Yeah… Theme Manager is working on MIUI Android ROM finally. I am testing the latest MIUI 03-12-10 and using Hastarin 8.5.1 oldcam Kernel from xda-developer, lesjaw ~ Jaws-MIUI. Everything is looking good to me especially the theme. Too bad that it does not have Miren Browser built-in (but you can always install it yourself). HTC Sense lover can install MIUI FancyWidget Mod to make it more Sense like.

For detail installation, please visit xda-developers. For me, I copied the ROM into Android folder instead of Jaws-MIUI-RC1 so that Android launcher is working. Applied patch 1 only and changed the startup.txt to avoid failed to boot into Android HTC HD2 issue.
Installation guide ~ How to install Android 2.2 Froyo on HTC HD2?
Download Jaws-MIUI RC1 [Kernal: Hastarin 8.5.1 oldcam] ROM here. Patch 1 & Patch 2.
Hi jayce,
how to make contact avail?
coz, it seem i can’t find any of my contact.
thank you
Hi Jayce,
i also got Robo Voice…..
how u fix it?
I don’t have robot voice issue.
ok, problem solve…. thanx!
contact cannot sync. FYI my contact all in SIM, izzit ok?
okly calendar,task and mail can be sync.
need ur advise…..
ok! done! lol…..tq
hi j..just the kernel also change when we booted the phone with the adroid build?i’m read that we can update the kernel hastarin..could you simply post on this blog the step or picture to make it, clean and clear…thank you.. Get the latest kernel from xda-developers website.
thanks…u always rock!!?
hey got android working on my HD2 finally and using the iphone theme only problem is I cant connect to internet using 3G and I went in to the APN setting and there are only 2 T-mobile ones and i’m on Vodafone UK help please
Hi Jaycee
Kudos on this site..I’ve installed it on my HD2. Was wondering if I install move2sd enabler, can I install apps to my SD card?
I did not try move2sd before. But I prefer to increase data.img size. No need to move here and there.
Thank you so much… ๐
Is this rom support extended battery ??
Sorry, I have no idea because I don’t have extended battery to test. You need to try it yourself. ๐
USB mass storage isn’t working. The device connect to computer, but after i unplug my device, i can’t see the file i just transferred. Do u have any idea how to fix it ??
Some Android ROMs have this kind of issue. Try to reboot Android see.
how do you “apply” the patch 1?
Install it like the Android ROM.
so my phone isn’t working and it wont let me call out and wont receive calls. so some should help me. thanks:) android miui 2.2.1 jaws-miui
What had you done until this issue came out? Maybe you can try to reinstall it again.
i found out what happened it was a malicious app
My phone has the same problem, it can make call but won’t receive calls. Where do you find the malicious app?