HTC One X received 1.28 system update OTA in Europe region last 2 weeks. And HTC One X users with Software number 1.26.707.2 in Asia can enjoy the very same 1.28 system update OTA from now on. Yes, I just got 1.28.707.10 system upgrade notification in Malaysia (Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines HTC One X users should get it too). Hope that this 1.28 system update will improve HTC One X battery life. Based on Europe 1.28 system update, it improves NVIDIA Tegra 3 games, overall speed improvement, screen glitches are gone, no more crashes on HTC Sense, Beats audio improved (no more skipping)…

Didn’t receive 1.28.707.10 system upgrade notification? No worry, you can update it manually. Just go to Settings – About – Software updates. Select Check now. You should get latest system update just like above screenshot. Enjoy latest HTC One X system update 1.28.707.10 OTA for Asia.
I’m in the Phil and I haven’t gotten the update yet, tried the manual method but ain’t getting it still. Has battery improved??
Too early to tell the battery life since just got it.
Gaming got improvement…..lag in game now gone….
ei remy, has your battery life improved?
Not in Hong Kong either!
Already in the Philippines, I downloaded it 6pm yesterday GMT +8
Mark, is that a system download or a manual download from HTC website?
I downloaded and installed last night (23 Apr) and my phone is working worse than before. it seems to pause with every move. The battery seems to drain off faster than before the update. not sure what’s wrong. it was working better before the update except short battery life…
Try to re-boot in safe mode.
1. Power down unit
2. Power-on the unit and hold Volume down until the unit shows Safe mode
3. Then power down your unit (wait for 10 – 15 sec before power on – flush the memory completely)
4. Power on (see if there is there is any improvements)
If problem persist it may be some app service running background using task manager (try uninstalling newly added apps)
I have got my update on 23rd so far no significant differences (trying to to check batt life and overheating)
I’m in Northern Indonesia (Carrier: Telkomsel) and woke up this morning (Tuesday, 4/24) to this update knocking on my notification/status bar. No noticeable improvement that I can spot, since my One X’s battery has fared splendidly.
I’ from Malaysia. Once i upgraded to this new version,I got problem to turn off the ‘word prediction’ feature. When i go to setting-language & keyboard-htc sense input-advance settings, i cannot click anything (to turn off word prediction) because of the word prediction option in prediction preference is disable (cannot change). Its annoying me when texting because of english is not my primary language. Pls advise..tq
Hi Edi, mine is still working. Try to reboot your phone first. If still cannot, try to factory reset if can. If really still cannot, please consult HTC Support.
Hi Jayce, thanks for your quick response. I was trying reboot my phone several times before but it was still not working, but luckily now its working after i follow your suggestion to factory reset. It was fix the bug and now i can turn off the word prediction. Maybe i need to reinstall some apps again and lost some data but at least it solve my problem. Now i can sleep soundly..:) Thanks a lot Jayce!
i live in india…and i didnt get any update on my htc one x…y is it so ??
No idea. You might want to consult HTC India.
just got @ india
Jayce, do you having issues with One X Airplane mode? When switching from/to Airplane mode, it took significant time to prompt the change. On my unit, it is worst when switching from Airplane mode to normal mode. BTW, I have SIM Lock activated. So I know I cannot make call immediately.
Yes, quite sometime on my unit too.
Mine take 5 mins or more to lock to network from airplane mode. No issue if boot reboot or power up. My friend told me the same observation but since I didn’t seen it myself, I assume it is the same issue I am facing now. Can you verify that? Appreciate your help. If this is common issue from htc firmware then no point I send in for checking. Btw, have my phone for 3 days only.
Wow… That is way too long. Mine only 30 seconds to get lock from network.
Well! Seems like I am a “lucky” guy.
Hi Jayce,
i just bought my htc one on 21st April. its working fine ans i update 1.28 as you suggested. i have some problem in screen. there is little shaking in screen. since i am using first anroid phone and htc, kindly advice me. is that normal?
Err… What do you mean by shaking in screen?
the screen like not a normal. There is like the screen not stable… when clear the running program, the back screen like shaking and not stable..
Hi visu, I still not quite understand. Please consult HTC Support. They know HTC One X better. π
Thank you for your support!!
Hey Jayce,
I got my unit on the 20th.
I discovered it was rooted and still installed the update.
To be more exact, it’s been still going for around 2 hours.
With the other HTCs I had before I don’t remember the update took such a long time.
How long did it take you?
Around 20 minutes for whole upgrade process.
Thanks for the prompt reply!
Eventually the process was over, BUT, the phone started crashing.
Put it on safe mode, no idea though of how to get out of it (already tried leaving it off for 5 mins, charging, not charging, tried again by pressing down volume button upon startup) – nothing worked!
Do you know the answer?
Thanks again!
Sorry for messing up, apparently, power off, power on+volume up until full boot will get you out of it! π
A problem occured after the update, my phone CRASHES every
time I open a music file.
Tried to restore factory settings, nothing helps!
Tried other music apps, always crashes.
Any ideas of what to do?
Hi haji, please consult HTC Support since factory reset did not solve your issue.
Thanks mate
I highly appreciate it
Dear haji,
it’s happen to em as well, i was so unlucky because i didn’t do the nandroid backup, it takes me 2 days to reinstall the stock rom. U can find in how to do it via google, just type how to install stock rom to htc one x, follow all the instruction carefully, good luck haji.
