‘here’ to download the stock rom but the website doesn’t seem to respond. Need assistance please. is suspected ‘shutdown’ recently. So you need to find the firmware elsewhere.
Quick question, i want to downgrade my phone from 2.3.6 back to the original 2.3.4(south Africa) which i got from Sammobile. It however only has one file in the extracted Zip file. With the extension HOME in it. Do you know what i should use within ODIN to load it back on to my phone?
Is there an easier way of getting it back to the factory stock firmware?
As i am having a problem where my phone switches off and says kernel upload error or something like that.
I did not use firmware from SamMobile before. Not so sure about that. Below is my guide…
hey bro i need some help rooting my samsung galaxy s2 my software information is the exact same as yours but i have struggled to find any instructions
Hey ruke, please refer to this guide.
Hi Jayce,
I am using now ICS leaked firmware. but i want to back to official firmware for middle east. please provide me link. and steps to downgrade to official firmware.
Many Thanks
Hi Sanjay, please follow this guide.
Hi jayce,
the link provided for download seems not working for me please e provide me other link to download
You can try to download at SamMobile.
I downloaded and installed it in my samsung galaxy s2.
after connecting to KIES its still showing me message YOUR DEVICE DOES NOT SUPPORT UPGRADING VIA KIES.
What should i do in this case ??
Please help me out.
Thanks again
CSC might not match to your official firmware.
Dear Sorry again for disturbing you.
As your guide i checked in my system and default Sales Code it is showing me ODK.
in this case what should i do ?? which firmware will match with this Code ??
Please last time i am requesting me to guide.
Many Thanks
You need to change CSC to match to your firmware.
Dear Jayce,
My Galaxy S2 is Made in Vieatnam.
and i dont know the default build which came with my device. how can i know kernal and csc default by samsung ??
Please help me..
Thanks a lot..
Sorry Sanjay, I also don’t know. Please consult Samsung Vietnam.
Hey jaycee i want such firmware that can update through kies. Give the link to download that …..
Use official firmware.
Hey Jay,
Need some help buddy. Bit of a weird one. Trying to get Sky Go to work on my rooted SGS2, but of course it wont let me.
Been on XDA forum for a while now and people on the thread say that if you flash a stock kernel onto your phone it should start working by hiding the root using an app.
I am a noob and have no idea how to do this. Also, the link for the kernel I need is down. So someone suggested flashung 2.3.6 to my phone then putting the new kernel on top which is more available.
Can you give me some advice and where to find the right downloads. Also, if I flash a stock kernel will I lose all my data? If I flash a new firmware will I lose all my data?
My device details are:
Android Ver: 2.3.5
Baseband Ver: I9100BUKI1
Kernel Ver:
Flashing kernel and official firmware won’t delete your data. Note – wipe official firmware will delete your data.
You can try Voodoo OTA RootKeeper. I manage to temp unroot Kindle Fire with it.
Thanks. I did try and use Voodoo, but need to flash stock kernel first. But can’t find it as Mutliupload servers are down. Do you know where I can find it, and then how to flash it please?
Who said need to use stock kernel to use Voodoo OTA RootKeeper? Nope, most of the kernels I know are hosted at MutliUpload.
mtiupload server has been suspendes i guess as it appears as broken link… any idea where to download stick kernel DXKL3?
Not sure kernel got or not. But you can try…
I want my fone to update through kies . I want the link for stock kernel
I have galaxy s2 . Gt i9100
Hi akash, you can get it from XDA website (link in the post).
Hey i even wanna a know . Wat iz ROM
It is something like Windows on PC.
Hi Jayce, I got a problem like this same as the video..what should I do? I’m getting mad on it..hope I can have your reply faster..
What had you done until got this issue?
I flashed the latest ICS 4.0.3 XXLPH from my stock ROM, I rooted my stock ROM with CF-ROOT and I installed CWM into my phone by using odin, I install XXLPH by using Odin too..its boot up and I finish all the setup..after a few minutes..its freeze, so I pressed the power button for 8 seconds to make it reboot..the problem still hangs and my phone become hot..
And I did factory reset and wipe cache before I flash the XXLPH by using CWM..
It is a beta version. So bugs still exist…
I got a friend also installed the same ROM and install it with the same way with me..but he got no problem on his phone…=(.I did it about 10+ times but the problem still exist…=(
Then you might want to consult your friend. 😉
please jayce help me out i have a samsung galaxy ace s5030 it loked himself after atttempts i dont have agoogle a acount what should i do
Sorry, I don’t get you. Attempt what?
firstly my mobile hangs after i try to lock it…how to go about it??my version is 2.3.3 and baseband version is I9100XXKE4…help me…facing serious issues…thnxx….:D
Maybe factory reset can solve it.
by installing the new version 2.3.6 will the problem sustain??
