How to Install Android on HTC HD2? There are several type of Android for HTC HD2 like SD card Android, NAND Android in MAGLDR format, CWM format and cLK format. CWM NAND Android ROM is the most common ROM for HTC HD2. And I prefer it because I can use Nandroid to make backup and restore. There are several components needed to be installed before you can use NAND Android. But it is not hard to install them when you can follow my step by step video guides.
- SPL-2.08.HSPL
- Radio that support 576 MB RAM
- DFT MAGLDR Bootloader v1.13
- ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3
- EXT3 partition on SD card
Do take your time to study these guides. Then install them one by one. You need all these components in order to use CWM NAND Android with A2SD+ support.
- How to Install HSPL4 on HTC HD2? (Video)
- How to Install Custom Radio v2.15 ROM on HTC HD2? (Video)
- How to Install MAGLDR v1.13 on HTC HD2? (Video)
- How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 on HTC HD2? (Video)
- How to create EXT3 partition on SD card with ClockworkMod Recovery? (Video)
Step by Step Guide
- First of all, copy the Android ROM zip file that you want to install into SD card (use SD card reader or MassStg in MAGLDR).
- Power on your phone and don’t let go power button.
- DFT MAGLDR Bootloader will be loaded.
- Use volume down button to go down to 8. AD Recovery.
- Then press call button.
- ClockworkMod Recovery will be loaded then.
- Select wipe data/factory reset. (You can skip this step if upgrade from same ROM)
- Then select Yes — delete all user data.
- Select wipe cache partition. (You can skip this step if upgrade from same ROM)
- Then select Yes — Wipe Cache.
- Go to install zip from sdcard.
- Then select choose zip from sdcard.
- Select your zip file ( in my video).
- Select Yes – Install your zip file.
- Press power button to go back.
- Then reboot your phone.
- Android OS will be loaded then.
- That’s all.
Note – Android OS first time boot up may take 10 to 20 minutes (but no longer than 30 minutes).
Just follow above steps again to install new Android ROM that you like. Here are some Android ROMs that you try – Top Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread NAND Android ROM for HTC HD2.
Is there a way without using an SD card? Maybe thru the pc?
No for CWM Android ROM. Yes for DAF Android ROM.
whats the difference between NAND and DAF.
humm with daf rom, does it instal on the mobile directly instead being instal on SD card like for NAND
NAND = internal momery. DAF = Dark Forces Team (a team name). DAF Android ROM install from PC to internal memory. No SD card is needed.
Hello, I have had android 2.2 on my hd2 b4, now i cant install the •DFT MAGLDR Bootloader v1.13 because i have already had MAGLDR 1.11 on my hd2 nand b4 and it does not have option number 8 that says Ad Recovery.
Pls help!
most importantly, when i got to the color screen, it does not show USB after i connected it..But it shows serial. Pls help
Do you still have Windows Mobile Device Center installed on Windows Vista / Windows 7 or
ActiveSync installed on Windows XP?
presently i booted wp7 in hd2, now i would like to boot android 4.0.
it should run only android only not dual.
how shall i boot
Skip those components which had installed. Install those new one. Finally, install Android ROM.
Install MAGLDR v1.13.
hello dear i am so happy to know about you & i love your way of teaching how to upgrade things.Actually i am a lover of latest technologies so i want to appreciate best persons like you.
Well, I currently have a DAF android ROM. I have the stock leo nand android. But my phone is hopeless now as its hangs non-stop that’s why i want to switch to a more stable rom. What do you suggest I do? Thanks for the help.
Or what you suggest since I have currently a DAF android ROM, what is the equivalent to a performing CWM ROM?
Follow this guide and install CWM Android ROM. Start everything from start if you not sure which component had installed on your phone.
After I use the SD card for installation(as the android zip file must be in the SD card), will I still need it after the installation? Coz I lost my SD card and I will just borrow from someone only to install.
Yes, you still need SD card as EXT3 partition is in there. Buy a new one. 😉
Ok. Thanks a lot! Will update here how it all works out.
hey thr, how do u do?
imma bought a 2nd from some1 outthr,but i facing some boot stuck while complete installed everything completely
the first time i flashed the cynogen typhoon and forgot to wipe so encounter with many fc n then now i wipe avthing,dalvik cache,battery as well but could c the android dummy animation move at all,HELP!!!! =(
Can you still load MAGLDR?
I’m new to this but I want to install Android on My HD2. I already did this once, but every time I shut down the phone, I had to install all over again. Why and is there a better way?
May I know what have you installed on your phone?
could you help me how to go to DFT MAGLDR Bootloader. it start with hold on the power bottons right? i did so, but it still run to window.. pls help
Did you install MAGLDR?
how does one go about installing the zip onto an sd card?
Sorry, don’t understand you. 😛
haha sorry how do i load the typhoon zip file onto my sd card? because when i plug my phone in it dosent come up in my computer.
Oh, you can use card reader or USB MassStg function in MAGLDR to copy it.
alright so i can just open up mass storage the put it in then close mass storage then i have to do the same steps to go load it from sd card?
Hi Jayce,
Finally, i successfully install the NAND Android to my HD2. But i got one problem that is the email function. I setup my corporate email in my HD2, but the email format is not HTML so that some email actually very difficult to read. please advice is there any way to setup the HTML format in the email.
Sorry, no idea as I don’t have any corporate email already. 😛
Maybe you can try to find a new email client from Android Market.
Hi,just wondering what is wrong.
Both NexusHD2 gingerbread and Typhoon_cm7_nand rom hangs up. I install it,reboot and goes past the gogogo,then the android and the green htc comes,and it freezes. Tried to reinstall many times.
and yes,im using a htc hd2 leo phone=)
I made it work now..but,not sure how,hehe=)
Glad to know that. 😀
Same problem as JinKim. Would u please tell me what to do?
Hi Alire, which Android ROM are you using?
Hi Jayce,
Im using HTC HD2 and tried to install this ROM: [NexusHD2-JellyBean-CM10.1_V2.6]
I did install that actually [NAND] but it goes dark after rebooting and showing htc green logo.
Another thing is that i was using ICS, and was working good.
thank you,
I’m having the same problem. What did you do? Please….
It’s exactly the same. The HTC logo appears than the android logo, the unlock menu, and after a short time it freezes…
You said “Tried to reinstall many times.” did you reinstall everything or just the Zip file?
Help me. If I use the camera (just for 10seconds) it says that the SD Card is not installed. but it’s there. Did it happened to you also?
he frezees by me
I’ve managed to solve the problem. I original installed the 400MB file and it didn’t worked. So I read the instruction more carefully and installed the right one for HD2 which is the 150MB.
And I installed the MIUI Rom instead of of the Typhoon one. And it worked fine.
hello, can work in this video (How to Install Android on HTC NAND CWM HD2? (Video)) with any rom or only those with android 2.3.5? because I want to try the 3.3 ROM Ultimate Droid
Yes, as long as it is using CWM zip.
What has htc sense ROM?
Desire, Desire HD, Desire Z…
hello! good day!
i finished using JW MIUI right now and im loving it! but the camera quality is very low than my windows htc hd2…is there a way i could run windows again but still having android as my main OS?
hope to hear from you!
God Bless!
Yes, Android runs on SD card while WinMo on NAND.
i am already running android in my says here in your blog that “Your operation system like Windows Mobile 6.5 will be deleted when you install MAGLDR.” so i suppose my winmo is gone already…im asking if i could run winmo again on sd?
No, WinMo can’t be run on SD card. You need reinstall WinMo then Android.
hello, me again. What is ROM 3.3.5 htcsense android?
Sorry, no idea as never heard of it.
What is the use ClockworkMod recovery?
after changing my phone to android. ¿I can return it to WM6.5?
thanks. 🙂
i cant boot loader my phone . i did ur stracture . but dont this . plz help me . i give power on bute my phon run ur os.
thank u
Hi Danial, may I know what had you installed on your phone already?
Hi Jayce,
I’ve managed to solve partialy the problem. I have installed typhoonN-CM7_v3.5.4 instead of NexusHD2-Gingerbread_V2.9_NAND_(Android-2.3.5).
And it worked.
The Android Logo appears, asks me if I want to set up a google account and it goes to the main screen.
But then it freezes. I’ve disconnect the batery, it goes to the main menu again and after 10-15 seconds it freezes again.
And also doesn’t charges while connect to the PC or the main power.
I’ve tried several times and it always freezes after a short time. Why?
Sorry, I have no idea because both Android ROM are working fine on my HD2.
From the few seconds that I can work with the phone, if I turn on the camera it says that I have to put an SD Card on. But it’s there. 8GB with 1024mb to android.
Does this info gives you an idea of what it maybe?
Can you access to SD card contents with file explorer?
Hi Jayce,
thanks for the reply.
Yes, within the 15 secs that I can use the phone, I managed to open the SD Card Folder with the File explorer, and the docs and folders are there.
Should the SD Card folder be empty with only thesetup android files? And whats the name of the Ext3 folder?
I’m having the same problem that Jinkim had and he fix it.
There should be some folders and files after Android ROM installation. EXT3 folder == sd-ext
Hi Jayce,
I’ve already installed everything again
Custom radio
Still the same. freezes after 10 or 15 secs.
in the SD CARD apears:
Folder – android secur
Folder – android
folder – lost.dir
but no sd-ext
And I’ve installed EXT3 with 2048MB.
I have a Sandisk 8GB micro SD. I’ve have formated it and copy the typhooN zip file into it.
You need to use file explorer with root access like Root Explorer to see sd-ext folder.
Hi Jayce,
I’ve managed to install MIUI Rom and it works.
Doesn’t freeze, but althougt I can read the SD Card, the camera when it’s on movie doesn’t recognize the SD Card, says it’s not installed.
And also says that the phone storage is low, but i have installed the Ext3 file with 1024MB space.
And i’m having lots of messages saying that “the application browser ( stopped unexpectedly. please try again.
and also several diferent applications also stoped. Could it be from the “lack” of SD Card, but it’s there,
Sorry, I have no idea on your SD card issue. I did not face it before.
As for the application closed by itself issue, this is caused by bad installation. Or maybe lack of SD card in your case.
Try to reinstall Android ROM again see.
Hi Jayce.
I Did it!!!
I found out what i did wrong. Instead of installing 150MB Rom, i’ve installed 400MB Rom (bigger is better….). I’ve reinstalled everything and the MIUI Rom works fine, SD card, everything. But I didn’t managed to be able to work with Typhoon. It’s OK.
One final question: what’s the best way to synch Outlook contacts with Android?
Thanks for everything.
i have same prob with my usb charger, cant charge with pc/cant look at sd card thro usb connection, and cant flash roms with the usb????? wat should i do, they were just working fine a week ago?
Your videos are great but, i got a problem…
How long did you wait for the phone to start after you installed TyphooN_CM7_v3.5.4?
Because mine is frozen withe the white little “monster” and the text below it that says “android”.
Plz help!!
Android OS first time boot up may take 10 to 20 minutes but no longer than 30 minutes.
Thank you for your reply, but i fixed it.
I didnt have the EXT3.. 😛
But I got some issues, i cant download apps from market, cant send sms, no surf on web…
Any ideas?
It says that i dont got enough memory ( but i got a 8gb stick card) when i download from market.
How much CWM partition did you install? Not having EXT3 partition on SD card will cause low internal storage issue.
No idea on can’t send SMS issue.
