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Enable right click on website that disable it for IE 6,7 and Firefox 3

It is very user unfriendly when you browse on the website that disable mouse right click button. I always right click on at link and open as new tab by using Firefox or Internet Explorer 7. I hate it when those website disable the right click function. So how to solve it?

There are ways to enable back the right click function. One of them is type the following into the URL bar of your browser: javascript:void(document.oncontextmenu=null). However, this won’t work on all the websites. Some of the websites I visit do not work at all with this function.

Do you use Hotlink Activ10?

Do you use Hotlink Active 10? Yes. I do. I was a Hotlink Active 5 user back then. After Hotlink introduce Activ10, i am Activ10 user lo. However, do I benefit from Hotlink Activ10 lately? NO NO NO!!!

Hotlink Activ10

How to enable ActiveX in Internet Explorer (IE6, IE7)

Want to load ActiveX content but do not know how to do so? Fear no more… Here are some guide for you.

IE6, IE7

  • Click on ‘Tools’
  • Select ‘Internet Options…’
  • Select ‘Security’ tab.
  • Select Internet in Web content zone.
  • Then, click on ‘Custom Level…’
  • Go through all the ActiveX setting there, select ‘Prompt’ or ‘Enable’. Select ‘Enable’ only if you know what you are doing else leave it to ‘Prompt’ 😛

Enjoy ActiveX content. 🙂

Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash Review

Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash Review… I should come out Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash Review for a very long time ago. I have been using Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash for more than 1 year. It is the most powerful flash from Canon for the moment. However, you have to pay the price because it is heavy.

Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash Review

How to check Sony Ericsson mobile phone manufacture date?

Want to buy Sony Ericsson mobile phone? Scare that you get an old phone? Here is a simple guide to check the manufacture date or your mobile phone birthday. 😛

Open the case, get out the battery. You will see a lot of serial number. Find something like 07W11 in there. 07 indicate the year while W11 mean 11th week. This tell that your mobile phone was manufactured at around end of March 2007.


Spice Up Your Life with Trendy Colours SonicGear Airphone Series

Introduction Spice up your life with the latest SonicGear Airphone Series. Yup, enjoy the trendy colours in 2025. Match your lovely fashion while enjoying music...


Kingston Technology Remains Among Top Private Companies in 2024

Kingston Technology, a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, today announced today it landed the #29 spot on Forbes’ list of America’s...