Just bought my One X yesterday and it has a screen glitches problem..
the problem are solved with this update…
great π
I already update my htc one x. My battery now have more longer battery life. And i dont have any problem.
I’m currently updating my One X’s software but it has been well over an hour! And all that’s on the screen is the green arrowy thing… is it supposed to take that long!?
Should be less than 30 minutes if not mistaken (on my case). Do consult HTC Support for help.
Thanks for the reply. I figured it out.. I had it on the charger. Hahaha. My mistake! I thought it would have restarted itself but obviously not. Thanks anyway!
i got OTA update OS 1.28.707.10, bad result, phone CRASHES when play Video, youtube , restart all the time, Try factory reset ( no third part apps) , safe mode, the issues remains, Consulted HTC support, no solution till today.
Just got my unit today. How long does it take to install the software upgrade? (on a totally unrelated note, something seems wrong with my charger.@_@ it does not charge my phone. had to use my nexus one charger to charge @_@)
Oops disregard my software update time question..same situation as abovementioned — forgot the charger was still connected.:p
Dear All
I have just got a HTC one and i am from india and and i am unable to turn off word prediction.can somebody help me with that.The word prediction option is unclickable as its all grey.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Pooja, please consult HTC Support in this case.
i down lorded the up date in htc one X but still its booting…pls tell me how long dose this take…?
No more than 30 minutes. Remove USB cable if you charge it.
For those who are not yet updated with 1.28.707.10. Make it sure you got. Not less than 35% battery charge left, and do not dare to plug a charger while updating it will result an error and make your phone to reboot again and again. I have read it in the net where most people who did it return their units to their carrier and replaced the same. Lucky for me i accidentally press the update button while i was looking for my charger to plug my phone while updating. Updating should not be more than 30 minutes , and for now still observing whether the update make some improvement in my unit.
Do installing battery saver apps healthy to htc one x unit?
No idea as I did not try these kind of apps.
Hi, I am from Pakistan. I bought. HTC one X 15 days ago and now I am experiencing screen flickering issue. My software version is 1.19.707.1. And no update for my set. According to HTC my set is Singapo
re based. Any help you can provide. Thanks
Hi Haris, please consult HTC Support for help.
Yes I already contacted them more than once, through email and chat, but they are not sure about that.
Err… HTC Support should know and able to help. Make noise at HTC Taiwan see.
Regarding my problem about update issue, I want to inform HTC Pakistan solve the problem yesterday. they forcely put some ruu file in my cell, kind of a patch and just after that on WiFi a OTA update appears and now my set is on 1.28.707.10 version . fewproblems are solved instantly like previously every time I restart my one x it shows ” android is updating, optimizing applications ” but now itdidnt appear .
for others I have to wait to judge battery life and screen flickering.
my version was 1.26 before this until i update the version to 1.28.nothing changed but i realized everytime i press the back button on the bottom left,loading will be 5 – 10 secs.It wasnt like that till i updated the version,what should i do ?Thank you for helping out.
You can try to factory reset first. If still cannot solve this slowness, please consult HTC Support.
I had the same problem last time. I bought my One X month ago. I updated it to 1.28, the problem as yours happened to my phone as well. Soon after I realized it has nothing to do with the update but setting.
go ‘Developer Settings’ > Apps > “Don’t Keep Activities” > Disable it ( untick it ) .
I assume this solution as after I downgraded from .28 to .26, I enabled the “don’t keep activities” in my setting, the long loading problem happened again so I disabled it and it’s fine now. π
Hope it helps ! π
is there anyway i can keep files in my phone as factory reset will delete all the files and messages that i wanted to keep
Backup SMS in Messages. Then Copy all SD storage content to PC. Can’t backup apps and settings data though.
did u mean back up sms to phone storage ?or backup somewhere else?thank alot for helping,im dont know high tech gadgets =(
Yes, backup SMS will be stored at sms_backup folder in SD storage.
my htc one x is v 1.15.401.1 so you’ll understand my surprise when i found out that the latest firmware is 1.28, i can’t update my phone at all. when i click on check for software updates, my phone says that everything is up to date. what’s with that?
Hi jed, your should be pre-production firmware. Please consult HTC Support for help.
Hi, I download the system for over 6 hours and it only reached 11% and I read in the thread that it shouldn’t take longer than 30 min. Any idea what’s wrong with it? And the other day I download it while charging and I unplugged it but the download wasn’t complete. Please help.
You can’t charge while upgrading firmware. Try again without charging phone.
I have tried without charging but it is taking forever. Any idea why?
Is Internet connection working?
Yes. I use WiFi at home. It works fine on my laptop. Would restarting the unit be able to fix it?
You can try to reboot see. If still cannot, you might want to factory reset it.
Jayce with your permission I would like to share something that I just notice with my htc one x regarding the word prediction problems. I had the same problem. on my phone the cause of the problem is because the swipe function for texting is on. when opt for not using the swipe function, the option for word prediction appears back normal. those of you guys experiencing this should try. cheers!
hi jayce
Do u have any idea about Jellybean update for htc one X in singapore?
Some said Singapore already have it. But mine (Malaysia) still don’t have. π
hey i just got system update but its nt instaliing ….plz suzest me how can i install it….after half installation it unable to install the update plz suzest me…
Hi ankur, are you charging your phone right now?