Easy access to Galaxy S4 TV remote control

Infrared remote control is one of the new features of Samsung Galaxy S4 that I like to use. Yes, you can connect your home entertainment system with Samsung WatchON on Galaxy S4. It provides program schedules and also let you remotely control the TV and set top box. No need to have TV and set top box remove controls with you anymore.

Remote control on lock screen

There are 2 easy ways to bring up Galaxy S4 TV remote control besides launching it from WatchON. You can display remove control on lock screen like above screenshot or notification panel as below. Just go to WatchON Settings to enable both of them. By the way, you need to enable Multiple widgets support in order to use WatchON remote control on lock screen.

Remote control on notification panel

Remote control on notification panel is easier to access. And you can hide it when not needed. Hopefully, this will ease those who enjoy movie on big couch frequently.