Can’t surf web using Wi-Fi or 3G or both?
I just follow your video with clockwork.
should i maybe try another ROM?
So you are using 150MB CWM partition layout?
Try to create EXT3 partition at SD card. Then reinstall Android ROM again.
wat is the EXT3? and how can i get that to work on my phone/sd??? cuz i think i need that to solve my booting problem?
thanks for everything and change my htc hd2 to android.
And how do I change to another rom?
Just repeat above steps will do.
I want to try them all. 🙂
then reset it?
Reset what?
Hi, Jayce,
would like to have your advise. After installation, everything go fine except I only get 7.25 mb internal memory, and the SD Card size reduced to 4 Gb, after I partitioned it with SWM for a ext 3 partitition. Can you help, please.
Best regards,
From the past messages, I noted that My problem should be the ext 3 partition issue. I had a 8G card, after using CWM for a ext3 partition, I could only see 1 partition of 4G left on the card. Did I do anything wrong?
Based on your statements, you installed 400MB CWM partition layout and created 4GB ext3 partition on SD card, right?
Use 150MB CWM partition on CM7 Android ROM will do unless you are using Desire HD ROM. As for 4GB SD card, you can’t see EXT3 partition on Windows. You need to install certain software to see it. Or use DiskUsage on phone to see it –
Hi…i installed the latest CyanogenMod. bt, im having problem with the fm radio. it requires me to on my bluetooth to listen to the, the quality is not good. this is totally diff with my previous FM radio built in. is ter any else fm radio tat can be installed that doesnt require bluetooth and better quality? thanks…
I seldom use radio. You need to try out other Android ROM yourself to find out.
hey jayce
what about htc sense???
i have a huge bulk of contacts n messages and i want them in my android to. any easy way 2 bring in msgs n contacts????
HTC Sense for what purpose?
Not sure about messages. I use this method for contacts, calendar –
i mean that will htc sense work after installing android???
and wht about sms???
Yes if you install HTC build Android ROM like Desire, Desire HD or Desire Z build.
@Nuno: Sorry, I did not sync Outlook with Android. I use Google Account instead. As far as I know, HTC Sense Android is better on syncing with Outlook compare to CM7 and MIUI builds.
Hi Jayce,
It’s me again. I’ve been using the MUIU rom for a couple of weeks, and now it crashes once and a while. Looses the signal and freezes. If I try to install another ROM will I lose all the applications that I have installed so far?
And do you have any ideia why Co piloto or Sygic can’t find GPS signal? But some other apps like compass it can.
Yes, you need to backup them with Titanium Backup first.
No idea about GPS issue. Sygic is working fine for me.
Besides MUIU, what others ROM do you think is better?
Do you need to use the A-GPS injector before use Sygic?
CM7 builds are good too. It locks faster with A-GPS. Slow without but still can lock.
Hi Jayce,
Does “CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2” have chinese language installed?
It depends on which Android ROM that you install.
Hi… I i fallow your steps how to install and its working fine.. but after an hour my machine get hang and I apply reboot phone and now its not booting to andriod it stack to andriod logo after i reboot it…can you help me what is the problem? thanks…
Look like your Android OS is corrupted. Boot into CWM. Then wipe data and cache. Reboot the phone after that.
you mean i’ll start all over again step by step..
Wipe data and cache == factory reset. No need to reinstall Android ROM.
Thanks a lot JAYCE you’re the man!!!!now it works… comes again another problem, when i open any application its getting this message..example…Sorry! the application browser (process com.andriod browser) has stopped unpexpectedly. please try again. pls. help me…thanks..
Restart the whole process again. Do install Android ROM this time.
i did the same process again and still im getting the message again
after an hour browsing, and i notice also that PHONE storage space is getting low.
How much CWM partition layout did you use? 150MB, 250MB or 400MB?
You mean CWM partition on sd card I used 1024M. if that you are saying on How much CWM partition layout did I use..
No, I mean ClockworkMod Recovery.
i used 400m.
Your videos are great but, i got a problem…
How long did you wait for the phone to start after you installed TyphooN_CM7_v3.5.4?
Because mine is frozen withe the white little “monster” and the text below it that says “android”.
Plz help!!
Around 20 minutes I think…
@Rockets18: No need to use 400MB CWM partition layout unless you are using HTC Desire HD build. Use 150MB for CM7 or MIUI build.
hi I followed the steps above but now sound doesnt work, its not just the speaker either. when i try to play a song it stays at 0:00 but still says its playing, and even the games dont have sound, what should i do? I just did the steps above to install TyphooN_CM7_v3.2.1-MAGLDR…
Try to reinstall this Android ROM again. If still cannot, try other Android ROM.
dear sir, now i installed cwm nand android. how i did i go back to windows 6.5. is the any way to make it as dual boot, please guide me sir…..
Back to stock Windows Mobile 6.5 –
Dual boot by using SD Android –
hey thank you man works perfect also in dutch language greetings from holland corne
Sir, thanx for your guideline. Before this, I only use exceller bootloader from WinMo to Android. Now, I have MAGDLR in my HD2. Running CyanogenMod 7 TyphooN v3.5.4, all every is fine. Just 1 problem that I cannot fine solution. When I shut down my HD2, even connected to laptop USB port or charging AC, my phone will ON automatic. Is that a MAGDLR function or Cyanogen?
This is a known issue of MAGLDR.
hey jayce, thank you soooo much for this tutorial 🙂
android is running without any probs
wonderful tutorial
Hi Jayce! Thanks you`ve helped me a lot! CM7 is works without any problems…
Is there a possibility to transfer my data: contacts, calender and son on (used by windows 6.5) through active sync or any other programe from my desktop to the android phone?
hi jayce!
just want to let you know that I had successfully ported from winmo 6 to Miui
really great tutorial you have here, a wonderful blog as well
thanks a lot man
Hi taufik,
I also installed the MIUI rom on my HTC HD2. But mine crashes once in a while, and I need to remove the battery. Does yours do the same?
where are the links for the cyanogen clockwork mod, for this video where can i download the files?
Please refer to my reply on other post.
never mind about my first post, i got it!!! (the one at sep 3, 2011 11:07 pm)
now i have another issue: when i get into magldr, and then i go to # 8 : ad recovery for clockwork mod, the screen stays/freezes on 123456
go go go, it doesnt load into clockwork mod recovery?? then i take out battery to reboot,
what should i do?????
Did you install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3?
please reply to that 11:42 post asap, i need help immediately!
is it ok if i download v 1.2 instead of 1.3, if not, then give me please the link for v.1.3, thnx!
relpy asap!
All the information that you need is in the post. Please take your time to read them carefully.
ok nvm bout all that, iam sorry to bother you, but when one more issue: i installed typhoon cyanogenmod 3.6.2 (new one,i used to have v. 3.5.8) with clockworkmod recovery, i got to the part where i wiped the cache, and did hard reset, but when it rebooted, it got stuck in that page that loads: 123456, go go go, it said in red letters: nand open kernel fail and it brought me to the magldr page again, wat do i pick?
Just load CWM. Then install Android ROM again.
how do i do that? and i need to install android rom again??? my 2.3.5 one??? i have to run hd2 toolkit with mt typhoon cyanogen mod v.3.6.2?
I don’t have HD2 toolkit in my tutorial. Please consult the HD2 toolkit owner for your issue. Thanks.
please reply asap for that post, sorryy! ^^^^^^^^
i already install cyangogenmod 3.6.2 after wiping all data? please help me
Look like a bad installation. Re-download the ROM and redo again. If still cannot, try other Android ROM.
anything about partioning the sd card??? or do i already have it on my phone?? bcuz currently i have typhoon cyanogen mod 3.5.8, and i wanna upgrade, as i told u i did all ur steps u showed in video until i came to booting up where it says 123456 go go go,a nd it says nans=d kernel fail or somethin? what can i do?
Did you go through all my installation guide?
yes i went through evrything, step thro step!!!! and i ended up at ur step #16-17 that u describe, i told u b4 in the top post, that i have the message in red letter when it loads (123456 go go go): nand open kernel fail!! so it brings me back to the magldr page, which #or option do i choose for this????
or do i need to wipe the sd, and reinstall the typhoon cyanogenmod 3.6.2? or do i need to re-install the android 2.3.5 rom all from the beginning? which one ?
So you went through all these?
– How to Install HSPL4 on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to Install Custom Radio v2.15 ROM on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to Install MAGLDR v1.13 on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to create EXT3 partition on SD card with ClockworkMod Recovery? (Video)
do u have to do the last step??? how can u tell if u did it or not???
Up to you.
yes all thro the first 4, not last tho
so if i choose not to do it, its ok??? then what do i do with the magloader page, which option do i choose then?
I don’t think that you are using the same components and versions as mine in the video. Please do so. Else it is hard for me to help you if you are not using the same things as mine.
Hey Man You’re the best!!!! Thanks a lot for this tutorial… All the info is excellent, I have no words to thanks.
How to copy the “JW” to ext3 partition SD card under Win7?
No, you can’t. Copy it to FAT32 partition.
sorry … is “”…….
i mean after all the follow step
How to Install HSPL4 on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to Install Custom Radio v2.15 ROM on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to Install MAGLDR v1.13 on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to create EXT3 partition on SD card with ClockworkMod Recovery? (Video)
then how to copy “” to ext3 SD card to flash the HD2?
Copy it with SD card reader. Or use USB MassStg in MAGLDR.
i made it! HAHAHAAHA
Many many Thanks!!
ABSOLUTELY the best best best website i have EVER seen. Im so sorry for capslock but im so happy about this rom and about the perfect guides from jayceooi. Just wanna say thx u so much.U r the best. I’m looking forward to the next videos from you. WIsh the best for you and again…THANKs!
Please help Jayce. I have done everything but cannot copy Android ROM to SD card. I tried to use MassStg in MAGLDR, but it doesn’t copy completely and gives error message. What should i do?
What is the error message? Or use SD card reader to copy.
the error message is “Could not find this item. this is no longer located in Computer. Verify the item’s location and try again.
Look like USB connection issue. Unplug cable and plug it in again.
I have done that several times and even restart my PC… and i even disable antivirus but still the same error every time.
Try to use other PC to copy then. Or get yourself a SD card reader.
I have tried using another PC but still the same error message! And i have done data/factory reset and wipe cache. what can i do next?
Since other PC is not working for you too. Please use SD card reader.
so u mean i should take out my sd card put it in an sd card reader and transfer the ROM?
thanks a lot Jayce. I have installed it using sd card reader. But i lost all the back up on my sd card, like pictures and music 🙁
Anything i can do about that?
How can i donate to u, u have been so helpful.
You can try use to recover the lost files. No guarantee…
Thanks for your kind donation. It is not needed. Just thanks will do. 🙂
thanks a lot man! I got most of the files back… u rock!
I’ve got a problem, I can’t copy the android zipfile to the sd card because the computer doesn’t see it, and I don’t know how MassStg in MAGLDR works… any suggestions??
Select MassStg. Then plug in USB cable to HD2 and PC. You should see it at Computer.
Oke… I fix it but now he’s freezing everytime… if I want to call someone he freezed:S
Which ROM are you using? Maybe you can try the latest version from XDA.
I’m using: Top Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread NAND Android ROM for HTC HD2. I’ve downloaded from your site.
There are several ROMs there. Go to XDA and download the latest version then install it.
do I’ve to uninstall the older one?
ps. sorry for my english.
