Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.5 – 48, 60 or 75 Extended QuickLinks, 4 Appointments and Optional Call History button

Yes. The Manila mod for HTC HD2 that I like had updated to version 1.5 and it is called Co0kie’s Home Tab. If you also like the version 1.0.1 (16/20 QuickLinks and Extended Appointments for HTC HD2), you will definitely love this one.

Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.5

Okay, what is new in this version 1.5? Well, it is more like Apple iPhone 3GS now. You can have 3 pages for up to 48, 60 or 75 quicklinks. Just swipe left or right for extra quicklinks. The operator bar is thinner now and right corner show the page that you are in. Besides, the quicklinks can be easily rearranged via drag and drop. Yes, drag and drop. I don’t need to delete and re-add again. It also displays appointments for more than 2 days in the future too. And finally optional call history button which I don’t use yet.

Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.5 works on all Manila 2.5 version now like 2.5.1920.2525, 2.5.1921.1619, 2.5.1922.2911, 2.5.1922.3829, 2.5.2011.2328, 2.5.2011.3030, 2.5.2011.3626. By the way, be sure to uninstall the previous version and soft reset before install the new version. As usual, change the registry value below to suite your need.


[Co0kie.QuickLinksMode] – layout setting for home quick links
0 -> 4×4 layout (default)
1 -> 4×5 layout
2 -> 5×5 layout

[Co0kie.SelectorGrid] – setting for program selector screen
0 -> normal list
1 -> grid with 4 columns (default)
2 -> grid with 5 columns

[Co0kie.AppointmentRange] – days the appointments should be displayed
n -> days in the future
7 -> is default

[Co0kie.OpenAppointment] – open individual appointments
0 -> open calendar
1 -> open appointment in HTC’s appointment editor

1 -> left
2 -> middle (default)
3 -> right

0 or 1 — 0 is default

0 or 1 — 0 is default

0 or 1 — 0 is default

[Co0kie.VGAMode] – only for VGA devices
0 or 1 — 0 is default

– these 3 setting change the button functions
– write in the path to your desired program
– default is blank – standard HTC apps


Download Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.5 here.


  1. I installed the following:
    1) Ms Net Compact Framework 3.5
    2) CoOkies HomeTab 1.7
    3) Advance Home Tab 2.0
    4) CHTEditor.v1.7
    When I try to run the CHDTeditor it says version mismatch with CoOkie’s Home Tab v1.6.1

    Could you help & advise what I should do… Thanks.
    Or tell me the exact sequence I should re-install the various items above…

    • I think that you have wrong version installed. Both Co0kie’s Home Tab and CHTEditor must be same version. By the way, your install sequence is correct.


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