JDMS Ultimate Android ROM is well known back in SD card Android. It is one of the fastest non HTC Sense builds. It is based on Ultimate Droid 2.5, Android 2.2.1 and using Hastarin 8.6 Kernel. And this is RMNET, not PPP. RMNET vs. PPP ~ which one is better? Honestly, I don’t know. Both work fine on my 3G data connection.

JDMS Ultimate NAND Android ROM is fast. With 5681 CPU score, no HTC Sense build can fight with it. With modded Fancy Widget installed, it look just like HTC Sense build, right? Of course, without weather animation…
Installation guide ~ How to Install NAND Android on HTC HD2? (Video)
Download JDMS v1.6.2 Ultimate [Kernel: Hastarin 8.6N] NAND ROM here.