How to root Amazon Kindle Fire? You can use SuperOneClick to root Kindle Fire. But it is workable on software update 6.2 and below only. Thanks to BurritoRoot from XDA Developer, jcase. We can root Kindle Fire on software update 6.2.1 with BurritoRoot. BurritoRoot is an application that allows the android debug bridge (adb) to be ran as root simply by running the command ‘adb root’. It supports software update 6.1, 6.2 and 6.2.1 for the moment (6.0 is not supported). You can root Kindle Fire with BurritoRoot manually. Or the simplest way ~ uses Kindle Fire Utility to root Kindle Fire. It will install SuperUser App for you too in automated way. Just follow below step by step guide…
- Kindle Fire adb USB driver
- Kindle Fire Utility
First of all, you need to have Kindle Fire adb USB driver installed. Else Kindle Fire Utility can’t talk to Kindle Fire from PC. Follow this guide to do so ~ How to install Kindle Fire adb USB driver? (Video) And download Kindle Fire Utility.
Step by Step Guide
- Connect USB cable to Kindle Fire.
- At PC, go to Kindle Fire Utility folder.
- Click on run.bat.
- Select 3. Install Permanent Root with SuperUser then hit Enter.
- Kindle Fire Utility will root Kindle Fire with BurritoRoot method for you.
- Kindle Fire will be rebooted after rooted.
- Unplug USB cable
- That’s all.
You should see BurritoRoot and SuperUser apps if successfully rooted Kindle Fire.