Want a perfect working HTC One X? Yup, several HTC One X owners reported that their HTC One X has hardware issues. So be sure to test all HTC One X hardware functions before pay for it. Like other HTC smartphones, HTC One X includes HTC Function Test application to test important functions like audio, backlight, Bluetooth, button, charger, flashlight, G-sensor, headset, LED, light-sensor, line drawing (touchscreen), P-sensor, camera, vibrator, Wi-Fi, battery, AGPS, live call and NFC. Besides, you can check device, hardware and software information with it. Factory data reset and safe mode are included too.

How to test HTC One X hardware functions?
Go to Phone. Dial in *#*#3424#*#*. HTC Function Test application will be loaded then. Take your time to test all of them.