No, repeat above steps will do.
I did above steps with the latest version, version 3.0, but he still freeze when I using my phone. I don’t understand.
Try other Android ROM like MIUI in this case…
Thanks!! I’ve install MIUI and it works great.
I’ve just one problem, sometimes the hd2 freezes, reboot automatically and then the white screen with ‘HTC’ in green appears, buzzer 3 times and then I’ve to take out the battery, wait a few seconds, and then I can put the battery in and move on.
I really don’t know how but it’s weard:S
I have them same problem with MIUI in HD2. It works fine for a while and then it freezes, goes back to the install menu “123456 Go Go Go”, shows the MIUI Logo and waves and it starts.
what can it be?
Hey Jayce, nice article. Worked like a charm. Thanks for putting this up.
hello jayce
Thanks alot but does the gingerbread goes off when i off the phone???
Goes off? This NAND Android replaces Windows Mobile totally.
hello jayce
Im from singapore when i download apps from the market store it say error internal storage low
How much CWM partition layout did you install?
hello jayce ,
it worked for me later but then when i charge my phone it stucks at 63% wat should i do
Sorry, I am also not sure. Maybe you can let it drain until low battery, then charge it again to 100%…
THAnx for ur advice i will try it out let u know
sorry to disturb u again but when a play a move with avi file type only sound comes no video wat should i do??
Sorry, no idea as this is ROM issue…
hi jayce, i have installed typhoon CM7 android 2.3.5 on my htc hd2 by your method but now i want this version of android. What should i do now?
and which sync software will sync my phone now? HTC Sync doesnt detect my phone.
and also i want to know- does changing android versions on my phone utilize more phone memory??
please answer my three questions .
i will be very thankful to you.
Just skip those part which were installed. Then install the Android ROM.
Only HTC Sense ROM can work with HTC Sync software. CM7 and MIUI builds cannot.
CWM ROM internal storage space is depended on the CWM partition layout that you installed.
Hi Jayce,
I followed every single steps you showed here and successfully installed Typhoon CM7 on my HTC HD2. Instructions were very clear and videos were very helpful. Thank you for all those hard work.
I have few questions…. if I want to install different NAND Android ROM (SENSE3.0 PYRAMID BASED V6.0) [ ], where would I start?
Can I still use ROM zip on SD card and ClockworkMod Recovery mode to install? Instructions on the XDA forum is not clear… It uses different format and tool.
Greatly appreciate if you can show steps to install Pyramid ROM.
Will try to come out a guide when I got my HD2 back. 😉
Thanks Jayce, waiting to see installations instruction from you.
Hi Jayce, and thanks heaps!
I’ve installed as per your instructions. Worked brilliantly.
BUT, when I do a CWM backup, followed by a CWM restore, I get open kernel fail. If I just restore /boot I get the same error. The only way I can recover is to re-install NAND from the same zip.
I’ve tried CWM, CWM and CWM all with the same results.
I’ve checked the boot source in MAGLDR and it looks sensible.
Any ideas?
Hmm… I did not face this kind of issue before. CWM backup and restore are working fine all the while. Will test it after finish testing WP7 on HTC HD2. 🙂
Thanks mate. The restore is working well (the system is back to the point of backup after I make random changes then restore) but I cannot boot into AD NAND until I re-install the original .zip. After that everything is very fine indeed. So that’s reasonably usable I guess.
my phone freeze at the htc quietly brilliant image, what can i do????
May I know what had you installed on your phone?
hallo Jace.. i succesfully installes nand android but the everything is on a small scale.. is there a way the make it bigger (resolution or something?) .. many thanks
Which Android ROM did you install?
I’ve installed Hyperdroid-CM7-3.0.0-Insightful impala
You need to change ro.sf.lcd_density=192 to 240 at build.prop (system folder).
Wich program do i need to open build.prop, and is it possibile to change it anyway or do i have to instal zip from sd card again?
You can try this –
Jayce.. i have changed the build.prop whit text editor en jota on my phone but they ask me to save the changes its nog possible.. can you help?
Did you mount as read write mode? And enable write permission on build.prop?
Yes.. both of the handlings were correct selected. Ive come this far so, hopefully you know something.
Maybe you can try EX File Explorer…
i shall try.. thanks for making this possible 😀
Thank you so much for this clear and bright step for step installation!! 🙂 It was extremely helpfull!!!!
my phone freeze at the htc quietly brilliant image, when I was installing “HTC Runnymede Sense 3.5 NAND Android A2SD+ Zip ROM for HTC HD2”..
1-)what can i do?? it has been more than 30 mins. how can I restart the process?
2-) since it is frozen in the middle, can I install another ROM like Typhoon? if so how?
thank you
1. Just shutdown it and restart the process.
2. Yes, wipe data and cache. Then install other Android ROM.
hey i am getting error NO BOOT SOURCES
Which step did you get this error? No boot sources from SD, NAND AD or NAND WP7?
ad recovery
is this rom is also for hd2
No. That’s for HTC Desire HD.
Hi Jayce,
I am getting same “No Boot Sources” error at the AD recovery (i have HTC HD2) and i have done all the steps mentioned above.
Please help me?!
What had you installed on your HTC HD2?
and i have to copy files from ClockworkMod-Recovery-v1.2 like “copy_to_sd_root”
or i have extract the roms files on sd card or just copy zip file to sd
Use ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3
Hi Jayce, before installing new version of same rom do we need to uninstall apps from sd card
as i am upgrading from v1.1 to v1.2 ie from DHD_3.06.405.1_Sense_3.0_v1.1 to v1.2
Just install the new ROM will do (if the ROM chef did not change anything major). Anyway, always make a CWM backup first before install.
Thanks very much
hi,could you please give link for the2.2 or 2.3 android ROM for htc hd 2,the best and the latest one.i am already using one gvn by u but i cnt download nethng from the market,so wana try another one now.
You tried all of them already?
Successfully completed all the steps.. thanks a lot… 🙂
Thanks a lot
MIUI ROM is working now on my HD2, but I need ur help first how to make read Arabic correctly??, second I cannot configure my exchange account, how to do??
Sorry, no idea. Please consult ROM chef. 🙂
my htc hd2 stuck on booting ROM..i’ve already used nand android 2.3.4 on my phone by following the steps but now i want to switch on android 2.3.3 but it stucks and android icon is blinking n i’ve waited for more than 30minutes so what should i do in this case..em tryin to install CM7 2.3.3 using ur site! do reply thanx
Which CM7 ROM did you install?
Hi Jayce,
Can you please upload instructions on how to do a hack on the HTC HD2 (which has Android 2.2 on it) to make apps get saved on to the SD card by default?
The internal memory is rubbish and some apps that can be moved to SD get saved by default on to the phone at first when you are downloading. But the problem is I can’t download even a small app without having to delete an essential app like Whatsapp.
Use Android ROM with A2SD+ support. It will put application on SD card automatically.
5.2.21913 (21913.5.0.94)
Manila version: 2.5.20181424.0
ROM version: 3.14.513.1 (04666) WWE
ROM date: 09/29/10
Radio version: a question is not how to change the ROM version: 3.14.513.1 this D 1.66.76641
You want to downgrade your Windows Mobile from version 3.14 to version 1.66?
Hey Jayce….just wondering I installed tis was working fine,bt now whenever I received a call or make a call I can hear a electronic sound of the speaker voice.kinda advice. Thnx
Which ROM and version did you install? And are you using the same prerequisites version as mine?
Please Where fdo I get the ROM,
My HTC HD2 is hanged after reboot … it stay on the HTC white screen.
Please Help.
Sorry, I don’t get you. What had you done to your phone? And you are asking for ROM now?
my hd2 hang after the reboot on the HTC white screen, i had Adrion Gingerbread on it before and it was working OK but from SD card, and know i tried your way but i messed up. i do not know I think its the RoM wrong or what.
Please Help..
Many thanks
You are using WinMo + Android SD, right? So your phone just hang like that without any other software installation?
Hello Jayce,
I’ve did all the thinks said above. And the ROMS of your top ten are working. I tryed them but i personally don;t like them. Now i wanted a drifferent kind of ROM on my HD2 but that doesn’t work. I went to wipe partition/ cache etc. and then installed it through ad recovery -> choose zip. It says it completed the installation succesfully but after reboot it freezes on the homescreen of the ROM… I tryed to install core droid latest version (from there website). And Rafdroid latest version (from xda developers
How can i get this working? Maybe its a really stupid question but i cant find my answer on the internet!
Hope you can help me! 🙂
Just follow the installation guide in XDA.
Hyperdroid 2.3.5….n followed all instructions …oni change LCD density. Pls help
Hmm… New Android ROM also have this issue? Try other Android ROM see.
Hoi Jayce, what can i do if the android .zip extract but wil not start after instellation?.
I only see the android figur
I follow all you instuctions.
Gr Michel (netherlands)
Sorry, I don’t get you. Which step did you fail to continue?
NEED HELP PLEASE I have been trying to install a clockwork mod Rom on my HD2 I installed clockwork mod wiped all the data I transferred the Rom to my SD card went back to install from SD card then it says Aborted every time I select the Rom in clockwork mod it never installs. I followed your video to a tee. Its probably a small step I’m missing. Thanks
Please use full stop punctuation mark. I can’t understand you clearly.
Hi , i did all the steps you mentioned , and i’m trying to put zip to sd card with masstrg. and when i’m copying it gives me an error smth. like where is no more file with this name .. i have a feeling that pc can’t see sd card at the middle of this process , i don’t have a card reader maybe with this won’t see any problems ? pls help me
Are you using MAGLDR v1.13?
Try USB Mass Storage in AD Recovery – mounts and storage – mount USB Storage. If still cannot, get a SD card reader.
YEAHHH ! , it worked , thank you man , i’d put you a beer if you leave here 😀 , and last question which android should i put ? ’cause i’m doing this for the 1st time before that a had only windows.. i’ve copied 2.3.7. typhoon , is it good ?
You can put any Android in CWM format that you like. TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 is one of the best.
thank you once again , good luck to you… are you a IT pro from Asia or smth . 🙂 ?
You are most welcome. I am ex IT Pro, a full time blogger now. From Malaysia. 😀
nice, greetings from Moldova ( eastern Europe ) ;)…. if battery level is about 20-30 % this booting isn’t in a risk for system and for the phone , ’cause i’m waiting and i see only this android robot ))
i’m waiting more than 30 minutes and nothing , what should i do ?
It should take only 10-20 minutes on CM7 ROM installation. You do all the prerequisites installed, right?
Turn off your phone, then wipe data and cache in CWM. Reinstall Android ROM again. And plug in power this time.
i just restarted it and in 2 minutes it loaded , and it seems like evrth. is ok , but is unusual with this system , 😀
Welcome to Android world. Take your time to learn it. You will love it. 😉
Im right now using android 2.3.1, but I find it very byggy. Sometimes my phone crashes and I get error’s. Now im going to install this new android. I will post here again if I install this correctly.
Btw.. my windows device center wont work.. sadly, that’s why im using windows XP to install all the programs.
It worked, thank you so much for helping. Now im going to copy all my games, pictures and contacts to my new android 🙂
Jayce hi , i just want to ask you what additional stuff (soft) do i need after that to make all this easier , for example activesync is not running anymore i thought maybe ;cause it’s not windows mobile anymore or why .. and what suggestions can u give me , thank you again )
Oh, Android does not talk to Windows well. Unless you are using HTC Android ROM which has HTC Sync that talk to Outlook. Or using 3rd party sync apps.
