How to unlock Samsung Galaxy S III GT-I9300? Are you using carrier locked Samsung Galaxy S3? Want to unlock Samsung Galaxy S3 from O2, T-mobile, TMN, Orange and Three? Today is your lucky day. You can unlock Samsung Galaxy S3 for free with Voodoo Galaxy S III SIM Unlock application. It unlocks your Samsung Galaxy S3 baseband so it becomes able to use SIM card from any carrier without restriction. Note – root access is required.

My Samsung Galaxy S3 is factory unlocked. So I can’t test Voodoo Galaxy S III SIM Unlock application is working or not. Let me know the result after you tried it. Thanks.
Please follow this guide to root Samsung Galaxy S3 if you have not do so ~ How to root Samsung Galaxy S3 with CF-Root? (Video)
Download Voodoo Galaxy S III SIM Unlock at Google Play Store here.
not working
my sim lock is inactive 😛 sorry
Hi Amar, did it work or not?
Dont kno cos mine is already factory unlocked.
it works!!! after using Odin by rooting it then I used it and it was unlocked. I tested it out on other carrier sim cards and it accepted it. cool!!
how to open the file name with .CR2
I recentlly bought my galaxy S3 gti9300 blocked to Telcel (Mexico) , I rooted without problems and install voodoo from play Google, but doesn’t work. After run voodoo I get Sim Unlocked message in voodoo app, but I still geting network locked message or unregistered network when I try to make a call. Just emergency call where accepted
Hi Carlos, did you been able to solve your problem finally? I’m having the same right now…. the “unlocked” message but still not work.
Hi Mehdi,
I solve the problem changing the ROM. Actually I’m using Criskelo ROM.
But be carefull, because the last version aren’t compatible with voodoo.
Hola Carlos, estoy tratando de desbloquear mi galaxy s3 de telcel. Ya pude rutearlo. pero aun asi no me deja desbloquearlo con voodoo galaxy s3. Por lo que entiendo tu ya lo lograste. Dime, que version de Criskelo bajaste? mencionas que la ultima no es compatible. Ojala me puedas ayudar con esto, realmente me estoy desesperando…..Saludos!
Hola Carlos, contesté tu pregunta pero no veo que halla salido mi comentario… escribeme a vissual.gott@gmail. Com
hola carlos oye una pregunta, estoy por comprarme un samsung galaxy s3 de usa con t-mobile, esto de desbloquear es para que pueda usarse con telcel? crees que se pueda? ayuda por favor.
hola carlos oye una pregunta, estoy por comprarme un samsung galaxy s3 de usa con t-mobile, esto de desbloquear es para que pueda usarse con telcel? crees que se pueda? ayuda por favor
Awesome it works flawlessly my s3 on 3 network is now running t mobile. Thanks
How about. T999 for t- mobile
For GT-I9300 only for far.
Hi Joliano
Have you figured that out yet? I am trying to unlock t999 tmobile phone.
Thank you
Thank you soooooo much love you jks 😛
I unlocked my phone using this method with no problems.
I then updated my phone with kies and its locked again. Why did this happen.??
Will I have to repeat this process again and avoid using kies in future??
Kind Regards
Voodoo Galaxy S III SIM Unlock no longer unlocks the phone with the new update, I have returned to previous firmware BLFB and rooted to get it unlocked succesfuly again.
I will apply the new update using odin and see if it stays unlocked. Then I will know if its a kies issue, or if the new update re locks the phone.
Ok, I have updated to BLG6 using Odin and its the new firmware that is re locking my phone. It will not unlock again using Voodoo….
Will have to go back to BLFB…
OR pay to get it unlocked properly!!
OR is there another way???
Hi Kerrmuir, try to consult others at XDA website see.
i just bought the Samsung S3 today, i try the link for the voodoo aps, but unfortunately it was not there, would there be any other way for me to unlock my phone?
It is still there. And you can download apk from Google Play Store too.
How to unlock Samsung Galaxy S III i747 At&T Usa
no the app is not there.. i try to download it from google play… ahhhrrgg HELP!
Maybe not available for your region? I still can see it from here.
i have it know. i downloaded It from the phone, but i can,t pres the active button, and i have rooted my phone.. arg its killing me. i have wastaget a hole fxxking day on guids and shit ^^
Since you have rooted your phone, you can try Market Enabler. Google for Market Enabler APK.
Have it, but how is that gonna help me unlocking ?
My mistake, I thought you still can’t find it. 😛
could this unlock the galaxy s3 from t-mobile? cause i couldn’t find the app in google play and when i try downloading it off the internet on my computer it say the app is incompatible for the device
GT-I9300 only.
Hi Jayce,
The link to download Voodoo Galaxy S III SIM Unlock application isn’s valid. Do you have another way to download it or pehaps send it as an attachement to my e-mail?
Thanks a lot,
It is working fine here. Or you can consult the developer for help.
Hi Jayce,
for it did not open the url. it says: Requested URL NO FOUND ON THIS SERVER.
I am in South America – Brazil, could it be the problem?
Please e-mail it to me,
many thanks,
Hi Jayce,
I really dont know why the link isn’t working for me. Maybe cause I am in Brazil.
If it is working for you, I would like to ask you a favor. Can you please go to the url and save the file and forward to me via e-mail RASFONSECA@GMAIL.COM, I appreciate you help.
I really need this to unlock my Galaxy S 3.
Thank you,
Worked like charm! now my S3 is carrier unlocked. freedom…. lol
Thanks a lot.
Hi Jayce,
I have unlocked my S3 just fine. Thank you the all your help. I have recently download the new version of the IOS for my s3 and it keeps on asking me to update. My question is, if I update the software will voodoo unlock still working? If not, how do I delete the downloaded new software version?
