How to install Nexus 4 ADB & Fastboot drivers on Windows?

Install Nexus 4 ADB and Fastboot drivers on PC (Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8) is so easy with the help of Google Nexus 4 ToolKit. With a few clicks here and there by following the on-screen instructions, Nexus 4 ADB and Fastboot drivers will be installed automatically after connect Nexus 4 to PC.


  • Google Nexus 4 ToolKit

Download Google Nexus 4 ToolKit and install it. Then you are ready to install Nexus 4 drivers.

Install Nexus 4 drivers on PC

How to install Nexus 4 ADB and Fastboot drivers on Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8?

  1. Launch Google Nexus 4 ToolKit.
  2. Type no and enter when prompt ~ Do you want to check if an Update is available [type yes or no]?
  3. Select your device version and build then.
  4. Type 1 and enter ~ 1. Install/Uninstall Google Nexus 4 Drivers on your PC.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install.
  6. Note – Select ‘Install this driver software anyway’ when Windows Security prompted.
  7. That’s it.

You should have Nexus 4 ADB and Fastboot drivers on PC now. Enable Nexus 4 USB debugging mode, then connect it to PC with USB cable. Nexus 4 ADB driver will be installed like below.

ADB Mode (USB Debugging Mode)

Same apply to fastboot driver, just load Nexus 4 Fastboot Mode and connect USB cable to PC. Google Nexus 4 BootLoader Interface driver will be installed.

Fastboot Mode

Back to Google Nexus 4 ToolKit main page, your Nexus 4 serial number will be shown if drivers are installed properly.