How to fix ShadowGun force close issue on non Tegra 2 Android phone?

How to fix ShadowGun force close issue on non Tegra 2 Android phone? Yup, if you are using non Tegra 2 Android phone and manage to play ShadowGun with Chainfire3D. That might be your question. It was mine. Err… I was facing ShadowGun force close issue on Samsung Galaxy S II when trying to loading another level after finished level 1. And has graphics glitch issue sometimes too (but very rare). Finally, I found a solution to fix ShadowGun force close issue on Samsung Galaxy S2.

Fix ShadowGun crash issue (FC)

If you are using older generation non Tegra 2 Android phone like HTC Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S, ShadowGun might not able to load properly. In order to play ShadowGun, you need to turn on ‘Reduce texture quality’ and ‘Reduce texture size’ in Chainfire3D. This will help to reduce memory usage and improve performance on older Android phone. Guess what? These help to fix force close issue on Samsung Galaxy S2 when trying to loading another level after finished level 1. But the graphics quality will be reduced, right? No worry, just turn off those after you manage to go pass the loading.

Above screenshot was taken right after level 1 with Chainfire3D Pro on 16xMSAA mode. Enjoy…


  1. Hey Jayce, great site, I visit most days to see what’s new for my SGS2 ๐Ÿ™‚

    Question: What exactly do you mean by 16xMSAA when talking about Chainfire3D pro. I don’t see the options?!


  2. i guess the anti-aliasing 16xMSAA option only visible in higher-end devices… i’m using CF3D pro on Galaxy S, only got Auto n 4xMSAA even the EGL driver installed…
    btw, the game run smoothly on mine (with texture size/quality reduced) ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. thanks got it to work with reduce texture quality on my Samsung Facinate, awsome since it only has 384 MB of RAM compared to all the other SGS at 512 MB of RAM


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