Download XBOX 360 controller emulator for PC games? Why do you need an emulator for XBOX 360 Controller for PC games? If you play Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA4) and you do not have any XBOX 360 controller or PS3 controller. Then you will know why I need a XBOX 360 controller emulator. I believe that it is part of the marketing that Microsoft does not support normal PC games controller to work on certain PC games. And these PC games only support XBOX 360 controller. Therefore, you will need to buy a XBOX 360 controller in order to play the games with controller. Else you have to stick with keyboard and mouse. Thanks to Racer_S who made this XBOX 360 controller emulator for PC games. Without Racer_S, I still stuck with keyboard and mouse on Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA4).

XBOX 360 controller emulator for PC games version 3 is confirmed working with Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 & Logitech G25 Racing Wheel. And it works on my USB PS2 mod joypad too. Besides Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA4), it also supports games like Juiced 2: HIN, Crysis WARHEAD, GRID, MotoGP 08, The Club, Kane & Lynch, Sega Rally, Bionic Commando, SpiderMan Web of Shadows, Unreal Tournament 3, Shadowrun, Fallout 3, Flatout 2 Ultimate Carnage, Lord of the Rings Conquest and Mirror’s Edge (with some mapping bugs). However, it is not working on Gears of War and 007 Quantum of Solace. Hehe… It is not a problem for me as I do not play these 2 games.
Interested with XBOX controller emulator for PC games? Head to to download XBOX 360 controller emulator for PC games now.
Atlernative download link – here
P/S – If really cannot work, just buy a new gamepad like GameSir G4s that supports both Android and Windows. It can be connected through Bluetooth 4.0, 2.4GHz wireless and wired. Read GameSir G4s Review to know more.