Hard to say. Better factory reset to have a clean start.
hi Jayce. i downloaded an app called mobi control, its a completly usless app that i dont recomend to anyone, the prob is that it keeps freezing my phone i have to force close it on my galaxy s2. when i go to uninstall it, it refuses to uninstall. is their any way i can force uninstall it??
please help
Do you mean this app?
TO UNINSTALL: Uncheck “Device Administrator” for MobiControl before uninstalling the application. Settings->Location & Security-> Select Device Administrators
WOW!! iv being trying for 2 months to get rid of that thing, id even downloaded abt 20 diffrent uninstall apps… and non worked.
hello sir i have a samsung galaxy s2 firmware korean shw-m250s can i upgrade to international firmware gt-i9100 , if can how to do it , many thank you .
Sorry, raymond. It is not possible.
i have update the software to 2.3.6… now problem is that phone not show the usb drive when i attached to pc.. plss help me
Never face this issue. Not sure what went wrong. Try on other PC. See USB mass storage mode work or not.
Hi Jayce, I’m in South Africa, using MTN, I just can’t seem to get Network, I’ve tried the XXKI2 Baseband version, but still no luck, Not sure if its the baseband or not… I just need the MODEM file for MTN S.A… Help!
Baseband should not affect it. Please check with MTN and Samsung on your issue.
Using Samsung Galaxy S2
is it a must to root d phone b4 i can be able to upgrade to d gingerbread 2.3.6 firmware…??
i’m new to dis rooting n firmware stuffs…
No, you can install it with Odin directly.
Ey, I just bought SGS2 last week, is it normal that when I use it on playing games, its getting hot. though, I’ve only using it for a 15-20mins. Especially near on the cam. What should I do?
Yes, getting warm while playing 3D games is normal. Upgrade to the latest firmware.
Jayce.. U r really doing a gr8 wrk,well done…
But could u pls help me out with a video or links on hw to directly install 2.3.6 with odin..
N will i lose all data after tht.. Thank u vry much..
The guide link is in the post.
Depend on which firmware that you install. You will lose data if you install wipe version.
Is it possible to reset d phone frm d begin with dis firmware update..
Like wantin dis firmware to b d stock firmware for ma phone..???
If so hw do i go abt it..???
Hi Rapture, follow this guide –
Hello Jayce,
i have a custom firmware i want to install the original firmware for my galaxy sI9100G could u pls mail me pls multi is not working
Sorry, I don’t have any firmware for I9100G. But you can find it at SamMobile.
Okk 10x vry much Jayce….
Bt could u pls make smthng clear 4 me..??
R ths steps of mine correct…:
1. I’ll upgrade ma firmware to 2.3.6 with odin.. A
2. Since I want to make 2.3.6 ma original stock firmware, afta upgrading den i reset d phone n wipe everythng Right???
3. So after d reset, will d phone reboot with dis 2.3.6 firmware as it new stock firmware????
4. N abt tht usb jig/jib device, i dn’t hv it so hw do i go abt with d reset??
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Not a must.
Dis is ma fon info… :
Model number – GT-I9100
Android version – 2.3.5
Baseband version – I9100XXKI4
Kenel version – se.infr@SEP-62 #2
thanks jayce is that a original firmware?
Should be.
AND JAYCE can i get the flashprogram and guide for it
Here you are –
Dis is ma fon info… :
Model number – GT-I9100
Android version – 2.3.5
Baseband version – I9100XXKI4
Kenel version – se.infr@SEP-62 #2
could u pls help me out with dis last request……
pls which 2.3.6 firmware should i download tht corrisponds with mine…thanks alot…
You can use any I9100 firmware that you want.
how to update rooted galaxy s 2 from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 (india)
Use Samsung Kies or Odin.
Hi Jayce…
Any news on d release of ICS on galaxy s2…. Via via kies
It is available on certain country in Europe region now.
Is baseband version I9100XXKI4 an European version…
If nt whh country’s is it???
XXKI4 is for Poland
Mine is 2.3.6 DXKL3 version, official from Kies. Can i root mine using this version u have here?
Yes Hans, as long as yours is I9100 model.
Yeah, mine is GT-I9100 model. Thanks Jayce for your kind response. God bless 🙂
Hi jayce,
How to do the downgrade from ics 4.0.3 back to gingerbread 2.3.6 with odin? Do i need to backup before downgrade firmware? Please advised becoz i having some issue of compatibilty of apps on ics 4.0.3 recently download.
