Download Mdeejay eVo Sense rEVOlution Android ROM for HTC HD2

Finally, I can use Mdeejay eVo Sense rEVOlution Android ROM on my HTC HD2 now. Version 2.0 fixed the x-xxx-xxx-xxx dialing issue. I cannot make any call without this fix. Besides, he also added 5MP HTC Camera with preview. By the way, you are going to like the new added transitions animations too.

Mdeejay eVo Sense rEVOlution on HTC HD2

Quadrant score
Software information

This ROM is based on official RUU HTC EVO 4G (Supersonic) v3.29.651.5 and using hastarin R7.6 kernel. For a fast first start without creating data.img, choose 512 or 1024 MB in the archive.

Installation guide ~ How to install Android 2.2 Froyo on HTC HD2?

Download Mdeejay eVo Sense v. 2.0 rEVOlution [kernel:hastarin R7.6] ROM here.


  1. Hi again,

    Do you have problems with data connection? Mine can’t access the internet. i’ve already set the APN. Got the signal, but still no data connection. I’m using celcom. Hope u can assist me in this issue.

  2. Hi Jaycee,

    I love this ROM and using it. But it’s “eat” battery a lot.
    I hope a new ROM that I can use for 2 or 3 days per a full charge πŸ™‚

    Sorry for my English πŸ˜€
    Hoang Le

  3. hi, i just installed HSPL3 on my phone and than its siad ( we hacked it πŸ˜‰ ). now i would like to ask you whicth android is the best ? whitch 1 should i download?and after i download what should i do ?can you please tell me step by step. thank you.

  4. hye jayce..i got prob with this ROM..i already installed to my SDcard..but why if i use DIGI simcard,its keep restart,n repeating..if i use Maxis or Celcom,its okay…workin perfectly..izzit uncompatible or not fully SIM unlock?
    when i press Haret.. the screen appear HTC – ANDROID (wif android icon) – LOADING (at main screen)..
    its restart from ANDROID to LOADING,back to ANDROID to LOADING,til i take it off my battery..why ar?
    i try wif newly digi 64k simcard..digi dun have 128k or more than dat..i tried celcom/maxis 64k sim also can..dun hav prob..
    need a few tips from u..tq jayce..:)

    • Sorry, I have no idea. Different SIM card should not cause issue. But in case, seem like Android HD2 does not like the yellow man. πŸ˜›

      By the way, you don’t have issue with DiGi on Windows Mobile, right?

  5. I did the steps above, the phone when it loads it loads windows phone i have to run it from sd card it dont launch alone

  6. Hii Jayce…i got problem with this ROM..i already installed to my SDcard..but my phone show popup “The process android.process. acore has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again”…how to solve this prob?

  7. I installed mauivanilla Tom very 1.4.1 on my hd2 but it wont download from the market. It shows downloading but it stays like that for ever and wont download. Can some one assist me me. Tusk you.


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