Android syncs with Google Account. 😉
i have a google account but how to sync it with my hd2 ?
and how to set my network , ;cause i can;t enter internet i can’t find it in settings , smth. unclear ))
By the way, please try to use the search function as my response might be slow. 😉
i’ve searched a lot of times today on different topics 😀 , just asking you some , thx Jay 😉
tried all steps above, but failed… HOW do I get a zip file from Windows 7 to EXT3 partition ?
Copy to SD card’s FAT32 partition. Not EXT3.
I’m gonna switch rom WP 7.5 to this , which things don’t I need to install and will all the files overwrite my Wp 7.5 files or do i need to do something else ?
Unlock and revive SD card first. Then install ClockworkMod Recovery and created EXT3 partition on SD card. Finally, install Android ROM.
Yes, it will replace WP7.
which rom would you recommend ? CM 7 or Gingerbread?
Gingerbread is Android 2.3.x. Most of the CM7 ROMs are based on it.
srry so what are u trying to say ? so which one ?
Gingerbread is not a ROM. But a code name for Android 2.3.x.
Ok get it now …
Dear jayce,
last question before i start,
Do i get the same SD problem with android like the thing you get with your sd card when youve installed WP 7?
never mind but ater how many minutes did the Android logo started to “blow away” (the effect) it still isn’t happening after 5 min
WORKS ! thnx !
I did all the steps one by one, I selected 150mb size and made 1024 mb partition put the Desire_S_sense3.5_Android.2.3.4_v1.1_EU on the sd card everything worked fine all the way but when finnished installing it frezes at the HTC logo what to do?
Tried to get back in to magldr but not possible
Huh? Did I posted Desire S Sense 3.5 here?
Got back trying to installing it again
You posted it in august, but no worries I tried again as you said from scratch with new image and works perfectly 🙂
Thank you for great work I really apreciate it 🙂
привет Jayce.у миня уже есть НАНД АНДРОИД 2,2.скажы как я могу установить CWM NAND Android на HTC HД2?
извини за мой английский
Hi Minh Jayce.u already NANDI Android 2.2. tell me how I can install CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2?
I’m sorry for my english
Skip those components that you already have like SPL-2.08.HSPL and radio 2.15. Install MAGLDR v1.13 if you are using the old version. Then continue install other components and follow the guide to install Android ROM.
Jayce, videos and instructions were pefect. I now have my HTC HD2 running Android and working perfectly 🙂 Thank you. I don’t kow why I stuck with WinMob 6.5 for so long!
You are most welcome. And enjoy Android. 😉
hi,,pls solve my prblem..i have completed all the steps as mentioned above…bt finally when i put my sd card inside my htc hd2 with the zip file it shows blank…and in boot mode it shows file nt found…what shud i do…i tried many android roms bt everytime it shows blank..
replay asap…thanx
Did you create EXT3 partition on SD card with CWM?
yes i have 2gb card..pls guide me..i m done till mgldr…what should i do now..i have started again ..
Install CWM. Then create EXT3.
cwm installed partition done…finally when i choose zip from sdcard..screen shows can’t mound/sdcard….thats the main problem…as if there is no file in it..
just tell me when to copy the zip file after or before the process and how..?
and how do i copy the zip file i have downloaded Typhoon cm7…but every tim i put my sd card inside my fone it does nt shows any file in it…every thing goes perfect but in the end installation zip file is not present in the card..even i copied it…
Are you using SD card reader to copy CM7 zip file to your SD card?
hey i noticed one thing that my 2gb card shows only 908mb capacity in the pc…whats this..
You created 1GB EXT3 partition, right?
yup bt why the file disappearsa all the tym…everything goes right…just correct file is missing..could u pls send an url of exact i can download it agian…thanks
How can I send you URL when I don’t know which exact Android ROM you are using??
i was using windows only..i visited ur site and then follow all the steps…now i m stuck in the middle…nor windows is working niether andriod..
just 1 thing wanna know…tell me that when to copy zip file after process or before..i mean first i copy the android rom file in sd card and then strt with hsdl and then cwm etc…or shud i insert the card after all the process…?
Copy zip file after you create EXT3 partition. Then follow the step by step here.
in my pc the file i downloaded is in rar format…isn’t that a prblem??
i m copying it after extracting into a folder…
Yes, that’s the problem. It needs to be zip format. Not RAR.
so how do i solve this…pls help
Just extract the zip file from RAR. Then copy zip file to SD card.
done that…still it disapears…as if thers no file in sd card…it always shhows blank..
Sorry, I have no further idea if you still cannot see the zip file. I have no issue to see it as in my video…
why the hell my fone saying no file found…even i copied in the sd card…
hi jayce…i finally got my htc hd2 android…but i dont like 2.3.7…and theres no market in this…what should i do can cnvert it to another i currently have typhoon cm7…
Hi there,
I have the NexusHD2-Gingerbread_V3.1a_NAND_(Android-2.3.6) on my HTC HD2 and I downloaded the TyphooN_CM7_v3.6.8-MAGLDR ROM so I installed it following your video tutorial (thank you) but there was a slight problem, everything went well up until the moment when the phone boot up which it stayed on the android figure for ever, i have waited maybe 20+ minutes for it to load/boot but there was nothing. I re-flash twice but still nothing was happening, it kept locking at the boot up android figure screen. Do you have any ideas why or any other suggestions? Please if you could help that would be most appreciated. I have followed your video tutorial to the exact word.
Just reboot after hang on first boot.
I did several times, and i also removed the battery too and left it out for few minutes, but nothing, any other suggestons?
Try the latest build at XDA.
hey while installing the nand rom i get no boot source…can u help me
Which ROM are you using? And what had you installed already?
Am using the nexus 3.1 version for hd2 by tytung android ver 2.3.6
What is the fastest and most stable hd2 sense 3.5 rom?
Did this just as you said step by stepc.
but now the phone just reboots and reboots
can the problem be the partition?
He recomend like this “partition 5/210/5” but not sure how to do this
I wil now try the new one just released
Change flash.cfg in ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 like below
boot yboot|ro 5M
system ya 210M
cache ya 5M
me again :p
which rom is de best?
Try top Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread NAND Android ROM for HTC HD2 (link in the post). Get the latest version from XDA.
I need the help, I did every step exactly as described but when I go to choose a zip file with sdčartice there’s nothing I can not choose to run android says no file found me what I am doing wrong please help I have repeated this process several times and constantly the same
Did you copy Android ROM zip file to your SD card?
Could I install the Android NAND Rom (.zip) from my computer?
No. Need SD card.
how do you update miui now? i got the new 1.9.2 rom
Allready downloaded
Hi Jayce; I boldly tried to convert to android from my HTC HD2; I got past the clockworkmode recovery download. After re-booting, I got to the “Boot Menu” where I chose #8 (AD Recovery). I then got a message in the upper left hand corner saying “no boot soruces.” Where did I go wrong?
Seem like CWM v1.3 was not installed properly. Else you won’t get this error. Install CWM v1.3 again.
Hi again Jayce; I did get everything installed, however when I re-boot I get a message in red saying “NAND Kernel open failed,” and the Boot Menu comes back up. Should I continue with the next step?
Yes, continue with Android ROM installation.
Hi Jayce, hopefully this is the last time I bother you. But, I back tracked and found out that when I select “choose zip from sdcard” I got a “no file found.” What “zip” file is it referring to, where do I get this zip file, and how do I get it on the sdcard?
Read the article one more time. All the information is there.
Mr. Jayce; I know that it is very annoying to have to answer the same questions over and over and over again. I apologize. If you can point me in the right direction as to how I can get back to my Windows 6.5 OS, I would be very appreciative. Thanks again.
Don’t like to read and search? You can easily find your answer if you are willing to search and read a bit more… 😉
hi i want to ask u about how i can fix my icons on the screen it wont move at all so can u help me with that
Do you mean that your touch screen is not working at all?
just the icons u cant add it and remove it and delete it help plz
Just hold the icon until selection option come out. Then you can delete or move it.
yeah i do but it not respond it but every think ales like the teach screen work fine just the icons .
I have no idea then. Mine is working fine…
First of all, millions of thanks 2 u.
Because of your extremely clear instructions I’ve managed to install android on my HTC HD2.
Im using TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 v2.1.3 NAND Android and i have installed it by following all the steps on your website.
Since im getting a new phone soon, I want to upgrade the Cyanogenmod ROM to a newer version (i saw it on xda forum) before i give my HTC to my bro. So, I don’t need to keep the contacts/apps/data.
Which step do i begin? and which step should i skip?
Does TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 v2.1.3 uses EXT3 partition on SD card? I forgot already. If yes, just start from the step by step guide on this page.
Yes, it does…
Ok then, thanks a lot Jayce!!!!
Have a nice day
Finally, per instruction of step by step, i managed to change my HTC HD2 to run on Android 2.3.7, the performance is much better than the original OS. Only the setback is i can find any chinese language can be used in the sms and email.
Appreciated if you can guide me further how to activicate the chinese language (Pinyin) to be used in sms and email.
Thanks a lot.
Hi, Jayce,
1.Thanks for your promp reply. will check out the web details.
2.just discovered one thing that my notebook cannot open the SD card while the SD card is in the hd2, because i want to input the photo folder, and video folder, how to do it ?
3.If i unmout the sd card and take out from the hd2 to my notebook slot card, will the sd card be spoil, and cannot be used on the HD2 android 2.3.7 ?
pls advise your guidence.
1. You are most welcome. Try to use the search function. Most of the stuffs are here.
3. Turn off phone first before remove SD card. Put it back before turn on phone. That’s should be okay.
Hi, Jace,
thank you so much. i managed to transfer video and mp3 into the sd card, and it work smoothly.
Appreciated for your professional advice.
I have a problem with copying the “Typhoon CM” on the SD Card, i successfully created the partition, but when i try to copy it (i’m using mass storage of MAGLDR) it uploads 150mb and then tells me the item is not anymore in the system; try again or cancel (if i press try again it keep popin the same window). I need help please i followed carefully all the steps. >:
Check your USB connection. Try again with another USB port. Restart Windows if you have to. If still cannot, use SD card reader to copy.
I’ll try, but is there a way to format the SD Card on the MAGLDR?
Never mind i already paste the zip.
Now, when it successfully loaded, like in the video… The HTC its been more than 30 mins with the same Android logo with no progress… Which is the best way to turn it off and try again, or what do you recommend me to do?
Thanks for the support.
Remove battery. Then power on. If still facing boot loop, try another Android ROM.
Thank for all man, im running Android successfully and happy haha. Take care.
Hi, Jayce,
Need your help again. I already using the current 2.3.7 as above subject, very smooth and
just want to check with you how to sychronize the contact from our Window Network server as i am now can sychronize the email and my contact from my Microsoft outlook to my HTC HD2 contact, but not at server level. Can you please assist on step by step on how go about it ?
Sorry, I have no idea as I do not use Windows Network Server. I use Google Account.
Hi, Jayce,
Good morning,
i am having problem on my HTC HD Mini. After pressed the call bottom to make outgoing call or Press “Call” bottom to receive incoming call. the handphone screen will turn to black and all the 8 keys including the volume up and down be no response at all, but the incoming and outgoing call is still working.
