Kernel is the heart of the Linux operation system like Android. The better kernel you have, the better performance you will get for you Android phone like Samsung Galaxy S II. So what is the benefit of using custom kernel? Most of the custom kernel will give you root access permission just like CF-Root. BusyBox and Superuser should be added too. Besides, ClockworkMod Recovery is also another must have component. In addition, depends on which custom kernel that you install, some have boot animation support, overclocking, undervolting voltage control, multiple tweaked governors, GPU overclocking, I/O tweaks, automatic backup of EFS partition, BLN support and more…

How to install custom kernel on Samsung Galaxy S2?
There are 2 ways to install it ~ Odin and ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM). Use Odin to install tar file and use CWM to install zip file. Refer to these guides ~ install custom kernel with Odin and install custom kernel with CWM. They are not the exact guide but the concept is the same. And always refer to the custom kernel installation guide and notes too.
SiyahKernel is one of the custom kernels for Samsung Galaxy S2 that you can try. Get it here.
Hi Jayce,
If i install siyah custom kernel,the start up boot logo will change to custom logo or remain original.
Hmm… I am not sure because I am using custom boot animation already.
where can i downlnd custom boot animation and how to restore back to original boot animation if i don’t want to use it anymore….?
I don’t know how to go back original boot animation. I usually restore the whole stock firmware. 😛
Thank you,i will do full backup before install it… 🙂
Where i can download LeoMar75 Rom Revolution since you link on Leo Mar Rom expired already..
by the ways,would like to thanks for the good tips your sharing in this blog..very helpful
Follow the xda-developer link to get it.
Kernel : atinm@wolverine
Build no. miui-2.10.21
can i change my kernel?
What the best custom kernel that u may recommend?
Yes, you can change kernel. But not all kernel will work well on the firmware that you use.
Personally, I use CF-Root kernel only which nearest to stock kernel.
Hi Jayce,
Does Siyah 2.4 support with Gingerbread 2.3.3?
Not sure. I did not try it.
Hi Jayce, I liked your guides so far,
Can you please tell me how do I know to mach up a kernel with a ROM ?
Does a custom ROM like CM7 has its own kernel ?
mach up? Sorry, don’t understand.
Yes and no. Depend on the ROM chef.
For example using Siyah kernel with Cyanogenmod ROM. I read that’s a good mix ?
No idea because I did not try it personally. Try it yourself to find out. 🙂
hi jayce,
im new here. im using s2. i want to upgrade my OS to ICS. may i ask which kernel version is compatible here in middle east? i will try first how ICS works maybe for a week and after that i will go rooting it. tnx in advance.
Hi mike.rg, all I9100 kernel is compatible on I9100 firmware. Please consult kernel developer to double confirm.
Hi Jayce,
I’m using SGS2, and i already upgrade my ics kernel from official samsung DXLP7 to SiyahKernel 4.1.5 , but after that my SGS2 not smoth, if i touched the icon, the respon very slow and after that usually hang and the SGS2 restart automatically. Sometimes SGS2 hang and i must release the battery.
I still use ROM DXLP7 (official samsung).
Before flashing my kernel, i did Wipe chace and Wipe Dalvik chace via CWM. Should i Wipe data/factory reset too?
And what should i do for my SGS2 for the best performance??
Can you show me step by step?
You can try that. Maybe SiyahKernel is not suitable for DXLP7 firmware.