SRS WOW HD v1.5.1.0 for HTC HD2

SRS Labs is famous with its virtual 3D sound technology. It can be found in home entertainment, mobile devices, cell phones, car audio, headphones and computing. There are 3 SRS solutions for mobile devices ~ TruSurround XT, WOW and WOW HD.


SRS WOW HD is a suite of different audio solutions and a custom-designed mix of technologies that restores natural-sounding audio, making it closer to the way it’s supposed to sound. With it, you can have immersive 3D audio, improved bass, elevated sound and high frequency clarity.

SRS WOW HD v1.5.1.0 is working perfectly on HTC HD2. Just make sure that you soft reset the phone after install it. Not sure it works on other Windows Mobile devices or not. You need to try it at your own risk.

Download SRS WOW HD v1.5.1.0 here.


  1. Hello there,

    i tried to install this app it is not working when i go to setting and click on it, another window appears saying

    “There is no WOW HD driver loaded. The control panel will now exit”

    am i missing something?

    Please advise

    many thanks


  2. Is it just me or does the sound from the HD2 kind of suck? Maybe my ear buds are not broken in yet, but certain types of rock and metal sound terrible on my HD2 when I use earbuds


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