Thank you,
Sorry Rolando, I have no idea because I don’t have locked SGS3.
voodoo app is not avilable in play store … plz give the downloading link
Hi pritam,
how to use the akp file for unlocking please jace, superus has been disabled how to enable again please
thnk you
Just install the apk to use it. As for SuperSU, what is the error message?
thank for quick response jace, superus is ok now i enabled it somehow i disabled but rooted phone again. the apk file is on my i use kies to export to phone then in install apk fil voodoo sim unock
What are you trying to do now?
unlock the phone with voodoo sim unlock ? downlaoded the apk file because couldnt downlaod from first link you gave @ google play, noticed another blog asked was there another site to downalod from and you have link cos he was having same problem downlaoding from google play.
hi jace
instlled voodoo unlock sim, and see exactly the same as u have at top of this page..with my ime number displayed and message saying query sim lock as seen form system, also simlock : inactive, i clicked on quuery sim and got this medial pad with numbers and a hash sign and * sign *# and numbers
any advice becausel unlock did not highlight to use it
is there any instructions on how to use this voodoo sim unlock ? thanks for all previous help
You can’t use it when SIM lock : inactive.
can u please let me know how to unlock samsung galaxy s3 phone
Above application not working for you?
hey jace
thanks for lll you help and advice, what does it mean when it says sim lock inactive, and is there any free software that unlocks all phones ?
It is not supported on your phone just like mine. No idea on other unlock software.
still not working for t-mobile SGH-T999??? really need help unlocking my S3
I enter *#7465625# on galaxy S3(gt-i9300) it shows MMI few times. Then after it showing connection problem or invalid MMI Code
pls tell me how to root s3
Hi Ajit, please read my guide carefully.
upgraded my s3. the phone is now locked asks for “sim network unlock code”. tried the method above worked after few attempts but after the phone restarted its locked again. asking the same code again after i unlock it from voodoo time and again. my carrier is three in uk now in pakistan using ufone. therefore no chance of getting the code. pls help. will upgrading to jelly bean be of any use.
help buddy im in total trouble.
hola e estado leyendo algunas de las preuntas y quisiera ver si me pueden ayudar …yo compre un samsung galaxy 3 y ya benia unlocked se podia usar en cualquier conpania… y mi preunta es sera posible que este cel c pueda activar en mexico en telcel???
Sorry Maria, I have no idea. Try to consult others at XDA Forum.
My GS3 I9300 got SIM locked after firmware upgrade. It is from France SFR now Im on Digicel Trinidad and Tobago.
I rooted it successfully.
Voodoo SIM unlock is only available in ‘pro’ version and I dont have a credit card to make the payment.
Any please help me find a FREE sim unlock Application.
Huh? Got Pro version? I only know the free version on Google Play Store.
Is it possible to unlocvk the samsung s3 on the 3 network to the O2 network?
Sorry Paul, you need to try it to find out. I have no idea.
Hi Jaycee,
I have just rooted my galaxy s3 i9300, I want to unlock my phone however when I download the GalaxSim Unlock app, it says my device is not rooted?
What can I do?
The Voodoo Galaxy S III SIM Unlock doesn’t seem to be available on the google play store…
Is there an alternative for it?
I like many others bought a brand new unlocked Galaxy S3. I couldnt get the Jelly bean update but i knew it was available and after much investigation i found out it was due to my CSC code. I changed the CSC code and KIES immediately gave me the update. The problems started after the update was complete, my phone was locked and was asking for a sim unlock code.
I have no idea what network it was locked to as i bought it unlocked from an Amazon seller so couldnt contact the network or but an unlock code as they needed this information!
I thought i had purchased a SIM free phone but i hadn’t, i had purchased an “unlocked” phone that re-locked itself after the firmware update. I was in a state of panic!
After more reading on excellent sites such as this i decided on my course of action:
Root the phone, easy if you follow the instructions and have basic computer knowledge.
Run Voodoo Galaxy SIM unlock.
All i can say is it worked for me, my phone now makes calls again!
Hi all,i have a branded s3 from orange,i bought it from someone who had it unlocked,now i updated it by Kies to 4.1.1 and the phone locked,its asking me Network pin code ….i reflashed using odin and the same thing i rooted and instaled voodoo but it says : SIM lock : read error
if anyone could help me please give me a tutorial on how to unlock it,i appreciate it !
done it 😀 i didn t instal the busybox…installed it…now working like a charme.
Did you have any problems with the mobile data network?
No problems the firmwire is cosmote romania oct version
hi bobo, can you help me i got the same problem as you ive got SGS3 from 3 mobile (UK) same problem please help thanks.
I’ve followed your guide perfectly and my sgs3 is rooted and unlocked.
The only problem is the 3g is not working. gps,wifi fine but no mobile data.
Can you tell me what is wrong please?
Cheers – Jim
Hi Jim, try this see.
hello i got a galaxy s3 from my friend hes moveing to austrila his phone has a few months left on his contract can i order a unlock code and use as ready to go
Sorry aida, I have no idea on this. But you can unlock it with above method.
do u know how to unlock a sprint samsung galaxy s3 to be used in mexico carrier telcel?
Sorry jz, I have no idea.
hi jayce, thanks i already root my s3 (i think). I installed galaxsim unlock, but it says i need to pay a fee for it? cant find the voodoo software?
hi jayce, finally i installed voodoo on my fone, unfortunately when i start the application there’s a status in IMEI saying “SIM lock: read error Query SIM lock as seen from system” can you help me please?
Hi karl, I don’t have locked SGS3. No idea about this. Try to consult developer or others at XDA Forum.
hey jayce, thanks for the immediate reply, can you send me a link to that forum? coz i dont have any idea about this. My mobile provider was (Three) 3 mobile from the UK