The LCD Screen will restore back to normal with responsive bottoms immediately after the call finished. The current handphone is using window mobile 6.5, thus i am having the following query:
1. Anyway to turn off the proximity sensor to stop the light turn black (off) ? this to be applied for Windows mobile 6.5 and android.
2. If i want to convert HTC HD Mini from WM 6.5 to Android, any version, link, procedure and download firmware website for me to follow step by step ? pls assist to provide. I prefer to use Android and currently can run Android on SD card (android 26.08.2011 R169.rar) but battery consumption is very fast, and the back plastic cover is always hot, believe due to running wm 6.5 and android at same time,
Pls assist.
I don’t have HTC HD2 Mini to test. So can’t help much. Please consult others at
HI ! i have a htc hd2 dual sim (colone) and wen i was downloading a aplication widout knowing i format the sd memory card . Now is showing i have no card . But wen i conect to computer with disc drive shows that i have a M.card and i can download but i can acess it on phone .i can conect with sync and show me the phone softwaer disc.Watt can i do to get storage memory card to funtcion? ( the card is not removebal is internal) I will very please if you can help me . Thank you
Try to hard reset your phone.
Hi Jayce, is there a way to merge 2 calls. When I am 2 separate calls at same time, clicking merge calls on screen shows a error message saying ‘Unable to merge calls. Any tips you can provide to make it work. I am using 3.1.1 Android installed using CWM on HTC HD2.
Thanks in advance,
Please consult your telco. They need to enable conference call in your voice plan if not mistaken.
Hi, Jayce,
My HD2 running Android 2.3.7 very smooth. Only thing is the battery consumption is very fast, an hour took up 10% without using other function, i only used for Facebook, email, sms, only.
can help to advise how to reduce battery consumption ? appreciated.
Don’t use 3G data. And use Wi-Fi instead. This help a lot for me.
Hi, Jayce, i will try it. thank you.
Hi, Jayce,
need your guidence if i download the following XPERIA ARC, will this override anything from my current HD2 which installed android 2.3.7 ? and collapse my HD2 OS ?
Pls adv. thanks.
No, it is just a launcher.
currently my hd2 running android 2.3.7 but i can’t find anyway to use my mp3 or mp4 to use it as rington.
Pls guide me how to do it of using mp3 and mp4 to be as ringtons.
on my hd2, on and off it will prompt a message “sorry, the application adw.launcher( has stop unexpectedly pls try again. there is a button showing “Force close”
why does it happen and how to resolve it ?
pls help.
ADW Launcher is not stable. You might need to hard reset it.
Hi, Jayce, thanks for your advices on my 3 posts. all done, and okay.
y are my icons so small how do i change desity ive tried so many thing to change it everytime i try it tells me its not able to change
Try this see –
okay jayce ive tried and when i overwrite the file it and chamge it from 160 to 240 it said unable to save ?;(
Make sure that File Expert has root access. Or try ES File Explorer. Enable Root Explorer in Settings.
ima tryin bro ima tryin im rebooting now hopefullyit werked cuz if it dint ima be sad du i been at this for 2 dayz ;(
okay jayce it dint werk with ither what do i do bro help a brother out plz every time i change it it goes back to 160 🙁
Easy way, try other Android ROM since you cannot make this to work.
which do u recomend for a htc hd 2 ? and is it posible that u can tell me one for sd ?
SD Android –
Hold up Hold uP Hold up but im running 2.3.4 american android o.s right now y would i go back to 2.2 ? is there anything else bro like -_- i no im being a pain and i thank you for helping me right now with my issues with this whole o.s thing goin on but anything else plz like around 2.3.4 or higher ( lol
LOL… I did not use SD Android but NAND Android. So I don’t have latest SD Android build info. You should know it better than me. 😛
Nand it looks to dficult for me im like half brain dead du *_* but if anything goes wrong i can just redo right i hope my phone’s dont brick and i cant use it no moe :’/ ?
i did ive tried i have rooted acces when i try to save the file it keeps sayin unaable to save ? plz help ;(
okay it saved with es file explore do i have to reboot ?
Hi Jaycee , don’t know if you remeber me .. , now i have a bigger problem not with andr. system , my
phone fell on the ground and after that appeared issues with screen ,
its simple not working when i try to slide or press smth.– nothing , few days ago when i
was pressing widows – home – back buttons except power button screen was
working , but now even that trick doesn’t work , i;m upset i;m about to
throw it into the wall .. i saw some comments on different sites that
might be digitizer , motherboard or touchscreen …., if you know what
could be please help . thank you Jayce .
Sorry to hear that. Personally, I would advise to get a new smartphone to replace your old HD2. Repair old smartphone is not worth the price for me.
(sad) … ok thx J. , i’ll think what to do …
Hi, one question: if its possible to install android on “HTC HD 2” without “Windows 6.xx” installed before? I mean if you have only the bootloader by starting the phone? As i try to copy the nbh file to sd card, the HTC HD 2 gives to vibrations and i’ve lost the Vodafone Windows from before. Now if i start the phone only the three colors is possible. Otherwise i’ve seen the HTC white screen but nothing happens. May be you can give me a short hint what i can trx to do? Thanks! (Sorry for my english, is it not the best!) Kindly regards Thomas
Yes. Start with install HSPL. Just follow this guide…
I go down to number 8 like you say and it just says no boot sources
I really need your help here what the hell do i do my spl is 2.08 and I told you everything else earlier
Read the guide carefully. Make sure that you have the exact components and their version installed on your phone.
Ive tried that it just wont let me put anything on saying it cant find the phone
Tried what?
Ive read the guide and tried putting on the software you said i have magldr I dont have to hold down the power button because it goes straight to magdlr but first it says sd kernel open failed
Continue to install CWM and Android ROM.
Thtas the problem it wont let me install clockwork onto it it tells me when I go to number 8 like you do on the video i.e. AD recovery No boot sources
As you can see, I don’t have issue on my videos. Make sure you can the exact version installed. Older version won’t work…
ive tried putting the latest version on it just wont let me the magdlr is v1.13 the radio is Radio Leo ive put these two things on and then I tried to put the clockwork on and thats when the problems came
@kyle: So you went through 5. USB Flasher, DAF.exe in CWM installation?
ok so I press number 5 and it says
USB Flasher mode
Wait USB…..USB
please tell me what do I do know (Ive downloaded the file recovery_5.0.2.6_leo_cwr)
Ive flashed it so what do I do know
Okay everything is sorted thanks for all your help Jayce 😉
A little of topic but dont know who else to ask.
Changed battery to a 2400mah and it stops charging at 1230 the original maks then current goesa to 30mah when charging. Is there a file I can modify to get it to chare to full 2400mah?
Need to use a kernel that support extended battery. But I have no detail info because I don’t have extended battery to test.
So basically i tried to flash android this was my first time doing any of this & it stuffed up badly now all my phone does is boot up into the white htc logo screen & won’t get past there. It use to have 3 sets of numbers on the side but now it doesn’t. I tried to go into the recovery boot loader screen. I use to be able to get into it but it never did any thing. I took it to a phone shop & they said i had water damage I never put the phone near water what so ever but they said it because my friend pressed the red button on the back which tells you have water damage. If anyone could help i would be so appreciative the phone i have now seems to be a pile of crap compared to the HTC!
Thanks in advance.
Can you still load tri colour bootloader?
Unfortunately no, I could for a while it did nothing now it won’t do anything at all & i bought this from a friend brand new because it had a better cap but he had an iPhone so in the end i paid a fortune for something i can’t use.
You can’t do anything if you can’t load into bootloader. Sorry…
Jayce, question please! what happens if I procede without having EXT 3 partition on my SD card.
I mean all other components are installed just I don’t have EXT 3. Will rom be installed correctly or not?
thanks in advance
Depend on the Android ROM that you installed. Some might work, some will just hang during boot up.
Hi Jayce,
Can you (or anyone else) tell me is there any difference between android you install in video and android that is installed in factory (eg. HTC Desire)
and wich version is better, CWM or DFT?
Thank you
I prefer CM7 build on HTC HD2. Lighter and faster.
when you do the ext3 partitioning
Before install Android ROM.
how you can put the zip file after doing the EXT3 partition? should I reformat the SD card or cause i can open the storage to copy the zip file.
if you can explain more step by step.
There should still be FAT32 partition left after you create EXT3 partition. Don’t use up all SD card storage for EXT3 partition. Put Android ROM zip in FAT32.
i am still unable to do this sometimes when i am making the ext3 partition the zip file will be deleted. i am installing Desire_S_sense3.5_Android.2.3.4_v1.1_EU.
i think andriod should be started not only giving me htc starting screen.
system partition MAGLDR 200/45
1- Formatting the FAT32 SD Card and copy the zip file to SD Card.
2- Go to &. AD Recovery
3- Go to advanced
4-Go to Partition SD Card and make 1024 partition. (what will happen here?)
5- back to install zip file chose file and install.
6- reboot ( is there any file should be along with zip file in SD card or after rebooting the files will be created?)
if i missed any step kindly guide me
4. Your SD card will be formatted. And EXT3 partition will be created.
You should copy Android ROM zip to SD card after created EXT3 partition.
I can’t Copy the file after doing the partition. If I choose to copy it through mass storage it will not be completed. And if I removed the SD card and tried to copy it on my computer it will ask to reformat the SD card
How much FAT32 disk space does your SD card left?
Hi, Jayce,
Need your guidence, can i follow the above procedure and load ANDROID CMW7.1 TYPHOON CM7 VERSION 3.6.8 (GB 2.3.7) to my HTC DESIRE ? or else, if there is any link, pls advise.
thank you.
No idea. You can get more info at
HI Jayce
thank you very much for this hard job.
I have install it on my HTC HD2 it works perfectly I am waiting for you to fixing that issue with camera. hope you will find time to fix it soon.
Adi From Finland
hi i have reach till step 12,, now its telling me no files found on my sd card how can i do it plzzzz help
Did you copy it on step 1?
i did but i dont know where it went wrong.. can i do it again and if so how can i do it??? i am in MAGLRD screen
Sure, start from step 1.
how can i copy to my SD card now ???? from my PC.. i am very much struck plzzzzzzzzzzzz help
Refer to step 1.
I made a mistake. I’m not sure how big this problem is yet maybe you can help me out. I followed you instructions to the tee on the “How to Install CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2? (Video)” posting. My problem was one unfortunate oversight on my part I didn’t chose and install a version of Android OS on my SD as directed on the first/last tutorial. Every other step went perfectly, step for step my installation was the same as all the videos you provided. I didn’t want to do anymore damage as I am not sure what to do from here. To explain further I have completed the data wiping step, I then wiped the cache, and then I realized I missed something important. When I attempted to apply the OS update I was informed that no files found. What Can I do to fix this? Is there a way to add the OS now? Do I have to start over? What do I need to do? Any help you can provide would be most appreciated.
Just start with step 1 to copy Android ROM to SD card. Then install it.
Thanks I’ve tried that. I can’t figure out whats wrong b/c its still not working. I’ve downloaded the CM7 android build. I’ve attempted to move the file to the Mass storage drive in aMAGLDR v1.13. my pc has prompted me with the following error message, “Cannot copy HyperDroid-CM7-Killer-Koala-v5.5.2-magldr-signed” I’ve also attempted to unzip the cm7 file and save to mass storage as well but that is not working either. Do you have any other suggestions. I’m running win XP sp3 and the 7zipap (to unzip files) Let me know what you think. Thanks
Use SD card reader then.
