Download XBmod Windows Phone 7 ROM for HTC HD2

XBmod Windows Phone 7 ROM is another custom WP7 ROM for HTC HD2. As usual, ChevronWP7 built-in is a must have for custom ROM. So installing applications in xap format is not any issue at all. It is based on OEM version – 2250.09.07401.605 and Windows Phone version -7.0.7004.0.

XBmod WP7 on HTC HD2

XBmod WP7 Features

  • Original HTC bootscreen
  • Original HTC theme
  • New icons
  • New Notification icons
  • Added new Color
  • Built-in ChevronWP7.
  • Camera settings languages
  • Shutter sound removed
  • ID: HTC HD7 T9292.
  • Sound Volume Tweaked
  • Wifi 11n Enable
  • DefaultScope set to google
  • IE new tabs set to google
  • Keyboard sensibility tweaked
  • Internet explorer speed
  • In ROM HTC Apps

New icons

Installation guide ~ How to install Windows Phone 7 on HTC HD2? (Video)

Download XBmod Windows Phone 7 v1.01 ROM here.


  1. now i have the wp7 by dft, and would like to install the new wp7 here…so what i’m gonna do?
    could you please tel me the step of doing that?

    Format the SD card? follow the step that i have done with DFT wp7 before or what?

    Thank you!

  2. So what i have to do is download the new rom,
    and just follow the step that i have done it the DFT rom, right?

    and how about MAGLDR, and HSPL3 do i have to install them again?
    cos i think i have them already with my old DFT rom.

    Sorry if it not a good question to ask but πŸ˜€ I’m new that why not yet know about that
    process πŸ™‚

    Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for the answer and now i got it πŸ˜€ happy with this rom now !

    but one more question is relate to the FM Radio.
    Could anyone can tell me what wrong? FM radio auto stop and pause than i can’t restart the FM radio again untill i restart my phone to play the FM radio.

    it happen everyday…around 1h or 2h it stop play the Radio.

    DFT rom and XBmod rom : i meet this issues the same.

  4. Hi Jayce. One question. I installed the Rom and everything works great except mms. Do you know how to configure it. I’m in the US using simple mobile. Thank you

  5. Hi jayce,
    couple of months back i flashed wp7 on my hd2. everything was fine as i could sideload apps on it easily. last week i flasjed mango on it and had a trouble sideloading apps as it said that it is develoerp locked. I tried using Chevron but with no luck. then i tried going back to my wp7 rom that i upgraded last time, unfortunately i couldn’t even sideload apps on this when i was able to do the same on it earlier. I think i messed up something. Just to try, i installed XBmod rom and this too doesn;t sideload apps. I checked to see if chevron file can help but chevron shows that it is already unlocked and shows only option to relock. Now i am not sure what is to happening and what needs to be done. please help me. currently i have xbmod installed. thanks is advance.



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