Download NexusHD2 Android 4.2 Jelly Bean ROM for HTC HD2

Android is the most active OS on HTC HD2 right now. Yes, developers are still cooking ROM for 4 years old HTC HD2. So all the HTC HD2 users can enjoy the latest and greatest Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on HTC HD2. NexusHD2 is one of my favourite ROM on HTC HD2 which cooked by XDA Developer, tytung. NexusHD2 JellyBean CM10.1 ROM is the latest one. It is based on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean (JDQ39) ~ CyanogenMod 10.1 and using htcleo-2.6.32 kernel. It includes CM10.1 features like Enhanced Power Menu with Reboot and Screenshot options, Power Notification Widget, Trebuchet Launcher, T9 Dialer, Keep app back button in Developer options and Theme. All Google Apps are included like Google Now. Rooted, Superuser, su and busybox are added too. It also supports hardware acceleration like hardware video decoding (720p video playback). And more other goodies…

NexusHD2 JellyBean CM10.1 ROM for HTC HD2

There are 3 types of installations. NAND and NAND with DataOnEXT are no stranger to me. However, the new NativeSD (everything on the SD card) is. And it should be better if your SD card read and write speed are faster than internal NAND storage. Do try it to find out.

Download NexusHD2 Android 4.2 Jelly Bean ROM for HTC HD2 here.


  1. Not Working:
    Camcorder recording (640×480, MPEG4 with hardware video encoding) (Camcorder FC on JB 4.2.2) (Maybe find an alternative app yourself.)
    Native WiFi Tethering (Native “Portable Wi-Fi hotspot” feature doesn’t work. Please install WiFi Tether for Root Users 3.x.)
    Native USB Tethering (Native “USB Tethering” feature doesn’t work. Please use included third-party app: Wired Tether v1.4)

  2. hey Jaycee, I have the 4.1.2 OS in my HD2 but I can’t seen to access recovery so that I can updated my phone to 4.2.2 please help!!!!!!!!! Do you know any instructions guide I can follow.

  3. Dear Jayce,

    I am new to android and i just need your support ,Yesterday i have installed NexusHD2 Android 4.2 Jelly Bean ROM in my HTC HD2,and my signal bar shows only one point and i have checked with the ROM chef he has advised me to change the system\ build.prob,but how to access the file in root.Could you guide me.

    Thanks in Advance


  4. Hi Jayce,

    Can I ask something? Now, I’m using NexusHD2 ICS V2.4 and planning to upgrade to NexusHD2 JellyBean V2.0. The forum said fresh install are recommended!. How to do a fresh install?

    Hope I can get answer from this. Thanks 🙂

    • Hi Isaac, it means that you need to factory reset (delete every data) in recovery first. Then install new Android ROM.

      Note – you might need to install new CWM layout size.

      • Okay Thanks Jayce,

        But how about wipe cache partition? Should I do that? and I have read from the forum it said that,” The minimal partition table required when installing this ROM’s system to NAND (Options 1 and 2):(If you do a Full Install, you need 285 MB system partition instead of 200 MB.) ” Means I have to download 400MB Partition and change into this one:

        misc ya 1M
        recovery rrecov|ro|nospr filesize recovery-raw.img
        boot yboot|ro 5M
        system ya 285M
        cache ya 2M
        userdata ya|asize|hr allsize

        Is it true?

  5. Hello, I preiviously install android by this way

    Install Instructions:
    After installing HSPL and upgrading your radio version (see Requirements). Copy the Android folder to your SD card . (should look like this: storage card/Android).
    Option 1 (recommended): Install this Android Launcher on WM, set it to “Auto start” and to “3 seconds”, and soft reset to start Android

    Can i install Android 4.2 Jelly Bean this way ?

  6. hey Jayce,
    i am trying to install the following in my hd2, i have used CWM based recovery
    i have using the nand on ext4, all gets installed but restarts again and again and doesnt load the OS, Please help, m i doing something wrong. tried the other way too but the mobile only restarts.
    [May 27, 2013][ROM][AOKP][4.2.2][720p] TouchWizMOD v3.0 [DataOnExt][NativeSD]

    • Hi Anup, I am not too sure about this ROM. You should get better answer from ROM chef himself.
      But as for NAND on EXT4 build, you should have EXT4 partition on your SD card. And have the correct CWM layout size. Do you have both of that installed correctly?

  7. Hi Jayce, I have installed on my htc hd2 android gingerbread, but now I would like to upgrade to jellybean or ics..however when I choose ad recovery it says no boot source what should I do??

  8. no, I dont..could you direct me to one of your step by step instruction guides, I had followed your guide to load the ginger os and everything was perfect.. 🙂

  9. hi Jayce, i am having a problem i cant get wifi tethering to work…each time i try turning it on it says error..
    any advice… I just gave away my s2 to my son so I nd a replacement and so far the hd2 is good.

  10. Greetings Jayce..I am really desperate in updating my htc hd2 from android gingerbread to ics or jelly bean..the reason why I want to do this I am currently having issues with using my data plan on my phone as a portable hotspot..I don’t know how to fix that because each time that I launch it I keep getting error yet still other devices are seeing the tether but unable to connect..can you send to my email the instructions to either fix the portable hot spot or step by step instructions on how to load the ics or the jb..please .. Thanks in advance.

  11. Dear Jayce Ooi

    I installed android nexus ics on my htc hd2 ..but it kepps rebooting..i want to try the Jelly Bean 4.22 what r your thoughts

  12. hi
    i install NexusHD2 Android 4.2 Jelly Bean ROM for HTC HD2 but after installing rom when i am trying to wifi on nothing happened please help me to solve this issue i shall be highly thankfull to you

  13. I now use NexusHD2 ICS V2.8 with very good performance with the NAND installation. And I would like to upgrade to NexusHD2-JellyBean-CM10.1 V2.5. I have T-Mobile HTC HD2. My question is will the JB NAND installation work as fast as ICS NAND installation that I currently have?

  14. Hey Jayce,

    I installed this rom with partition and everythin but in booting after htc screen it shows just black screen for a long time I waited! Can u help me plz?

  15. Hi Jayce, my HD2 previously using NexusHD2-ICS-CM9-HWA_V2.7

    I wiped out my SD, made EXT3 following your tutorial and transferred this NexusHD2 Android 4.2 Jelly Bean ROM

    Went through the installation, couldn’t boot up, stayed at blank screen. Tried to shut it down but not responding, so I removed the battery.

    After the above, I can no longer turn on the HD2. It will power on when I plug in the USB, but I can’t get into Option 8. AD Recovery, it restarts. Before that it says kernel failed when boot up again, and stays at MAGLDR page.

    I did USB Flasher, all sizes including custom 285 the phone remains the same condition. It shuts down if I unplug the USB cable, and I still can’t power it up by pressing the power button.

  16. Jayce, my mistake; the phone turned on with the battery in place. tried to remove and replace the battery and cleaned the connectors.

    However, tried all the cwm layout sizes as mentioned in Isaac’s comment above to no avail, screen is turned on but blank after installation.

    Ultimately I use the 285 version, but during installation I chose Custom packages, unchecked a few and voilà, loads into the rom startup screen and is working now.

    Appreciate your prompt support.

  17. hi jayce…………. i am not able to install rom NAND with DataOnEXT please guide me
    (i am using touchwizmod rom)
    thanks in advance

  18. Hi Jayce..I already have the gingerbread 2.3.5 installed on my htc hd2. if I have to install android jellybean 4.2 cyanogenmod 10.1 rom, can I install it by copying the rom in my sd card and then wiping all three….OR do i have to make some other changes before doing that??


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