I think I fixed the issue. I believe it was an issue with the rom. I wound up trying several different builds and the typhoon cm7 from xda worked for me. Thanks for your help. Love ur site keep up the good work.
jayce how can i install typhoon from nexus ??? on htc hd2, i already have nexus on htc but i want to install typhoon???how???
Create EXT3 partition on SD card. Then install Android ROM.
how should i creat EXT3 partition? i have no idea about it can u help me ?
Read this article carefully. The guide is there.
really sorry to bother u….. whn i turn on my htc it will load DFT MAGLDR and then directly i will load nexus home page??? cany understand how i stay in DFT MAGLDR screen
Did you change auto boot settings?
i just followed your instruction on videos i did eveything same as u did,, my WM 6.5 change to nexus i am very happy about it but now i would like to change to typhoon,, do u have any videos for my issue
Nope. Just follow this guide to install new Android ROM. Or reinstall Nexus ROM back.
Hi, Jayce,
I want to install ICS Beta8 version as currently i am using GB 237. do i need to install to wipe up all the cache and personal data before installation of the ics beta8 ? pls advise soonest.
Yes, Raymond.
i install and it was working perfect but in a dew days the screen touch stopped function but the other buttons in the HTC HD2 is working perfect!!1 any ideas what i should do ??
Touchscreen hardware might be faulty. Restore to WinMo to double confirm.
Hi Jayce,
Pls clarify whether the following can be installed to HTC DESIRE per your above video ?
How to Install HSPL4 on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to Install Custom Radio v2.15 ROM on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to Install MAGLDR v1.13 on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 on HTC HD2? (Video)
How to create EXT3 partition on SD card with ClockworkMod Recovery? (Video)
Pls adv. tks.
Hi, Jayce,
currently my HTC HD2 is using GB 2.3.7, any latest version can be downloaded and video link for installation ?
Pls advise.
Please get the latest version from XDA website. Installation is the same.
hey jayce i installed cwm and but i mistakly chose the flash.cfg file to open with notepad as default application for it (in open with optio).. does this affect system the partition for nand android.. as i tried to install ics Aosp.. and its stuck on Bootanimation For About 30-40 mins..
No. How much system size did you set in flash.cfg?
whenerver i copy android files to sd card through mass storage magldr , i get error
path cannot be specified
i get error after opening package like this
finding update package
opening update package
installing update
installation aborted.
Are you using the proper Android ROM zip?
i used android 2.3.7 version, which was of 135mb, then i used typhoon one and it worked
I did everything in this tutorial along with the other tutriols posted above the video. Everything works fine and I thank you for everything that is here. Right now the memory card I am using is 4gb and I am looking to upgrade to a 32gb card. what would I have to do to get android on this card? Thanks for reading
Make a CWM backup. Create EXT3 partition on new SD card. Copy all old card content to new card. Restore CWM backup with new card.
okay i spoke too soon. I think ive loaded a bad combo of rom and kernel. now everytime i turn the phone on, it stay at the booting screen (miui rom screen. Now idk what to do. ive tried erasing the card and reinstalling the magldr bootloader but it stills loads to the rom and kernel. is there a way change the kernel or just start from scratch again?
Install back the original kernel.
but how do i do that when i cant get into the recovery? and i dont hav a backup for the original.
Then you need reinstall them back from scratch.
how do i do that?
Follow this guide….
Okay i got it. i just had to press the volume down button and the power button when the phone was in the Magldr Bootloader. Thanks for the help
hi…I have all the above steps done but im having a problem with putting CM7 on the SD carder. Is there a video for this? I cant use Sd MassStg because I cant do anything thru the PC to the phone
Sorry, no video guide for copy file with MAGLDR. Use SD card reader if MAGLDR is not working for you.
How do I copy CM7 to SD card reader?
Put your microSD card in SD card reader. Then use PC to copy Android zip to microSD card.
So hold the volume and power button down then connect the USB ? Is that what you mean? I can only use the red green and white screen…cell goes strait into magloader when turned on. No recognition of phone to PC unless I use the multi. Colored screen
No. Use SD card reader…
Ok …can you send me the link to explain how to exactly do this…
hi jayce,
i installed nand sensation xl rom eu in htc hd2 its working well but ocassionally it freezes when i receive a call and video recording is very poor. how to fix all these glitches.
Hi ali, please consult ROM chef on these issues. I have no idea how to fix them too. Try to upgrade to the latest ROM. The latest one usually fix most of the bugs and issues.
i hav tmobile phone. can i also update this phone to android. the phone will hve no issues for crrier if updatd to android???
I saw other people with T-Mobile is using Android on HTC HD2 too. No issue.
one question, TyphooN_CM7_v3.7.0-MAGLDR get installed in sd card or in internal memory??
Internal memory.
oky, do u have any video to wipe battery stats?
Nope, just look for it in CWM advanced.
hey hayce, i am waiting for android :S i started this 30 min ago and still nothing. I didnt see any smoke efect like in video.
I did exactly what tutorial tell us to do. Partition 1024M on 8gb kingstom sd and ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 150MB Partition.
any clu?
What did you got?
nothing. still on the black backorund with white android. Ur post said that shouldn’t be more than 30…. its being 45 now :S
Try to reboot it. And see what happen.
now its ok 😀
Ok lets have fun while 4.0 gets better 😀
My phone is UK O2 HTC HD2 i have followed the process as you mentioned above.After starting up, it is just showing the HTC screen. Not is not going further. Please advice
What had you installed so far?
i have installed HSPL4 ,Radio v2.15,MAGLDR v1.13,ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 I forgot to do EXT3 partition and installed NexusHD2-IceCreamSandwich_Beta10 .After that I realized and did EXT3 partition and again installed the android software.
Hi sampan, how much CWM layout size did you install?
hey , i did the ext 3 partition with 1024 mb and i dont know if its right and i dont know how to edit the document flash.cfg because there is no 250mb there written in the document please help
Please refer to this guide –
How do I install a new rom, when I already had one?
Start from step 1 on this article…
An error has occurred
Read below for more information
Error Description: USB init failed
Info: .\RSPL\RSPL.cpp (736)
Error Description: EnterBootloader missing
Info: .\RSPL\BootLoader.cpp (176)
This problem occurs when I use USB Flasher in MAGLDR. Do you know why? (step 4: ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3)
Any solutions?
Why do you want to reinstall CWM?
I asked: How do I install a new rom when I already had one. You answered: start from step one on this article. Misunderstanding then. But can’t boot from sd card in MAGLDR.
Boot from SD card? You just need to use CWM to install new Android ROM. Wipe data and cache before install.
Dear Jayce..i already follow ur instruction and install all requirement needed to convert my HD2 to android..after selecting typoon zip file, my phone only shown android images and freeze indication of loading as shown in ur video..does my installation goes wrong?i select EXT partition 1024mb for my SD Card..really need ur help here..thanks
Try to restart your phone. TyphooN ROM has issue sometime during first boot. If still cannot, try out other Android ROM.
thanks…i already run my HTC HD2 with TyphooN ROM – 2.3.7 Gingerbread.. it run smoothly..and i wonder can my HTC HD2 run Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0?can u guide me how..thanks very much…
Can but ICS is not so stable compare to Gingerbread.
thanks a lot jayce
i had install ics successfully with you help..but the problem i am facing is flash light not working
and camera and gallery getting hang again n again
can u help me with tht
but rest is beautiful and really the worst hd2 becomes so handy now.
This are ICS ROM issues. What you can do is upgrade to the latest ICS version. Or try stable Gingerbread ROM.
thanks for replying jayce,
ok can u send the link for upgraded latest ics version
and also the best suited gingerbread Rom for t-mobile hd2
dear jayce,what is jailbreak?is it an apps?and what is it functioning about?thanks….
Jailbreak is for iOS devices like iPhone and iPad.
dear jayce, just to ask u some favor.. did the HTC HD2 now can run other android system except Gingerbread with smooth operation?honeycomb?ics? and did u have the ROM mention? thanks..
There is ICS ROM for HTC HD2 now. But Gingerbread is still better (for me).
why when i click 8. AD Recovery to make EXT3 partition on SD card error will come out,
saying ERROR CANNOT READ RAMDISK IMAGE…pls. help if you dont mind..Thanks
Hmm… Not sure about that. Did you install CWM properly?
hi jayce
i have install
NexusHD2-ICS-4.0.3-CM9 V1.3 to HD2 sucessfully
camera and everything working fine
but in setting there are so many option where can i get a guide for tht
hi, im trying the same rom.
barcode reader, viber are not working well…
do not install soft keys if you want to install papago…
You need to Google for Android 4.0 guide then. I don’t have it yet.
i go to 8 ad recovery but is saying no boot source ?can you help?
Did you install CWM v1.3?
you wassup bro .. I have 2 question to ask..
1st – are you from penang?? lolz just curious..
2nd – I’ve done all the following step except the last part partition sd. i was able to load to CWM and flash a ROM ( from miui official ) but after successfully flashed it doesnt boot and stuck at HTC logo as long as i can remember.. any advice?? or should i try your JW MIUI ROM?
Thanks a bunch man! love your site ; )
– How to Install HSPL4 on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to Install Custom Radio v2.15 ROM on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to Install MAGLDR v1.13 on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 on HTC HD2? (Video)
– How to create EXT3 partition on SD card with ClockworkMod Recovery? (Video)
1. No, but near.
2. Try to wipe data and cache in CWM. Then install MIUI ROM again. If still cannot, try other Android ROM.
i hv done all the step from the guide…. the phone reboot n show the htc logo with a human face logo then htc green logo n hang…. please advice…..
i successfully using android now…. but now i hv another pro…. i hv a low internal storage pro…. only 148kb available….. but i not yet install anything yet….
Which Android ROM and how much CWM layout size did you install?
i install the rom with clockworkmod and when it reboots it reboots to the magldr not the rom ?? i have clockworkmod1.13 installed magldr v1.13…can u please help me with this ?….thx
the rom is TyphooN_CM7_v3.7.0-cLK
You need CWM type of ROM. cLK ROM can’t use with my method here.
so where i can find this type of roms? and i need it cyanogen mod as its the only rom reads arabic language
The link is in the article.
hi jayce
i am about to put one of these android roms on my htc hd2 but every multiupload etc… link i find has been removed, i want to put the on my phone but the link doesnt work.
the only roms i managed to download are:
hyperdroid cm7 madmamba v5.7.0 magdlr
which one of these do you think i should try
(great site by the way, shame about the android links)
Try the latest one.
Hi I Cannot install Clockwork Recovery At the moment because i have the amagldr v1.11 how can i upgrade that please thanks to v1.13 since i cannot get into wm6.5 to do it through the pc??
Please follow the guide to install. No need Windows Mobile at all.
hi jayce,
i am using htc hd2 currently running on android 2.2… and i want to upgrade it. i am thinking to install cyanogenmod 7.1.0. And pls suggest me a best ROM for my phone.. and while installing process is it neccessary to create EXT3 partition because i will be changing memory card. and what wil happen if i restart the phone without SD card after installing? pls help me
Please refer to the top Android ROM link. Get the latest build from XDA website. EXT3 partition is a must if you plan to use A2SD+ feature. Android OS will still load but apps in SD card are not if SD card is not inserted.
i am new to this android things.. what exactly is this A2SD+ feature? in the installation process if i create a 1gb partition, will it is possible to extend it to higher partition?