The firmware 2.3.6 from your link here is it the exactly official from samsung kies?
Thanks in advanced bro.
Hi jeffrey,
Yes, you need to backup all your stuffs first. Downgrade will wipe all your data.
Above download link is broken. Please get firmware at XDA website.
I have the galaxy s sch-i500 how can i update it to the 2.3.6
Sorry Sabrina, I don’t have such model. No idea.
All the differences I found. Hope this helps. Thank you.
Hi Jayce, Can you provide me the link to download updated official firmware for my SGS2-INDIA…I downloaded it however it a website but now the picture & video resolution is not upto the mark…it is getting blur….
Hi Mandeep,
i m thinking to upgrade my samsung wave 2 S8530 model phone to android 2.2.
i have already upgraded its firmware bada 1.2 to bada 2.0. but it is not so good.
please tell me is it possible to change bada 2.0 to android 2.2 !
Not sure. But you can find more info at
the link for the firmware is not working can I have another link to download official XWKK2 for XXKI4? thanks in advance.
Not working? It is working fine here. And I don’t have other link.
hello again bro,
when i click download it show me this “Such file does not exist or it has been removed for infringement of copyrights.” and i cannot download it.
Weird. Maybe your ISP block it. Try to find it at XDA website.
Hi Jayce… What ’bout si9100g version can i flash XXLA1 (stock rom and kernel) on my DZKL3 phone?? thanks in advance…
Hi Tjecing, no. You can’t use I9100 firmware on I9100G.
Oh i see.. But my intention is to flash germany XXLA1 (i9100G) stock firmware over my malaysian DZKL3 (i9100G).. Will it damage the phone?? Thanks anyway for the reply really appreciate
Oh, I thought XXLA1 is I9100 firmware. Yes, you should be okay to install any I9100G firmware that you prefer.
Thanks a lot really help me out..
plzzzzzzzzz help me my cell phone s2 and ugkg2 my build number and baseband version how to upgread 2.3.6 ???? plzzz tell me
Hi aman, please refer to the installation guide in the article.
whats the use of rooting any any android phone
how does it help
It will give you root access to the phone.
A video review of ICS MIUI v4
hey bro..
i’m using samsung galaxy S GT-i9003..
my current firmware is 2.2.1 froyo…
can i change it to gingerbread latest firmware?
Hi sollos, yes but I don’t have info in this blog because I don’t have such model. But you can find more info at
The Link is not working,
Even if I try to get it from another country, the link fails :
Deposit Files :
This file does not exist, the access to the following file is limited or it has been removed due to infringement of copyright.
ZShare :
Link doesn’t even work, : doesn’t work.
I can’t ping it, and port 80 doesn’t work. So, it appears zshare is completely dead.
Can you please help out and provide another location?
Hi Burt, try to find other download link at XDA website.
bro.. confuse which one to download in XDA.. got lot of firmware there.. TQ..
Hi Wie21, what are you trying to do?
Hi Mr.Jayce,
I would like one question, now my SGSII running official ICS and i want to downgrad to officail stock 2.3.6, does it have some problem? and how to can i do it? or can downgrad by using Ordin?
Thanks in advance for reply,
Hi KAKA, please refer to this guide.
Ok i got it thank very much. 🙂
Hi… How can i root the official stock ice cream sanwich firmware..?? Thankx
Hi Rapture, install with Samsung Kies officially. Else use Odin to install manually.
I already hv d official ics firmware 4 SGs2.. Bt could u pls get me a procedures on hw to go abt rootin d ics firmware..?? 10x
Oh, my mistake. Please refer to this guide.
i had used the update on htc hd2 leo usa and im now failling to take the update off my phone i think its the one preventing me to put android on my htc hd2 what can i do
Sorry gorsper, I don’t understand. What update?
the link above is the update i had put on my htc hd2 leo
Hi gorsper, it has nothing to do with Android installation. Please refer to this guide.
I am in INDIA … Dear, I am using Samsung galaxy I9000 .. Officially upgraded to GT-I9000 2.3.3 Gingerbread-DDJV9.. through KIES.
Now when official version of furthur upgradation is not available.
Whether there is advantage to upgrade unofficially to 2.3.6 as available and told by you also.
My querry is what will it make difference if I upgrade it to 2.3.6.
Thanks .
Hi Paramjeet, I don’t have I9000, so no idea the advantage. But you can find more info at XDA website.
Hello Jay h r u ? hopefully fine. i have a question, can i install gingerbread 2.3.6 on my sgs2 with dxkg3 firmware, i just cant beleieve how can dxkg3 2.3.6 firmware doesnt exist your advice please. by the way i had solve the boot loop problems before with your instruction, thank so very much for it. and i’d rooted the phone again with cf_root_dxkg3_cwm4.1 worked well till now.
