I fall in love with Super AMOLED Plus display (after tuned the oversaturated colour) on my Samsung Galaxy S II. And I am thinking of getting Samsung Galaxy Note too. But was holding back due to HD Super AMOLED (using PenTile ~ not plus RGB stripe) and big size for a phone. So I am looking at Samsung Galaxy Note bigger brother now ~ Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7. Okay, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 is a tablet but it has voice call function just like on a mobile phone. It is definitely not jean pocketable and you will look weird when using it as a phone without Bluetooth headset. But it has the thing that make me want to own it ~ Super AMOLED Plus. Playing games and watching movie on it will be wonderful…

Nothing is perfect. 7.7″ is a little bit small for a tablet. But can’t complaint much as it weighs only 335g. Good for long time gaming. But small for movie viewing when compare to 10″ tablet.
Price of Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 is definitely not the rumour price at RM 1699 (I will close my eyes and get one immediately), I won’t be surprised if it is priced above RM 2000. Hey, we are taking a tablet with voice call function here. The first Samsung Galaxy Tab was priced at RM 2699 when launch in Malaysia. And it was way too expensive for a tablet with voice call function. Hopefully, Samsung will have a reasonable price on it. Because its main competitor ~ Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime powered by quad-core Tegra 3 is coming out soon (not sure when Malaysia will get it though). Of course, iPad 3 with retina display (if Apple can make it, I will buy it to replace my iPad) sure will give some pressure but it won’t come until Q1 2012.
Hmm… Which Android tablet should I get? Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 or Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime? Or both?