Read CWM guide.
is it possible to create the EXT3 partition after installation process at the time i need..?
No, need to create it before Android ROM installation. Else Android ROM won’t use it.
which clockworkmod partition should i use?
150MB for CM7.
hai jayce..
i completed installing MAGLDR v1.13.. but as it is written my phones OS(android 2.2) didnt get deleted at all. still i can boot to android 2.2.. is this any pro or can i continue to next step
Should be no issue.
thanks a lot man… best site.. i finally installed android 2.3.7.. thanks a lot
hai Jayces.. I had installed android 2.3.7 on my HTC hd2. but at first time I installed I was not at all able to charge the battery with the 6 percent battery left I somehow managed to reinstall the android and then at first the battery didn’t went down to 1%, and then finally started charging.. after it got recharged to around 40% I reinstalled the android again but then I am facing pro abt setup I.e., the first thing to set up an
Google account right after signing in with my account, the market app gets on and a pop up window appears, I clicked okay and then downloaded gmail app from market, after that the screen again went back to setup and then force closes.. please help me man I am getting totally mad. plz reply fast as possible.
You need to wipe data and cache in CWM if system is not stable. Else change to other Android ROM.
thanks Jayce.. please suggest a best rom for my HTC hd2 phone and if possible give the link too.. now again I installed android after wiping data and cache still it had that SETUP pro but now it is charging.. and now I am thinking to change to another rom if I get any another problem. and I heard a rom called honeycomb. is it good for my mobile. please help me with this.. all I would bother is about performance not the looks. please suggest one.
The best ROM is the TOP ROM page. Honeycomb is not for phone.
hai jayce
which is the latest version of android for HTC hd2.? is cyanogenmod 7.1 is nothing but android 2.3.7.. I got totally confused in this.. I have installed ROM present in this page.. is this is cyanogenmod 7.1.0.. which is the latest version of cyanogenmod for HTC hd2
Android 4.0.3 CM9 is the latest version for HTC HD2.
is cm9 android 4.0.3 ICS stable?
For me, not yet 100% stable.
hi jayce..
pls help me i am in bring trouble. i installed android 2.3.7 in my htc hd2. after three days i installed “market enabler” from android market(google play now right) to get paid apps but when i went to download a paid app “titanium back up pro key” an error occured saying “ force close”. i cleared data and cache and reinstalled android but then too i am getting the same error.. what should i do now.. and the memory card which i partitioned to 1024MB, i kept in my system and the system showed 6.44gb of free space and i tried to format it but a error reproted saying that windows is unable to format.. and so then i kept memory card in my phone and i again did partitioned to 1024MB and then i kept it in my system but now it showing 7.40 of free space. i dont know what happened.. actually it is an 8gb memory card. now what shall i do? pls tell me..
The Android ROM that you are using might not able to support latest Google Play. Change to a new ROM that support it.
Dear Jayce:
I reconsidered, I think it is better if i do a nand version sd on the phone with the cw7, I found a TyphooN_CM7_v3.8.0-MAGLDR on the xda site, do you think with my t-mobile HTC HD2 where I already got the spl2.08-HSPL, and the 3.14 t-mobile rom raido, can i still follow the instructions from this website, and i have a sd card of 8GB, this will work perfectly if i follow the instructions here rite? THaank you very much for your time!! Thanks a lot for this post!!!
Yes, the installation should be the same for NAND MAGLDR build.
hello Jayce: urgent problem, I followed every single step the same way it was on the instruction, but during the step where i need to get the ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 i used 400mb instead of a 150mb, But i htought it will be ok, and I continued to the instruciton on this website, at the end I do see the android animation, but ia hve been waiting for 40 mins, but nothing happens, I try to go back to the step with the clockworkmod recovery to get the 150 mb one, but it doesnt let me shut off the phone, I go back to the tri-color screen to use the RUU from the MAGLDR v1.13, i thought i could start over by doing that, but after i redo the RUU from the MAGLDR v1.13, it just loads back to the white android animation waht should i do now??? Please help me! thank you very much!!!
Reinstall 150MB CWM.
I waited 50 mins for the white android animation to finish, but nothing happend, and i shut off the phone and turn on and it does load to DFT MAGLDR Bootloader but, it jsut goes to “123456,GO GO GO!” and the android animation starts again, i cant install the 150 CWM if i cant load to bootloader, what did i do wrong, or there is another way i can get to install the 150MB cwm? thanks in advance, I was really worreid thanks a lot!
Please refer to CWM installation guide.
Thank you very much!!! I got it to work, but the cm7 rom I installed freezes quite often when i use the camera or the pudding camera app from android market any solustions to that? or any other rom that could be compatible with almost everything? thank you very much for the information It helps a lot!! thank you!
This should be ROM issue. I can’t help much. Try the latest build from XDA website. They should be better.
thank you very much, I finally get to have the android, everything works perfectly except the camera and it freezes a few times and just turn off on its own. but i still like it. I HAVE two questions: 1. how do i turn it off with the normal way. 2. is there other stable rom that doesnt freeze and quit on its own? thank you very much!!!
1. Turn off what?
2. Most of the ROMs that I tested here are stable. You can try them.
Hi Jayce!
Thank you very much for your step-by-step tutorial on installing android on HTC HD2!
It was really easy and smooth! Now I have a whole new experience with my phone.
Best regards!
Peter (Slovakia)
🙁 hey i think i bricked my phone because of magldr i went to cmw to flash a rom but it sed boot source not found so i downloaded hd2 toolkit and tried to update magdlr but it just froze when it went to the black screen and then i tried downloading clr (similar to magdlr) but then it was successful then when i turned on phone just white screen with htc can u help me plz
Hi Hwa, can you still load tri colour bootloader?
i have android 2.2 and my battery never lasts ,since i have to be up by 6am i listen to music on my way to school and battery goes down and does the clockworlmod recovery battery never goes down like android 2.2? and my android thing is whenever i turn my off it goes back to htc hd2 mode and i have to re-install it to android by going to my SD card and restarting it but the my question is if i download this to my htc will i be able to sends it back to htc or not ? please answer this when you get it !
Hi kadiatou, this is NAND Android. It replaces Windows Mobile. Yes, you still can revert back to WinMo if you want. Please refer to this guide.
and will the battery lasts long with clockworldmod?
Better than SD build.
Dear Jayce,
Use volume down button to go down to 8. AD Recovery.
But “AD Recovery” not shown in MAGLDR………….
Pls. help me.
Hi Farid, which version of MAGLDR did you install?
I Installed “DFT_LEO_MAGLDR111.rar” And then Installed Android
“JawsMIUIrec1.0.7z” and it is ok. But I want to another android version
that is why i’m asking about “AD recovery” not found in MAGLDR. Can I
install another MAGLDR. Now i used JawsMIUI android in my HTC HD2.
Waiting for your nice reply.
Yes, you can install newer version of MAGLDR. But it will delete your existing Android OS.
Thanks for your reply. How can i remove Existing android ? Can you give me Link. and pls. also can i getting newer version of MAGLDR link ?
Just install a new Android OS to replace the existing one. MAGLDR v1.13 is in this article.
Please take time to study my guides…
hi question the file rom I download,there still a file need to extract,do i need it to extract or not? plss help 🙂
No need to extract if in zip format already. Please take time to study the guides.
I have hd2 with rom 3.14, radio 2.15, and spl 3.03
i want to make my phone running android.
what should i do sir? give steps. I have followed ur steps given above but confused. give some idea.
Hi Imran, please take your time to study my guides. All the info are there.
here i am again jayce ;D i did all five steps before, everything look normal, but when i’m trying to do this “How to Install CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2? (Video)” i don’t have this file on my screen. shoud i put in storage card manualy?
ok jayce ;D i got it, but it seems to me that when i shut down, and turn on manualy it shows that “DOS” (like in PC) that black screen, is it normal? btw, THANKS A LOT. yr page is the best 4 donkeys like i am ;D first time do this, and made it. see u soon :DD
Did you install Android ROM already?
yeah, everything works.
hi Jayce
All my respect for your work.grate! i got a problem.i followed all steps…but most of roms dosnt start,remain stuck on animation for hours.when finaly i found this who work, told me “No sim card”.what can i do? please help me.I tryed all kind of roms since 3 days ago. Thx
Sorry Denis, not sure what wrong with no SIM card issue. Try other SIM card see.
Problem solved.:D thx for your guide.Very usefull! Android rulez:))
hi, i followed all the steps but now im stuck in a boot loop. i went back and deleted all the data and cache but my hd2 is still boot looping. what do i do to fix this. thanks -JJC
Hi jazmen, which Android ROM did you install?
i downloaded your MIUI Android 2.3.5 NAND A2SD+ Zip ROM for HTC HD2 file and followed these instructions. it successfully installed but my htc hd2 keeps boot looping (like it starts up and goes to the htc logo and reboots over and over again)
Hi jazmen, try to wipe data and cache in CWM.
i tried to wipe the data and cache but its still boot looping, what now?
Then you might not install Android ROM properly. Try to reinstall again. Or try other Android ROM.
how do i reinstall?
Install like the way you installed previously.
sir but on holding power button magldr is not loading na…..!!!
Hi shubham, do you have MAGLDR installed?
“CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2” video is shown. But software is where ? Pls. pls. send me a link, thats why i can download.
Looking forward.
Hi Farid, Android ROM download link is in the post.
Dear Jayce,
I didn’t find the download link. Sorry.. Can you provide me a link?
Dear jayce..
kindly help and assist me how restock rom (window mobile) into my HD2.. latelty my HTC HD2 hang too long and cannot loading magldr..then i try to install back the leoimg.nbh rom into the phone.on the first place, the display show loading, then it stucked (update fail) on Radio.. extremely need ur help…thank you so much..
Hi aRiff, are you using the correct region Windows Mobile ROM for your HTC HD2?
Hi jayce, thanks for not sure which region i download the ROM.. can u provide the correct link to get the ROM..really need ur help..thanks you so much..
Hi aRiff, please consult HTC Support then. They can help you on this.
Dear Jayce, i had managed to reinstall the HSPL4 and hacked again my HD2..then i try to install radio with image version into my HD2.. the ROM updating run up to 100%, but at the end it said that ERROR [290] : INVALID COMMAND – This Update Utility cannot be used for your PDA Phone. Please check your Update Utility.. can u guide me to settle this problem..thanks
Hi aRiff, make sure that you have SPL-2.08.HSPL installed. Then try to reinstall radio ROM again.
Hi Jayce, i already installed the HSPL.. the screen shown 4 colour (Red,Green,Blue and White). the text shown:
PB81100 HX-BC
CotullaHSPL 0x50
then, i try to install the Radio ROM Radio_2_12_50_02_2 which is the Leo_radio.nbh rename to RUU_Signed.nbh
after installation complete to 100%, the screen back to normal ( shown 4 colour (Red,Green,Blue and White).
the computer screen shown: ERROR [290] : INVALID COMMAND – This Update Utility cannot be used for your PDA Phone. Please check your Update Utility.
is there any missing part??? thanks
Process looks normal to me. You can try to continue to install MAGLDR.
hi jayce, i already install the MAGLDR.the screen shown:
Build: Feb 1 2011 03:46:07
by Cotulla 2011
then it hang on this page with some vibrate..i cannot perform CWM Recovery..