Hi kanisius, you can install any I9100 firmware that you prefer.
Jayce .hw do i update my samsung galaxy S GT I9003 firmware??
Hi dee, please use Samsung Kies. Something like this…
it doesnt allow update
Hi dee, please consult Samsung Support if you are using official firmware.
Sir, I have a problem regarding an uninstalled preinstalled app.
its the dialer and contacts app. Do you have any idea on how to reacquire this application?? Thanks… ^_^
Hi huss529, restore back if you have CWM backup or Titanium Backup previously. Else reinstall Android ROM again.
Do I lose warranty after do this?
Yes, if this is not your region official firmware. But you can always restore back to your stock firmware. And valid for warranty.
hi, Jay, i’m trying to download this official 2.3.6 from your link but the site always ask me to enter phone number and there will be charge for the video…
how do i get the download works… for your infor, my brother S2 after upgraded to ics, his phone can’ switch of the wifi and it force to use data causing to lost all the credit with him…
The file was removed from shared download site. Try to get it from XDA website.
hi,i want to upgrade my android version 2.3.5 in HTC wildfireS to some higher versions,so kindly ensure me the process to upgrade the lower version to higher version
Hi bharath, please consult HTC Support. I don’t have HTC Wildfire S. No idea. Sorry…
plz write me a link for android 2.3.6 gingerbread for my galaxy s2.
thank you
Hi ayyub, please get it from XDA or SamMobile website.
hi jayce
i want to update my htc explorer with Official Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread Firmware , can i change the os is it compatable? help me..!
Hi sukumar, I don’t have this model. No idea. Please get more info at XDA Forum.
Shit..managed to delete my original rom when I tried to back it up..(before rooting my samsung galaxy s plus). Can someone please help me?
Gingerbread v 2.3.6
hi jayce,
About my galaxy y phone, i can’t access menu due to instant message pop up into the screen, force to stop…can you help me on this..thank you
Hi dox, you can try to factory reset it.
hey Jayce…
can u tell me how to install any android version on samsung wave 2…where everything works..
I don’t think there is a Android ROM for Samsung Wave 2.
would u pls help me to get android 2.3.5 fro htc chacha? thank you.
Hi Saleh, please consult others at XDA Forum as I don’t have this model.
can i update my LG-P698 to 2.3.6
No idea, ritiz. Please consult LG Support.
I rooted my huawei y 100 and accidentally formated system, for now it is not working. When booting is over it just displays flickering colours and stops there. What should I do? please help
Sorry peter, I have no idea on this model. Please consult others.
how to download the rom? do I need to download the ilivid?
Sorry hamz, the download link is not working already. Please get it from XDA Forum or SamMobile.
where is the link to download
Try to get new download link from XDA Forum.
I have inserted new os for samsung galaxy ace gt 5830.but it is not supported to FM…..!
I would like to install my first OS…How should i install?any link for that?
Hi Swapnil, you can find more info at XDA Forum.
how can i start process pl help
how can i start process pl help
Sorry, I don’t get you. What is the issue?
i am using android 2.3.6 smart phone . it suddenly stop .cannot go to menu ,home setting ,indicating phone has stopped unexpectedly.force close . is only showing ,its not conneting to my pc also as i can not connect / on usb port of cell phone
Try factory reset.
Try factory reset.
does it work for mercury mtab neo
This firmware is for Galaxy S2 only.
i can’t find firmware … plz write correct link .. sory for bad english :p
Try to get it from SamMobile.
how to root samsung galaxy y
how to root samsung galaxy y
Sorry, I have no idea. Try find it at XDA Forum see.
hi, i am samsung ACE S5830i user, my phone is always restart still samsung logo, i will try to reboot but samsung firmware fill is available so, can you send link of firmware, so, i can download easyly. plz. help me..
Hi mangesh, please get it from SamMobile.
I uninstalled default launcher of my mobile. Then I reset it. Now Icant use my mobile what should Ido ?
Try to install firmware again. It should reinstall back the launcher.
I tryed but E:signature verification field error came up
Try other firmware see.
But I couldn’t find a one please send me a download link of a firmware if you can
could not find the download link for gingerbread 2.3.6,kindly help
Please get it from SamMobile website.
Hi please Can wirte me a Knew version thanks.4.2.1version i want
You can try this if you want.
plz write me link for gingerbread os for micromax
Sorry, I have no idea on this model.
plz write me a link for android 2.3.6 gingerbread for my galaxy grand neo
Hi Gopal, please get it from SamMobile.