Hmm… Sorry aRiff, I ran out of idea for the moment. Try to consult others at XDA website. Will update you if I come out of something.
dear jayce,did u find any solution on my matter..really need ur help here…thanks
Dear Jayce, How to install CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2, which allready has NexusHD2 system?
Thank you!
This is CWM NAND Android installation guide. You can install any NAND Android ROM (CWM format) that you prefer with this guide.
hello jayce, can you please help me? i followed your steps, but now my phone remains at black screen with htc green logo, and doesnt go any further, please help me thnx ~~
Hi vincent, which Android ROM did you install?
Hi Jaycee, 1st of all, thank you for your great blog. i wish to check with you about the stability of the Android 2.3.7 CM7 NAND A2SD+ Zip ROM. is it the rom in your hd2? if yes, so far, any crashes and bugs for your daily usage?
Thank you for your feedback.
I tried that ROM long time ago. So far so good. Now it is loaded with MIUI ROM.
please tell me , I have windows mobile 6.5 system on my htc HD2 if I loaded android software like yours , can I return back to the original windows mobile if I wanted, thanks,
Yes, like this guide.
hi, i just instal the new rom, i followed at ur steps line by line and even btw lines 🙂
but am freezed with the small monsters (outlined in white) under which is writen ANDROID.
i’ve waited for more than half and hour, but still….
can u help me pls,
thx in advance.
waiting for a quick response.. 🙂
Hi zaky, which Android ROM did you install? And how much CWM layout size did you use?
yes Jayce,
i did install the which i dowload from ur site,
humm for cwm, it used 1024
i waited since this morning but it was still showinf the small monster.
humm i remove the battery and put it again, and switch it on and the mobile was oki,
am just trying it, hope no bugs will occur,
i will revert back to u, tonight,
thnk u in advance.
kind regards,
i did it successfully, and it is working great. thank you very much for giving such an easy guidance.
ok i flashed this rom to my htc hd2 and now all of sudden after like two my phone turns off without me turning it off and its full charged so what can i do to make it stop turning off.
Hi kadiatou, please consult ROM chef on this issue.
how do i do that?
Ask him at XDA website.
hi jayce im back to my hd2 again i wajt to try ics on it but when im on boot menu on mgdlr im on no 8 ad recovery it says eror its color red i cant wipe and flash it i think its corupt maybe it will be good if i will reset the data if i do it will i start all over again? even i try to 2 3 error is coming out
im using hyper droid its good but my gf think its slow hihihi and did not partition it before may thats why the internal memory is full …
Hi rich, try to reinstall CWM again.
hi jayce i try to install cwm but my laptop are not reading it my 2 lptops are not responding to mgdlr what do you think is th solution do i need to install on my laptop ?
Hi rich, make sure that you have Windows Mobile Device Center installed on Windows Vista / Windows 7 or ActiveSync installed on Windows XP.
hey jayce is the android animation suppose to show on the first time boot?? mine took more than 30 minutes and never started plus i did not see the animation as i saw in your video, any ideas?? thanks in advance.
oops sorry problem solved just took the battery out and restarted the phone everything works great thank you
your new rom works so amazingly…thanks jAYCE
Hi Jayce,
I bought a new SD card (samsung 32gb) but when I put the zip-file on the card and put the card in my phone and click install zip file from sd. he says there is no file on my card.
can u help me?
groeten uit nederland
Hi Nobody, is the zip okay (not corrupted)?
U SAID: “first of all, copy the Android ROM zip file that you want to install into SD card (use SD card reader or MassStg in MAGLDR”
Dont Need To extract It to p.c????
if i copy this zip file before clockwork mode, will it l be deleted??
No need to extract.
Copy after installed all other stuffs.
hi jayce..
to which folder i should copy the zip file of sd card???
can i copy directly to sd card(storagecard/tytung
Yes, to root level.
What You Mean By Root Level???
Im Confused…. !!
Please Solve This Too!!!
Root == without any folder (/sdcard/).
thanks jayceee thanks allooooot!!!!!!!
i had done all the steps but i get the android logo then the phone just freezes
i have waited for an hour and tried to reboot it still the same-thing over and ever again
so please tell me what can i do now
i cant accesses the windows OS or the android OS i am just stuck
help plz
Hi angelus, what had you installed so far? And which Android ROM did you install?
hi Jayce, I am trying to find TyphooN_CM7_v3.5.4-MAGLDR. But i cudnt seek it instead of that i found TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 v3.6.8. Are both of these are same.
v3.6.8 is the newer version.
awesome work Jayce, this guide worked perfectly.
I followed your guide and installed magldr and cwm successfully but after i flash a rom and reboot i keep getting boot loops. I have tried about 5 different roms (which include paranoidandroid, cm9, and miui 4) but with all these roms i get the same problem. Any idea’s on how i can fix this?
Hi John, did you wipe data and cache before install new Android ROM?
yes i did. I just tried a miui gingerbread rom and it worked. but the other roms still do not work. I would like to put an ics rom on my phone
You need to install the correct CWM layout size for each ROM. Else it will hang during boot up.
Thanks Jayce, the CWM layout size was the problem. Thanks for all your great work and the simple, clear guides.
Hi dude i installed on my htc hd2 it works very well & with good battery life but only one thing i want to know that i can’t access my sim card contact numbers.Please tell me how can i find my sim contact numbers on htc hd2
Hi sheikh, try to play around Phone – Contacts setting.
hi there,first of all i want to thank you for your great effort…i did everything as shown here but after i rebooted my phon it just got stuck with the andriod logo more than 20 minutes..i’m starting to panic XD
I created 1024M EXT3 partition size on my SD card, and as far as i knew reading the comments,its something with the partition size..well how can i get out from the rebooting process so i can choose a new partition size?
okay thanx i panicked and removed the battery and it went to the 2nd phase of the reboot XD i’ll inform you if anything happens WaHAHAHA
Hi, I am using a 8 GB SD Card. What is the recommended size for my ext3 partition? I´ll install apps like games.
1GB or 4GB. Up to your own usage need.
After copying the zip file toSD card and choosing AD Recovery there is a message (NO boot sources)
What shall I do to avoid this error?
Hi Hany, did you install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3?
I have a problem with my applications. I have them all instaled at my sd card, but i had to delete all the data from sd card so u backuped it at my laptop and then after the instalation of android it dont see them, but i have them instaled on my sd card, what can i do, my android don’t see them. Thanks for help!
Hi wojciech, you need to use Titanium Backup to backup applications. Can’t just copy from SD card to PC.
hi jayce, ive have install this since 6 month so far, and am seeing that my htc HD 2 is working a bit slower nowadays, humm i was asking if there is not another way of installing the android, instead of installing it on my SD. Is there no other version to install like directly on the mobile instead of installing it on the SD,
It also takes time to boot, like 3-4min, please help.
thank u in advance,
This is the NAND version which install on internal memory.
i have htc hd2 with installed android OS 2.3.7 but now that has been corupted can i install it again ? and how can i insyall it ? plz ans me fast
problems in old android OS:
imges are not shown in gallery
google play i not opening
notifications are not shown
please give me some solution 🙁
Hi Sidddra, just factory reset it will do.
it does not work 🙁
please give me another solution 🙁
You need to factory reset. Then reinstall Android ROM again.
Hi Jayce,
Today suddenly my HTC HD2 WM6.5 turned to arabic, all my phone contacts were not visble. And after a while it just keep flashing the white HTC screen. I tried a soft reset but didnt help. I have removed the battery and kept aside the phone to try after some time. Any chance the contacts will still be there in the phone or any ways to get these contacts ??
I also was planning to switch over to Android and had downloaded all above prerequisites in above message. So b4 starting out i wanted to confirm if the above version is stable or there are any better and more stable versions which can be used ?
Await your soonest reply
Thx / Dollar
Hi Dollar, please consult HTC Support on this Arabic issue. I have no idea at all. Sorry…
Yes, you can try the latest Android ROM like this one.
Also what if my phone still runs in Arabic ? will it hinder the android installation as above ?
No issue if it is running Arabic version. You can install Android ROM once you have all the prerequisites.
I cant enter into DFT MAGLDR Bootloader after I power my phone without letting go the powerbotton
Hi Abraham, did you install MAGLDR?
Yes I installed it and I had a white screen with the HTC logo
Hi Abraham, do yo have SPL-2.08.HSPL and Radio that support 576 MB RAM?
I have SPL-2.08. HSPL and the Radio version is
Hi Abraham, you should be able to load MAGLDR then. Try to reinstall it see.
I have re-installedf it but still have the same problem
Sorry Abraham, I have no idea then.
hi jayce,
thx a lot 4 guide…
i installed miui rom succesfuly.
i wnt 2 chnge it 2 typhoon.
cn u plz guide me.
thx a lot…
Hi bhasker, just factory reset. Then install new Android ROM.
N how to do the factory reset??
Hi bhasker, please take your time to study my guides here. 🙂
M rely sry 2 bug u wth sily q..
i tried soft reset it ddnt wrk.
i wnt 2 chng d rom frm miui 2 typhoon.
n ur guids r awsm..
i hv bn srchng 4 ths all ovr.
thx a lot man….
I studid d guid.
My pro s whnvr m strtng d phon its loadng miui.
hw 2 gt d dft magldr bootldr screen.
i tried re-installing dft magldr. thts als nt wrkng 🙁
thx 4 d prompt reply
i mean hard reset or softz(setting-data bkup-factry data reset)
If hrd thn plz gv d key combintn als.
Hola amigos alguien sabe como instalar Android en Aspen m1a esque esta con windows mobile 6.5 y no puedo instalarle muchas aplicaciones
Sorry Santiago, no.
download and how can install
Hi baryali, please take your time to study the installation guide.
I have installed ice cream android on my HTC HD2 but when i finished the installation,the phone can’t boot
Hi Richmond, can’t power on at all?
Hi Jayce!
I recently got myself an HTC HD2 (512Mb) version. Now I’m wondering, how would i know which rom is made for my International version of the phone, since there are different roms? What is the most easiest way to install custom android rom to my HD2? Do I have to partition my phone’s internal memory again every time I want to install different rom and how can I check what partitions there are now (since I didn’t made them myself)?
Check about phone in settings. Follow this guide. Depend. Just overwrite it with new partition, easier.
hi jayce i install wp7 and the sd card is not working too i don’t know wht to do anymore and i just bought the phone not quiet long brown new and everything was working…is their no body that can help me fix this problem of sd….i’m sure it’s not hardware cos the first time i install android 2.2 it was working…..and later it stop…… it can’t mount sd card and i don’t know why……please someone should help me…!
Restore back to Windows Mobile 6.5 as I told you previously.
please how do i do that??cos i didn’t do any back up before installin andriod 2.2!please help me thanks alot.
Please refer to the guide that I sent you previously.
I want to ask u, do we HAVE to Delete Win6.5 when we boot this 🙂
Yes Kirov. It replaces existing WinMo.
and my second question is.. i may see that i have the FroYo Android 2.2 is the same ROM’s and stuffs .. i mean can i JUST INSTALL or shoud i have to do other things first
Thank u :}
Depend on the type of Android ROM that you install. NAND build and SD build are different.
why do we have to delete win6.5 is there any chance that we save it or .. tell me how to get back to win when we want?